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Support Page

Self care resources can be found here, and I sometimes use the "Cutepups Support" tag for main posts.



  1. If anything u need a support page for yourself, all this info should only be helpfull to u, you seem disappointed all the time I wish I could help, but dk how?

    1. Oh, um, I guess I worded it wrong in my post. Sorry about that. I made this page so I could access my self-care (?) websites (like the ones under interactive) for myself, yes, but for others to access it too if they need any of this kind of help stuff as well.

    2. Oh,K. No need to apologize, I get it now :) Hope you're doing well:-P

    3. Oh okay cool. Yeah I've been feeling kinda better than I've had been in the past month, so I guess that's good. (well except that i'm tired and not looking forward to school at all even though i have a few weeks of summer left; procrastinating.. rip)
