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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

So... Masking? ♾

Hi. I’m back with another post- not a poem this time.

So, about the previous post... 

It was a poem I just wrote on the spot. Yeah, I did that again. 

I wrote it to comfort myself. It’s a comforting writing piece. And like the rest of my creative writing, it’s about a topic very personal to me. 

Which brings me to this: 

So... Masking? What did I exactly mean by that? 

I found an in-depth article (academic journal?) that explains it. Masking information 

It is a behavior (set of behaviors) that neurodivergent people engage in. 

In my case, I was intending my poem/writing piece to be about autism more than anything else. 

And that brings me to this: 

Hi, I’m called Cutepups or Shan on here. I haven’t been active on this blog in a while. So many things changed in my life over these past few months. 

Including figuring this out and getting diagnosed: 

Hi, I’m autistic. 

Turns out I have Autism Spectrum Disorder. 


So, that’s one thing. I could create more posts about other things that happened in my life this year.

Whenever I think about blogging now, I realize how open and public it is. It seems daunting to me, to tell you the truth. I don’t feel as impulsive to make posts about everything that happens in my life as I once did. Maybe you viewers don’t need to know everything about me. And that’s okay. 

That’s all I feel like saying for now. Bye. 

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mask (poem)

There is a certain sense of 
feeling disoriented in the disconcerting situation 
when your lines of reality and unreality become 
blurred so much that you realize that 
there were never solid lines in the first place.

There isn’t anything like 
staring at yourself in the mirror,
touching your face,
and finding out that 
what is staring back at you
turns out to not be your face 
but a superficial version of yourself. 

I wish it was straightforward—
the moment of realization when the mirrored face
turns from human skin to 
plastic, clay, wood— 
anything that’s not your skin,
but such a transformation never happens
since this isn’t a 
beautiful mess of a metamorphosis. 
There isn’t anything beautiful 
when you don’t know your true self anymore 
and all you know is suppressing and hiding 
who you really are 
in order to survive. 

There is no beauty in discovering that 
your face and reflection don’t match;
identity crisis rises in bile in your throat 
and you start questioning everything 
because you don’t know who you are anymore. 

This is an insidious type of mask 
that you could go years and years wearing 
without even knowing it,
and you don’t even receive a costume piece 
as a gift for finding out about your own mask 
because in the end, 
there is no mask.

This is ironic,
such a bad joke,
and you’ve got to be kidding me.

Finding out that I have a mask
which I can’t take off and use as a costume—
where is the silver lining?

But when you learn about your own mask,
you can’t go back,
so now you know better
since you know you have a mask,
and it’s better than being in the dark,
not knowing why you are the way you are.

There is nothing wrong with us
for being forced by society to wear masks 
in order to adapt, be accepted, and less ridiculed 
by the intimidating majority.

There is nothing shameful in
using survival tactics without being 
consciously aware of them 
since you’re so used to wearing your mask. 

But finding out that we’re not alone
and that a whole community is out there 
makes the future seem a little brighter
and worth taking those tentative steps out of the dark. 

We aren’t fake,
superficial versions of normal,
pathological liars
for wearing masks.

Know what it really is?
It’s something called