Best Blogger Tips

Thursday, May 30, 2019

music instead of words (feelings edition)

Yeah, what the title says.

It's better than the other posts I've had in mind. [. . .]

Videos are from YouTube. As always.

Also, I don't think I ever mentioned on here that the cat family (momma cat and her kittens) in my garage left. They left after the weekend I went home and found them there. Oh and there were actually six kittens, not five.

lol that doesn't have to do with anything...
but I felt like telling you anyways.

I might make a post about death, suicide, and self-harm later (PleAsaNT tOPiCs //) if I still feel like it. Not purely fictional. Personal. About me. Like how this post is about me. Feelings and shit. Like how this blog is a damn journal of mine. So.. be aware of that.

Ok thanks bye.



One More Light~ Linkin Park

Invisible~ Linkin Park

Savior~ Thirty Seconds To Mars

Irrational~ Cavetown

Smoke Damage~ Hi I'm Case

I Can't Carry This Anymore~ Anson Seabra

Fade Away~ XAM

What If I Died Tomorrow~ About Last Night

Words Fail~ from Dear Evan Hansen

You Will Be Found~ from Dear Evan Hansen

... the soundtrack to this freaking play saved me from doing much worse things to myself so many times and still does ...


Breaking Point (Acoustic)~ Dead by April

Heavy / Numb / What I've Done / One More Light / In The End~ Future Sunsets, Grayson Dewolfe (multiple LP covers in one song ;-; <3)

Misery~ The Amity Affliction

All Fucked Up~ The Amity Affliction

Drag The Lake~ The Amity Affliction

Eat Your Heart Out~ Outline In Color 
(there's yelling/argument in the intro)



Wednesday, May 29, 2019

boop shwoop shnoop oops

I don’t feel like talking about my characters like that anymore. Well, ever since I published the last post. Heh. 

It’s May 29th. That means it’s been a month since I was at an airport and I flew by myself. 

It’s May 29th. That means it’s my parents’ wedding anniversary. I wasn’t going to add the word “wedding” at first, but I did it anyway. 

There’s a funeral in the morning. So.. there’s that too. 

She died the day after my birthday. Huh. Oh. :( 
(no, not anyone close-close) 

So many funerals. Lots of funerals. 

I could write a lengthy, depressing as hell speech now, but I’m not feeling up to it anymore. I spoke it in my head, but I don’t feel like writing it down.  

Oh and as for the title, it’s what I’m saying to Thelma as I’m petting her and booping her nose. She’s a sleepy kitty. :3

I found a typo in my last post. But I also don’t want to edit the post again. :T

Rant/Vent ahead:


Ok so. I, myself, personally, don’t have PTSD. So like, I’m so critical and down on myself for somehow ending up creating a story with most of my main characters having/likely going to have PTSD. I don’t even remember how I ended up where I am. 

But, dang...

I’m trying not to fall into using mental illness stereotypes into my writings. And it’s come to the point that what I hear people irl say.. well, it makes me feel defensive and annoyed as hell. 

So, this happened:

family member: being in that traffic caused me to have ptsd 
me, right after hearing that: *is so annoyed and fed up with people treating ptsd/anxiety/depression/mental illnesses/autism casually disrespectful, like I don’t even have ptsd and I’m probably not autistic myself but the comments said family member have recently said about those kinds of people make me feel a bad mood alright* 
other family member: *says like a joke* maybe we should get you some therapy 
my mind: absolutely loses it, omfg screw this family, fuck everyone, fuck this place, i swear to god—

notes- my memory is trash now, so I’m paraphrasing what I remember them saying. 

and here are some phrases I’ve found online:

• depression is more than just “sad”
• anxiety is more than just “fear”
• autism is more than just a stereotype 
• bipolar disorder is more than just “mood swings”

mental illnesses are complex and I don’t get why people can’t wrap their minds around that! people making jokes about mental illnesses and/or the symptoms that accompany them annoy me so fucking much!!! 

make a joke about ocd? fuck you. make a joke about ptsd/triggers? fuck you. think depression is just “feeling sad” and refuse to learn more? fuck you. only think people count as autistic if they can’t function in their daily lives which leads to you dehumanizing people on the autism spectrum one way or another? fuck you. not thinking someone is serious when they tell you they’re suicidal and want to die because it must be a joke? fuck you. think social anxiety is the same thing as being shy? fuck you. ignoring when someone finally finds the courage to say right to your face that they believe they have depression and are suicidal and should get therapy and not doing anything to actually help your child? fuck you. Fuck You!! 

personal experience. heh eh..

I don’t tell my family anything. What’s the point? They downplay what I tell them. One family member that I directly talked to about my mental health shit (read above) and my romantic and sexual orientations completely forgot that whole long conversation we had. 

You promise you listen and care about me! But you don’t fucking listen! Important shit I tell you just flies out of your ears! 

I don’t even know how to even start a Serious Conversation About Myself with my family. 

Here’s something:

I am Not Straight. It still baffles me that people think I’m straight. Nothing about me is straight. 

I can’t grasp myself living in the future. I don’t experience romantic or sexual attraction. I don’t see myself as the type to get married (to a husband of course because gotta keep it straight of course *sighs*) and have my own kids. I’m so terrified of how I’ll live in the future and how I’ll survive on my own every damn day. 

I fucking told you to your face that I’m aro and ace! I hate (real-life) romance! I’m not the romantic or sexual type at all! 

Getting married isn’t on my bucket list! I’m going to die alone in the next five years or so by suicide because I’ve had suicidal ideation for literally years! g o d !!!!!!

I literally don’t deserve to live. I deserve to die. I deserve death. I HAVE TO DIE. 

Like no shit I’m not happy. I seriously have to die very fucking soon. I really don’t deserve to live. 


You say something like there’s no reason to live in the future if you don’t get married and have kids because then you’ll have nothing to live for? Fuck you to hell and back. (different family member). I still remember what you fucking said. Maybe that’s why I’m so uncomfortable and awkward around you. 

I’m aromantic. I’m asexual. Respect my identity or you’re dead to me. And would you look at that? You’re dead to me, family. 

And don’t get me started on gender stuff. I know for a fact that no one in my family is going to be willing to listen and understand, so I’m not going to bother ever bringing that up with them. 

Yes, I like to wear feminine clothes sometimes! Yes, I like the color pink! Yes, I like to wear dresses and skirts sometimes! I know that! 

But.. fuck.. I feel so disconnected from my body. These parts shouldn’t be here. I don’t want these. I Never wanted these. Being aware/remembering my chest will never be flat makes me feel like shit. I’ve never felt “connected to my womanhood” ever since I’ve hit puberty. I never “celebrated” from getting my period or for having boobs. If I could get rid of a body part, my reproductive organs (especially my uterus?) and boobs are on the top of my list. They don’t feel like they Belong to me. They don’t Belong here. They should Go. I’m annoyed so often that my chest can’t be flat. The only time it doesn’t bother me as much is when I’m in a dress. And I like dresses, actually. I never felt connected to being called a woman. Ha ha ha! What cis girl has stuff like this playing in her head? What girl thinks about this type of shit? I don’t fucking know. 

I hate having boobs. I hate even typing it out. I hate having a uterus and ovaries. I’m not that much of a fan of having a vagina either. I hate typing this out. Fuck.

I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it 

I hate having a body!!!!! 

Oh and I figured out why my birthday didn’t really feel like my birthday? I didn’t have a birthday cake. 

Everyone in my family didn’t bother to buy or bake a cake for my birthday. They all forgot. 

I’ve been looking forward all day to blowing out candles. I’m petty as hell. I’m still bitter over this. Well, if that isn’t obvious enough. 

And only my siblings gave me gifts. Something other than a card. Oh and my grandma too. 

And then there’s my mom. Who, for days ever since I came home, pestered me into buying her a Mother’s Day gift. (Well, more than one item, so gifts?). And I gave her the gift(s) she wanted and wouldn’t stop pestering me to buy her.

Yet you totally forgot to have a cake for my birthday when you know that’s the best part about my birthday for the past few years? 

Yeah, yeah. Just forget my birthday while you’re at it. I know you and the rest of the family fucking hate me and doesn’t genuinely care about me! Thanks for supporting my negative thoughts that I really believed were irrational, but apparently there’s some truth to them after all! 

When you realize that the truth is that no one honestly cares about you, that shit hurts. It hurts being the most forgetful person. Everyone ends up forgetting me. Even my own parents, apparently! 

And on top of all that bullshit, my mom has made it pretty clear that my brother is her favorite child. Who is the middle child. And whenever I bring this up to any friend irl, they downplay it/refuse to believe it. 

Oh, the middle child? That’s the ignored child, not the favorite one. And when I tell people about it in regards to my family, they don’t think it’s a thing that happens. Or it’s weird. Or that can’t happen. 

But I swear to god it’s happening here. 

Everyone I’ve discussed this with so far has only invalidated me. What the hell!!!

I know for a fact that she hates me and loves my brother a lot more than me. And for a while. For several months. At least. 

That shit fucking hurts!! 

I also feel like I can’t trust most people, if anyone, in my family with actually listening to me and treating me seriously. 

No shit I don’t tell you anything deeply personal and intimate about me. I have no right to trust you. You gave me no effort on why I shouldn’t Not trust you. 

You don’t deserve to know a thing about me. 

Beyond the surface level. Oh wait. You refuse to look at something that’s striking you in the face. 

Oh and on top of everything else I said, my mom loves to “play the victim” and purposefully guilt-trip the rest of my family over little things (some that happened months ago). 

It gets on my fucking nerves!!!!!



And part of my family is lowkey demonizing addicts and believe they don’t deserve love and shit like that. 

....... ....... ......... 

Fuck everyone and everything. Because my sex-averse, sex-repulsed ass is just that horny. 


boop shwoop shnoop 

bye. ///////// 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Unorganized List- story characters version

Hi. I'm here to make a "list" of my thoughts and such related to my characters in the big vague story project I ramble on about all the time. It's going to be long and messy.

I'm not feeling the best (far from it, actually) right now. Emotionally and physically.

Bear with me.
*grabs a teddy bear*

But before I begin, let me just say this. A ton of "sensitive topics" will be mentioned in this post. The story project is full of disturbing stuff. It's not a "light-hearted" story at all.

(oh and I'm not censoring myself either.)

A lot of fucked up shit happens in the story. Disturbing, fucked-up, shit. It's all fucked up. My brain is fucked up. I'm fucked up.


. . . . . . . .

[Warning for mentions of: symptoms of mental illnesses, self harm, torture, abuse (emotional/verbal, physical, sexual), assault (physical, sexual)... I hope that covers all of it.]


(this one isn't as bad)

The skits. I know I haven't written a new skit story in ages. I know. I'm annoyed about it too.

I guess you could say I don't have the will and motivation to create them. I have vague ideas for a few, sure, but I don't really see the point in continuing them.

So, uh, sorry..?

I don't really see the ages of my characters (and the gaps in ages between them) being depicted as accurate in my skits anymore. It's starting to feel like the ages of my characters in the skits is the opposite of what they are in the story. And it's just.. messing me up?

I can't figure out if Dawn is older or younger than Twinkle and Duke. I see Fierdan as being in his early 20s (22 years old, maybe). I mean story 1 Fierdan going well into story 2 Fierdan. Dawn, from the beginning, is around two years younger than Fierdan. Twinkle and Duke are 17-going-on-18 year olds. For some reason, I think it's important that at the beginning of story 1 they were high school students. And I'm only calling it "high school" because that's what that type of school is called in the US which is where I'm from. Which is, in other words, secondary school. I think that's what it's called (right?).

hmm mmmmmmmmmmmmfmfffffgghhfhhghh
... sorry, my mind glitched again.
hmmffhh :/


The settings of the stories (for story 1, then the one for story 2 and anything following that) aren't exactly.. anywhere in our world. Well, how it is currently.

The story takes place several decades in the future, actually. Which, honestly, is weird for even me to remember.

There are no various cultures and countries that exist like how they are today. I like to think of the story universe being kind of like an alternate Earth. It takes place on Earth, but it's not like "our Earth". But at the same time, it's not much different from the world we know.

........ never mind. I don't want to get into all that now.
sorry :c


Story 1 Fierdan (who I've dubbed "Cincernum Fierdan") is actually disturbing as hell. He's very far from being a "good guy" type of character.

..... wait, shit, hold on. I don't want to talk about that stuff I've said before and am refusing to say now--
(wait, what?)
physical physical physical stuff--

brain: error.


....... ok I'm back lol

For this list part, I meant to say that story 1 Fierdan looks disturbing as hell. That boy? He ain't looking too great, sunny. :/

Also, just like Duke, Cincernum Fierdan isn't completely human either. He.. uh.. has.... parts...... missing.

Geez ouch. That gotta hurt.

Story 1 Fierdan is disturbingly skinny (maybe due to the fact that he lacks organs..? (shit, what-)). I mean, like, he's not eating anything. He's barely alive. He's just.. fuck, man, idk what he is.

Like.. why do you think story 2 Danny/Fierdan is a combination of story 1 Fierdan and Duke. (AND Duke!!). They're both not whole complete humans.

.... damn. this shit is confusing as fuck.

Fierdan- Cincernum version has: skinny af body; long, tangled hair (but no beard? unrealistic, cutepups, #/blocked); pale af skin (but he's not fully white caucasian man, so stop spilling lies, cutepups :/); scratches and bruises are found on his body from himself and/or the Soulless "demonic bastard"; he is usually wearing a black blanket or cloak to hide how sad and unhealthy his true body from looks like; oh and he has dark/black fingernails and toenails that are probably pretty long.

Fierdan? Canon cryptid? Possibly!


For the past few days, I've been thinking about his and Duke's fingernails. And how I'm thinking of them as being black. And *sigh* no. I don't mean it like they put on black nail polish.

Like, idk, I think it makes sense that their nails would be black..?

Black goop is all around Cincernum. So, Fierdan, who "lives there" would probably have his nails look black because of that.

But apart from all, I think a result of being (severely) physically abused/tortured long enough would turn one's nails black..?

And would you look at that! Fierdan has been physically abused/tortured for long periods of time throughout his life! Including for years! Yeah, I said that- for years!


...... but I think (if it's something that can happen? idk) of having his nails turn back into the normal, natural nail color after spending time in a safer, less dangerous environment. *cough* story 2 *cough*

As for Duke, I think being tortured by Risak and Taurel would eventually result in his nails turning black. Because of the torture.

And hey, that could also be a side-effect of Duke losing his humanity and turning into a human-demon hybrid thing!

But, unlike a bunch of drawings of Duke I made, I don't actually see him having black nails before he got tortured/the heaviest amount of physical abuse he went through in his life (which did consist of that before the torture happened).

(tbh I'm hating how I'm phrasing everything in this post lol bye)

Look at my old art of Duke and Fierdan.

holy shit,, I hate all of these drawings!!! hahahahahahaaa


...... this doesn't have to do with anything. but fuck it-

I'm thinking of drawing myself a new profile picture. I don't even see Duke (I really just mean his hair lol) looking like my current profile pic (aka the 3rd pic of him here). Why did I think it was ever okay for me to draw his hair look so damn fake?! I really don't know. 


(omg finally- a new topic!)

So now I'm expecting you all to have a revised image of story 1 Fierdan in your minds due to the new information I have gave you all. >:)

So, ahem, with that in mind, think of this stuff too..........

I know I haven't written a new story chapter in literally forever, but bear with me. 

(.... pretend that I grabbed a teddy bear while I actually just felt like I threw up deep in my throat)
(fuck u cpups :/ i hate u)

In Chapter 76, I'm planning on writing Fierdan having (in graphic detail too) a panic attack. Like ok. It's not just gonna be something like "uwu owo Fierdan feels a little upset/nervous/scared/whatever tf else" ok no. Like +++ level panic/anxiety. 

It's hard for me to watch in my mind's imagination center. It's sad and horrifying to watch- says me, the creator of this story shitstorm. 

Fierdan.. fuck, he's such a tragic character. He's a sad character. I feel sad. :(

That other side of Fierdan- finally exposed! (ayy~)

... also, there would be lots of blood mentioned throughout that scene. and gore/body horror in general. lots of violent, fucked up shit. 

............. I then proceed to high-five Fierdan in solidarity of the intense feeling of guilt eating us alive from the inside out while at the same time drowning us in a bottomless black ocean of guilt...

:'-) :-) :-D :D :):):):):):

In the same chapter, Ryen loses his cool. I mean his composure. The other side of Ryen- exposed! He is a destructive man! 

Get it together, brothers! >:U

Ryen panics a great deal. He becomes angry boy. He might also have something like a panic attack (an anxiety attack?) but not to the extent of Fierdan's (who is actually going to have a full-blown panic attack).

........ wow lol I know what panic attacks and anxiety attacks are like and they definitely aren't fun :-(. It's not like "oh, I have a frighten!" or "fearfearfear" it's just our minds and emotions and our bodies in general fucking us over :-}. They're painful as shit. #/fuck-anxiety


The other things I warned about will be discussed in another post. 

I'll continue this shit later. 

lol, fuck everything, bye.


Monday, May 27, 2019

The Parents: Characters as Cartoon Avatars (not Twinkle's though)

I just did it. Yay.

I'm tired. Here ya go, folks.

The parents. From this game. I'm not including Twinkle's because I didn't create their avatars yet. Sorry.


Duke's father (aka "Eternal" bad dad):

I'm taking the pictures with my phone camera, and it keeps on making their skins (that sounds ominous lmao) appear lighter than how they look in-game. 


... wait a sec. Why does he look like a waiter at a fancy restaurant? what the heck-

He (and Calliah) drank alcohol quite often, so I made him hold a glass of wine. I made him do it. 

Not sure why I chose that background. It's a sky background. Ok..

The failed family- Duke version:

lmao yikes 

*cough, cough, cough* ... that be me irl. coughing.

my throat hurts a little. :c
and I'm coughing. :c

And as a reminder or something, here's the other Failed Family TM. (big big yikes indeed):

The parents of Ryen and Fierdan:

And, of course, it's them boys (owo):
I love these avatars of Ryen and Fierdan. I love Danny boy (Fierdan *cough*) so much. He looks so cute. I'm proud of my extremely problematic sons. :')

... oh you know what-

The solidarity between the fathers is that they both neglected their children. No emotional support for healthy growth, healthy mindset, healthy development whatsoever. Haha nope! They didn't care for Fierdan or Duke at all! Z treated Ryen a little better than Fierdan when they were kids, but he didn't have it that great growing up with Z shit man either.

I'll grade them an F for parenting. Less than 0%. Negative *insert a big number here*. 


It's time for Dawn's parents! 

Dawn's father. He was the first parent (out of these avatars I made) to die. He was a good dad, actually. Unfortunately, Dawn has no memories (and isn't able to get back) of the time she spent with him. This guy right here is so good. Want to know why Z is shit? He hated Dawn's dad. He (I'm referring to Z now) wanted this man to die. He eventually set up some plans that I don't understand myself to get him killed. 

But why did Z hate this genuinely nice guy so much? Well, because... 

(spoilersspoilersspoilers ignoremyinitialstoryplansokthxbye)

It turns out that...
... she was also Dawn's mother. 

.......... brief height talk now. 

C (aka their mom) was much shorter than Z. Fierdan (adult version, obviously, but this also counts for the majority of his teen years) is also several inches taller than her. (and like I said in the last post, Ryen is taller than all of them.)

Meanwhile, Dawn's dad was around the same height, maybe even shorter, than C. He didn't have a conventionally attractive body like Z. (society's standards *smh*). 

Dawn's dad was a kind soul who understood that girls and women are people. #Respect-Women- get on his level, Z you scumbag! >:U

Here's the family that ended tragically all together again! (yay):

;-; </3 it's so sad,,

........... more height talk. and other stuff.

Duke's dad was a little shorter than Z. Calliah is taller than C.

Also, I guess I should add that when Dawn first met Ryen and Fierdan, they (the boys) haven't seen their mother for at least two years. And by the time Dawn meets them, she's an orphan. In other words, her dad and their mom are dead by then. So.. *nods sadly* yeah. Dawn, of course, didn't, and still doesn't, know the details that led to their deaths or how they died.

I changed my mind. As of now, I'm thinking of Fierdan being around/almost two years older than Dawn. And Ryen is four, maybe five, years older than Fierdan. 

This might get confusing. Hold on. Ok so.. as little kids, Danny (aka Pre-Fierdan) had less memories of their mom than Dawn did. He didn't grow up with his mother, so he didn't know her in-person at all. Not having a mother figure in his life obviously messed him up a whole damn lot. The same could be said about Ryen, but to a lesser extent because he got to know their mom for a few years unlike Daniel (#/Fierdan and his many names signals his lack of true identity).

For the first five years of Dawn's life, she lived with both of her parents. They both treated her well. Well, apart from the fact that C never told Dawn about Ryen and Danny. So when Dawn and Pre-Fierdan hung out together as kids, she would sometimes talk about her (their) mom and what she did (for Dawn). Back then, Dawn remembered her parents and had good memories associated with them. 

Meanwhile in current story time, Dawn can't remember her parents at all. The memories of the time she spent with them are erased from her memory. So (tragically :c) Dawn doesn't know anything about her parents. She doesn't know what they were like in-person. So I guess you could say that Dawn and Fierdan don't know their mom on an equal level of nothing. 

....... on another note? (*sensitive-ish content mentioned?*)

Dawn repressed part of her past. She has repressed memories. This counts for the current story time. 

Because of Z (tHAnKs, Z /sarcasm), Ryen, Fierdan, and Dawn suffer from trauma. They're traumatized kids. 

As a way to cope with *insert traumatizing event* that Dawn went through, she repressed the memories of that event. As a result of that, she also ended up losing memories of her parents. Because... wait idk why. uh.....

... Fierdan also has memories from several parts of his past erased. 

Oh, I should clarify that the memories they don't have anymore aren't only related to their traumas. Or.. anything related to violence in general, actually. 

Sometimes you just lose memories not related to anything else. There's no logic in the brain zone.

.... also, they're traumatized kids. trauma and those memory gaps. huh-

........... they all have PTSD. Fierdan has it. Dawn and Ryen also have it. 


Unlike the other two, I'm pretty sure that Fierdan more specifically has C-PTSD. I don't know if Ryen and Dawn also do. They might, but eh.. Fierdan went through a lot more shit (and story 2+ version of him also has Duke's memories, in the mental and physical senses). 

LiGhT-HeArTeD sToRy !!!!1!!1!!!1 
yeah, No.


...... oops, my computer has low battery again. 

It's Memorial Day (USA) and my dad's birthday. 

Yeah, that's it for this post.

(I apologize in advance for any possible typos/grammatical errors in my recent posts, including this one.)

Saturday, May 25, 2019

insert title here. also heights

What a title! 

I’m gonna make this quick. 

Gotta go fast! 


I read your comments. Thanks! I appreciate them. :) 

I can read and publish them on mobile, but I can’t comment (signed in) on mobile (because Blogger Blogspot is cursed @ me). 

And now my computer has to be charged. But it’s late. I’m not doing that now. I’m on my phone. 

I’m busy today. So I won’t be able to go on my computer until later. 

So yeah. Just saying. I read your comments, and I’m thanking you for your birthday messages. I will get back to you. Soon. At some time. Uh ok so yeah. 

Today’s NYC day, baby! uwu 

... umm, what the —

It’s Fierdan and fam time, babes! XD 

... wait, what the —

Yes. It is. Deal with it. 

(I am very, very tired. But I must post. Now!) 


Some heights and stuff. Consider it. 

It might just be me, but the cartoon avatars thing makes my Z avatar look short. But.. he ain’t short. 

Z (aka the terrible father of Ryen and Fierdan) is around 6 feet tall. 

Ryen is a few inches taller than Z. I mean.. when Ryen’s an adult. Duh. 

Fierdan is the shortest out of the three. I’m still not set on his (or any of theirs, tbh) height, though I’m thinking of his being anywhere between and including 5’9” and 5’10”. (oh wow, what a gap. pfft lol)

Meanwhile, I’m thinking of Duke’s height being either 5’7” or 5’8”. So yes, Fierdan is a little taller than Duke. Because that’s how I imagine them looking. 

Ryen and Fierdan’s mother is/was shorter than their adult heights. 

Oh and I’m thinking of J___’s height being 5’10” or 5’11”. 

Height comparisons- yay! ;D 

• 6’ = 72 in. = 182.88 cm. 
• 5’9” = 69 in. = 175.26 cm.
• 5’10” = 70 in. = 177.8 cm. 
• 5’11” = 71 in. = 180.34 cm. 
• 5’7” = 67 in. = 170.18 cm. 
• 5’8” = 68 in. = 172.72 cm.

I included conversions this time. You’re welcome. 

Like yeah, I think of Fierdan as being tall. But not tall-tall. You know? He’s a few inches shorter than Ryen and Z. 

I can’t see you as being 6 foot, sorry Fierdan my man. 

.... I’ll write more about Fierdan later. I have much to say about that one. 


Bye- for now! ;) 

(wink wonk)

Yeah. Bye. 

~ Cutepups 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

it’s my bday !!

I just checked the time and realized the day is almost over. Ah shoot. 

Well.. heck. Hello. 

It’s 5/22. May 22nd. That’s my birthday. 

“cutepups522” ... it’s a sign. 

I’m old. I turned 19. This is my last teen year. 

(Dang, Cutepups is old. Pfft.) 

So, uh, what did I do? 

(with my family. duh lol)
• went to the movies to see a movie (A Dog’s Journey) in the morning 
• (also with grandma) went out for lunch at a restaurant where we could eat outside because the weather was nice today 

that’s really it lol 

I’m way too tired these days. 

My nose hurts. It’s going against me (and on my birthday- how rude). It’s hard to breathe through my nose. I get nosebleeds way too frequently. It’s not just because of dry air and not drinking water. The air isn’t dry. I’m drinking water. My nose suddenly starts bleeding even when I don’t really touch it. It’s not about heights either because it also happens when I’m sitting outside on a nice sunny day and in car rides. So, to conclude, ??? aaaaahhhhhh—. 

My pets are all so good and so cute and so so valid. I love them all. 

Today didn’t really feel like my birthday. I didn’t feel like it was. I mean, today’s my birthday.. I guess? Sure. 

Oh haha, I love how I published the last post at 11:59. The last minute of the day. ...pfft.

I was looking at my birthday posts from 2016 and earlier. And I found out I didn’t make one in 2016. I tried to find it, but I couldn’t.

Anyway my point is that I don’t remember writing any of those posts. I don’t have any memories of writing any posts before 2017. My early posts, I swear, they look like another person wrote them. I don’t remember any of this lmao. 

2014 Cutepups? 2015 Cutepups? Most of 2016 Cutepups? Some 2017 Cutepups? Sadly even 2018 Cutepups? I don’t know them. 

me @ my old posts: I don’t remember writing this lmao 

But! I did vaguely remember my 17th and 18th birthday posts because I had my driver’s test for my 17th and made a post with songs in it, and I wrote a poem for my 18th due to being completely shocked that I lived long enough to turn 18. 

me realizing I’m a 19 year old who still uses this “blog”: yo, that’s wild. 




Now I can officially laugh at my long-lasting plans to make Fierdan be a 19 year old character. 


Me? The same age as story Fierdan? HUH??! No thanks. 

You know what? He’s really in the first half of his 20s. Before the age of 25. 

19 is too young for him. I have just decided. Why? Because I’m 19 now. 

yeah yeah yeah YEAH YEAH YEAH 


~ Cutepups 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

almost my bday, but ...

*types out the post title with the first thing I think of (that makes sense)* yeah.

Hi. It's almost my birthday. I'm getting old. Eww.

I was thinking of creating more cartoon avatars of my nameless story characters. But then I didn't do that.

I became too tired. I lack energy. I don't sleep. I feel dead.

I have barely enough energy to function like a human being. (ha ha ha ha ha ; help)

"Nameless characters" list:

- Dawn's father
- Cashier Girl No Lady (from the skits lol)
- Duke's father (I totally forgot about him in the other post lmao)
- exclusive story 2 white boy
- exclusive story 2 non-white non-boy (... ??)
- Duke's Help therapist person (from the skits lol)
- Ardere's father
- "Admiral"
shit, idk who else. lmao

.......... umm ok.

I'm too tired and dead to write it out in a fun hip new way, so I'm just gonna copy and paste what I said on my tumble rumble tumblr dot com posts.

............ yeet.


ok but seriously, my memory (episodic, i think it’s called?) has gotten pretty bad. it’s so hard to remember the details from a few months ago and most things that happened a few years ago except the bad stuff. everything i remember from a few years ago is all very vague (except the bad stuff since negative memories are easier to remember apparently). and i barely remember anything from my childhood (except bad/embarrassing memories). actually, i don’t think i remember anything before i was 15/16. 
and in a class i recently took, one of the classwork assignments was to remember “your favorite band when you were 15” or something like that. and i just couldn’t think of a single band i listened to back then. like i knew i must’ve listened to something, and i knew later on that i did listen to bands, but for a while then in class i couldn’t remember any. i was sitting next to a lot of girls who all said 1D so i could only think of that for the assignment even though i also knew i wasn’t really listening to them in 2015. like i think it’s messed up that i couldn’t think of a single band i listened to when i was 15. i swear i listened to a lot of bands that year.
my past is just a void to me now. i don’t remember anything. that’s fine, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha 


ok so it might just be me but i find it pretty ironic
i’m probably a little allergic to cats. i think i’m allergic to thelma
anyway… ouch

spirit talks   personal   i came back home a few days ago   and oh geez. i’m showing signs of allergies when i’m around my cats for long amounts of time   especially with thelma   my cat-lover ass does not like this   at least i hope it’s allergies. bc if i’m sick i swear i’m just gonna die   it can’t get worse than that!!   omg my bday is tmrw. @ my body: stop hurting   body aches   pls go away   my throat hurts a little   i had some trouble breathing through my nostrils before coming home to my cats   and now it’s gotten worse   it’s like my nose is like ‘haha no fool you can’t breathe’ :( that’s so rude stop it   took an allergy med thing but it didn’t really work   and i took a handful of cough drops and a few ibuprofen but ehh they didn’t really work either   good quality sleep? what’s that again   i just want to breathe gdi   and sometimes it ends with blood in my nostrils causing me not to breathe through my nose   and then i can only smell blood for a while  my nose has issues i think   ily thelma but you are causing me pain  


........ I'm on that hell site way too much probably and I hate it.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fck

(yes in fact I am "too dead" thank you very much)

And guess what, fellas? I spent the day (the 21st) having nosebleeds. My nostrils are either congested, and when they're not my left nostril leaks out blood like my nose is on its period or some other messed up shit.

I can't breathe and I can't sleep. It's gotten worse since I made that tumblr post. I am in pain. I took pain relievers, cough drops, and allergy meds (whatever any of these are actually called) and they're doing jack shit to help me. My throat hurts. My nose hurts even more than usual. Is it allergies? Am I getting a cold on my freaking birthday? It's a mystery! Is this a sign I'm dying? Probably. When will I stop posting shit on my blogs? Probably when I'm dead. As each day passes, I think of the chances of me getting hospitalized soon getting higher and higher. Watch me find out after a million years from a professional that I'm legitimately mentally ill and have been for years and I'll just be like "oh" lmao. I am in pain- physical and mental. The lower parts of my legs sting too. It hurts so much omg--

...................... anyway.


Monday, May 20, 2019

it's monday wow

Yeah, I'm giving up on post titles.

My brother's back. lol bro

haha ahh

We (the family) went to see a soccer game yesterday. That was nice. The team we were rooting for won. That's cool. Good job.

*mind blanks out* ah..

*drinks a mimosa*

just kidding. that was from a few hours ago.

*proceeds to drink all the alcohol*

just kidding, folks. ha ha ha.

Cutepups is a bad influence. *smh* :c

in the mood to whine for wine. haha, that sentence is funny. laugh with me. laugh at me.

... my mind keeps on blanking out. like ok, now i might know what it's like to not think for once. haha, i'm a big dumb dumb.

gonna go drink wine or beer. brb lol

just kidding. i'm in my room, lying on the floor, creating this post on my computer, and listening to music on my phone. yeah. ok lol. that's all.

oh oh oh !!!

I went on AJ. That game is so boring.

Well anyway.....

omg guess what?! today is.. Monday!

RARE ITEM MONDAY! RIM time, everybody! ohh yeahh

Rare Sports Jersey

... why is it in my high school's colors? 

umm ok that's weird :/

I don't like how the RIM looks on my bunny. I only have a picture of my wolf wearing it.

Ok, ok. That's it for the boring game called Animal Jam. 




I found a Winnie the Pooh Pathology Test online a few days, maybe a week at this point, ago.

I'm not taking the results That Seriously. lmao don't worry

I took it again in the middle of the night (around 1 am today).

I think I chose different degrees (# of thumbs in disagreement or agreement), so the percentages aren't the same. eh, but they're close enough.

(lol i'm fvcked up)

The Results TM:

First time taken

screenshot lol oops

Most recent time taken

haha fun fun fun fun fun fuuuu 

That 57% staying consistent though. wow consistency. wow wow wow

why tf is my boy, Christopher Robin, such a high percent? umm lmao?? I don't trust like that. 

tag yourself: I'm Piglet Eeyore Pooh 

ok so..

Nameless characters coming up next. 

bye bye bye