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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Six of Crows stuff vs. my characters (PRONUNCIATIONS)

Hi, I’m finally back. Sorry for not making a new post as soon. I got distracted by some things. 

1. May 27th was my dad’s birthday. So I was busy that day. 

2. Since Monday, I started reading Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo (it’s the sequel to Six of Crows). And yeah, my big interest in the duology has returned. I waited a while to start the second book until I finished reading the books I had to read for my last college semester. The books are so good, you guys, omg. 

Then a few days ago, I finally searched the pronunciations of some of the words in the books. I’m a dumbass who should’ve done this a lot sooner, but oh well. And I realized something. I’ve been pronouncing (mostly just in my head though but still.. I felt embarrassed afterwards lmao) a few of the words wrong. Not all of the words though. Only some of them. But alas, I am a fool. 

Anyway, I’m here to write a pronunciation guide for the names of my characters. 

*cough, cough* This is about Fierdan. *cough, cough*

Yes. I’m thinking of my character, Fierdan, so that’s why I’m making this post. Well, that’s my primary reason, haha. 

Ok so, first I shall explain why I just said everything about Six of Crows / Crooked Kingdom. It’s about that pronunciation. 

There are different nations in the books’ world. One of those nations is Fjerda, and the people from there are called Fjerdans. 

Until a few days ago, I thought it was pronounced as “Fur-jer-da” for Fjerda and “Fur-jer-dan” for Fjerdan. Anyway, I was way off. 

I found out Fjerda is actually supposed to be pronounced “Fee-yair-dah” with the emphasis on the “yair” part. 

So anyway, that made me think of the pronunciation of Fierdan. When I first found out about Fjerda, I thought its pronunciation was pretty similar to how I pronounce Fierdan. Now after thinking it through, I can hear a difference between the two words. And so, I am relieved. If they were pronounced the same way, I would’ve panicked. 

Yes. That made me panic at first. Because I’m me and that’s what I do. XD 

Besides, a Fjerdan and Fierdan look completely different. Like.. come on now. There has to be a difference. 

Oh god, I’m such a little fool. Why am I even writing comparisons between my characters and names from a popular book series? Uh.. I just do that. I have no other explanation. I don’t know why I do the things I do. You think I control my brain? No. 

Uh... yeah. heh eh eh eh...... help me. 

*cough, cough, cough* 

In the books, Fjerdans usually have pale skin, blond hair, and blue eyes. And if you guys know anything about Fierdan, he isn’t a blond and doesn’t have blue eyes. 

Oh and Fierdan is just an edgy nickname that he made as a child after suffering his first significant trauma. Fierdan’s birth name is Daniel, and his nickname before that trauma was Danny. Fierdan was created, not born. 

Ok, ok, ok. Time for me to explain the pronunciations of some of my characters. And by that, I mean Fierdan and Ryen. So.. just two of my characters. 

Oh wait. Here’s a link to 
pronunciations of words from Six of Crows if anyone wants to know where I got that information from. 

Fierdan: The main difference from Fjerda and his name is that there is a “y” sound somewhere in Fjerda. There isn’t in Fierdan. Then I realized that Fjerdan is pronounced more like how I first thought of pronouncing my fire man’s name, back when I made it so complicated. I originally thought of making his name hard to pronounce, then I changed my mind. Haha yeah so that happened. 

Fierdan pronunciation: “Fear-dan”. There is a brief, subtle “ee” sound in the “e” of “Fear” but it’s not as obvious as in the Fjerda pronunciation, and there’s no “yee” in my character’s name. The “a” in “dan” is a short a (another word example would be “land”). However, there have been lots of rumors about Fierdan, so there are characters who pronounce the “a” like the “a” in the word “arm”. That doesn’t really bother me as much. Honestly, I sometimes find myself pronouncing his name either way. 

Now onto my other character. I’m going to write an explanation of Ryen’s name as well before going into the pronunciation. 

Ryen: Ryen is also a nickname. His birth name is not Ryen; it is Aeryen. So before I can explain how to pronounce Ryen, I’ll have to explain how to pronounce Aeryen. Ryen is just the end of Aeryen. 

Aeryen pronunciation: “Ayy-rye-en”. The first two letters are the hardest to pronounce. Maybe that’s another reason why Ryen gave up using his birth name (the first reason being his anger at his father who gave him that name). The “Ae” sounds kind of like “air” without the “r”; his name isn’t “air-Ryen”. The “Ae” can also be pronounced by the beginning of the word “aesthetic” (U.S. or U.K. pronunciations, it doesn’t matter). Now onto the second pair of letters. The “ry” is pronounced as “rye” (like rye bread). And now the last two letters. The “en” sounds like “end” without the “d”. However, I’m also fine with the “en” sounding a little more like “in”. Keep in mind there is no “a” and no sound that the letter makes in that part of his name. It’s Ryen, not Ryan. There is a slight difference between the two. 

Well, I hope I cleared things up about how to pronounce the names of my tragic brothers in my story. Now you know how I pronounce Fierdan and Ryen. Try to say their names out loud and congratulate yourself. Heck, I’ll congratulate you. 

What am I even saying? :’D 

And you know what book I’m currently reading. For fun. No required reading for a class. Oh wow. I’m reading as a leisure activity in quarantine. ;D 

I’m going to end this post here. Thanks for reading and dealing with me. 

I appreciate you all. :) 

Monday, May 25, 2020

pretty cat followed by less pleasant imagery

Read the title to know what this post will be about.

Hi, I’m back. :)

I feel like showing a picture I took of a cat right outside my house around a week ago. It’s in the front yard, near the front door. The picture looks pretty aesthetic to me, haha, I like how it turned out.

Ok, I’ll show it now.

<3 <3 <3 

Plants and kitty cat. How beautiful. :’) 


Now it’s time for the less pleasant imagery part of the post. >:) 

Don’t worry, I have no pictures I can share. Mainly because it’s about a dream I had when I was asleep. 

Can I just ask if anyone has more vivid and intense dreams lately? Mine are so damn vivid and intense and pretty realistic now. Even more than when I started taking my antidepressant. So yeah, that’s quite something. 

Anyway, I’ll just get to the point. 

In my most recent dream, this is what happened: 

• It took place in my house. I don’t know where my dog and cat (Zo) were, but Thelma (my other cat) was in it. 
• Thelma kept on running and escaping the house. She kept on wanting to run away. She frequently went outside somehow. I usually would catch her when she was in the driveway, but she would sometimes make it to the other side of the street or a few houses down. One time I had difficulty finding and catching her; I ended up finding her hidden in the garden in someone’s backyard. 
• Then later on, there was this little girl who I guess would be between the ages of 3 and 5. I had to take care of her, kind of like a babysitter but not exactly. She had light skin and straight brown hair that reached her shoulders. She looked cute. She was nice. 
• While I had to watch this girl, I also had to find and bring back Thelma who constantly tried escaping my house. She was quite a stubborn cat. 
• And then at some point, the girl got a huge cut along the length of the bottom half of one of her legs. The cut was on the outer part of her leg, the side aligned with the pinky toe. How she got it was a mystery. I don’t know how it happened. Neither did she. 
• Then the scene changed to a different building with a room with one large desk and lots of space. I ordered for help to tend to the girl’s wound. Two people eventually came to us, a man and a woman. The man went to work cleaning out the wound and patching it up. All that stuff. The woman gave the girl a glass of water and one or two large round white pills. The girl was told to swallow the pills. They were so big, around the size of the top of a cork on a wine bottle. I felt stressed about the girl having to swallow such pills. 
• The last main point I remember in this dream was being at my aunt’s house. My cousin around my age was hosting a contest or something like that regarding gifts for her birthday in August. The dream didn’t take place in August, by the way. It probably took place in May; time around now. Yet she wanted for everyone who would give her birthday gifts to tell her what they would give her in advance. Several months in advance. I don’t know where anyone else in her immediate family was. I remember eventually telling her what I would give her for her birthday. That made her smile, which made me smile because I love validation. 
• Oh yeah. There was also a point where I was in another house with the little girl. I don’t know whose house it was. There were lots of people; maybe there was a party. He little girl told me to go to a room upstairs. I followed her. Where we ended up, a sexy man in his late 20s or early 30s was in the doorway of a room at the opposite side of the room from where we entered from. I was staying behind a wall, so the man couldn’t see me directly. But the little girl ran ahead of me and went into the middle of the room. She just stared at the sexy man. Then I realized he was completely naked. The girl wasn’t scared or uncomfortable or anything. I thought that was weird and pretty fucked up. Who the hell was this girl?! I have no idea. I eventually was told I accompanied the girl to a family party at one of her relative’s house. The sexy man was either the girl’s cousin or brother. Someone else told me that. I don’t know why she stared at him naked. Or why he randomly entered a room naked, without even a towel. It was very weird. 

Haha yeah, so that was what I dreamed about. I’m not making this up as I type this out. I’m recalling a dream I actually had. The more vivid and intense a dream is, the more likely I am to remember what happens in it for a longer amount of time. 

I might make another post later today. I haven’t made a post about my story dudes in a while. I have things to say about Fierdan, Ryen, and J___. 

I’ll put a content warning on that post. It’s going to be about drugs. 

Yeah. Drugs. Keep that in mind. 

Until the next post, bye for now. 

Friday, May 22, 2020

20 in 2020

Hi! It’s my birthday! :D 

I’m now 20 in 2020. 

Wow, a whole new decade. :O 

Today has been a good day full of good vibes. Yes. Full of good food, too. Mm. :P 

That’s all I have to say for now. 


~ Shan :)

Thursday, May 21, 2020

ah geez oh heck

mood: ah geez. oh heck. 

Hi guys. I have returned. :) 

Today’s the last day I’ll be a teenager. That’s wack. 

I’m gonna be 20 tomorrow. 

(Eww, I’m getting old. lol) 

It doesn’t feel like it’s almost my birthday. Well, I haven’t felt like it’s my birthday on my actual birthday for the last few years. But still.. that’s wack. 

Does this make any sense? My brain doesn’t function right. oof- 

Anyway, I had coffee with my breakfast this morning. I also drank water with my breakfast and right when I woke up. 

No, I don’t drink coffee or any caffeinated beverage every day. I usually just drink water these days. 

Yeah so, I’m feeling sleepy. Coffee gives people energy, making them feel awake? Hmm.. well then. Sounds fake but okay. 

Coffee makes me tired. I have confirmed it by drinking coffee again. Yeah, I’m still tired after drinking it. 

I had a Keurig K cup coffee with a packet of sugar and a splash of milk. That’s it. 

I could feel myself growing more tired while drinking it. 

Uh.. I wanna nap. 

*drinks a cup of coffee, loses energy, tiredness increases, collapses on the couch* yeah mhmm this is totally normal. 

My brain? Wack. It’s not normal apparently. Lmao oops. 

........ ............... *makes a mental note of my body’s reaction to drinking coffee as another reason of suspecting myself possibly having ADHD* *the list increases, becoming even longer in length* 

haha ha ha ha aaaaaaaaa

Bye for now. :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

oh heck *zones out*

that's it. that's the mood.

oh heck *zones out*

yeah basically

Anyway, I finished my exam and essays at the very end of the day on Friday. Or before then.

....... I don't know what to do now.

I had to write so many essays last week. Because I'm a massive procrastinator.

hahahahahaha aaaaaaaaaaaa

............... I don't know how to post. Hold on.

*zones tf out*

*returns 10+ minutes later with this picture from 2017*

2017 was 3 years ago. wtf-

It's almost my birthday. I'm almost 20. wtf-

I only have a few days left of being a teenager. wtf-

uhhhhhhh heck

Yes, I'm alive. 

I shall return with better posts soon. My brain cells haven't finished loading this file called "Thinking" yet. 

I'll come back when that finishes loading. 

It could take minutes, hours, or days. It won't take a week. I promise.


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Peacock at the local park zoo

Hi, I feel like posting pictures I took of a peacock at my town’s park zoo.

He’s so beautiful. He spread his feathers out. <3

It’s a peacock! The local peacock in Shan’s town! :0 

He was also loud. He’s a loud big birb indeed. XD 

Handsome fellow. This bird? He’s gorgeous. 


I haven’t posted that much lately. College has been keeping me busy. I’m very busy this week especially. Because it’s finals week.

I have so many essays to write. I wrote one earlier today for my western literature class, but I still have many essays left to write for my other classes. All by Friday night. :(

I only have one final exam now. I still have to take my computer science exam today. It’s available to take for nearly the whole day. It’s also open-book, which is nice.

I worked on lots of assignments for that class these last few days.

Anyway, I just have to get through this week. I want this semester to end, but I’m not ready for Friday. Not yet.

Until next post, which will be... sometime in the future. Bye for now.

Monday, May 4, 2020

May the fourth

... be with you. 

Hi. It’s May 4th. XD

I guess I should tell you guys that I’ve been feeling better since my last post. I wasn’t feeling that good on Thursday. Which shouldn’t be a surprise. 

The weather where I live has been better these last few days. It’s gorgeous out. Sunny and warm. Yeah... 

Anyway, I had such an interesting dream this morning. First, it was me watching a movie. But I didn’t know it was a movie at first. I only knew it was a movie because dream-me was watching a movie on the movie theater screen. 

(I’m not proofreading this lol hope I’m making sense)

Then I was in a college dorm, and one of my close online friends was my roommate. (Truth,, XD)

And then dream-me realized the movie was playing in the middle towards the end when I started watching it. So then I tried to watch the movie from the beginning. 

And can I just say? Omg. That movie was hilarious. It had such an obscure sense of humor. It was so freaking funny omg. It was great. :’D 

It wasn’t even high quality. The movie was animated, but everything was flat colored. No lighting or shading whatsoever. 

The characters were hilarious. I don’t think I ever figured out the plot because the movie was so weird. And funny. It was so fucking funny. 

And then a while after dream-me watched the movie twice, I went on a game show and had to answer questions on this game show quiz. I was also working with someone else, and we won 666% on the game show quiz. 

It was very weird. But I enjoyed it. :D 

Oh and there was another part where I checked my university’s Blackboard site and found a document on there about the psychology of one of the movie characters. I think that character was the villain, but I’m not entirely sure. That guy was the only attractive character. Everyone else looked absolutely ridiculous. 

I don’t even know how to begin describing that movie. But I would recommend it. XD 

I think one of the movie themes was identity..? And the villain character had no true identity? Like, he was a fake? Somehow..? 

Even the ending credits were hilarious. The people working on the movie had such a specific sense of humor, and I loved it despite not really understanding half of what was going on in the movie. 

(Oh gosh, my thoughts are all over the place. Chronological, who? That’s not here.) 

Then as dream-me was watching the movie the second time and after I read the character psychology document, I thought that the villain character looked like Fierdan. 

Of course Fierdan has to be involved. XD 

The movie character was nothing like Fierdan though. And yet my dumb brain found a resemblance between the two. 

Anyway, Fierdan is one of my only senses of stability because I’m that fucked up. :’]

Ugh, I don’t even remember most of the movie character names. Let me try to remember though... *thinks deeply* Hmm.........

The “villain” character was a young man that reminded me of Fierdan with short, wavy black hair. I think they had similar skin tones and the same eye color. Anyway, the movie guy was a thief- I think..? At one point, he rode a yellow dragon. That was weird. Especially considering how in every other movie scene, he wore a suit with a too-large-for-him suit jacket. And besides that dragon scene, he was in this apartment building in a city.

(This makes no sense omg) 

There was this psych document on him because he was such a mysterious character. I loved him though. 

And the strangest part was at the end of the move when these detective characters were trying to catch “villain” character (was he even a bad guy though? idk) and they found information on him. And.. it made no sense. The “villain” changed his entire identity. The last moment of the movie I remember was the detectives saying “villain” guy was actually a girl. 

Like.. no. No. What the fuck. No. 

The “villain” character was obviously a male character. There was nothing feminine about his appearance. And he looked like Fierdan. Lmao. 

Except if the “villain” character was a trans guy..? That’s the only logical explanation dream-me could come up with. 

Why did this guy ride a dragon? That question was never answered. Maybe he was just being dramatic. Riding dragons is sexy. Idk. XD 

The art style was funny though. Remember, with all this movie action going on, the animation and art style are freaking hilarious. And the character voices. Omg lol. 

The “villain” guy was the only character with an attractive voice. Every other character’s voice was so weird. XD 

Oh right, character names from the movie. Here: 

• The “villain” character was named something that started with a K and was hard to pronounce and spell. Maybe his name was from the dragons and that was why he rode a dragon..? Hmm... *tried to remember his name* Kuriabo? Kiarburdo? Kiaburd? Kuribard? Something like that. 
• There was this girl sidekick character who was short, had ginger hair in pigtails, and she wore a dress that reminded me of candy and cat ears on her head. I think her name was Gingerd..? 
• There was this other sidekick who was her friend. They dressed pretty similarly. I think her name was Catty..? Short for Cattherine..? Haha yeah. 
• I forgot the names of the other characters. There were several more characters in that movie within my dream. Haha. :p 

(I’m just gonna refer to the “villain” guy as K from now on.) 

At some point in the movie, the characters’ dialogue lines showed up one the movie screen. That was weird. I remember K’s name being orange next to his dialogue lines. That stood out to me for some reason. What the heck. 

And then after the dream, I checked something on my Blackboard but for another class having nothing to do with that psych document on K. I checked the discussion posts and saw it now having 708 replies. So I woke up startled and was thinking “oh shit, I’m probably late on discussing with professor about my essay topic about [some character in a book I read for class]’s identity and lack thereof!” And that reminded me of K, who reminded me of Fierdan. 

Omg. What if I draw art of K? That sounds like fun. If only I could draw... XD 


Ahh, I have to go to my Shakespeare online class! I finished reading Hamlet, by the way. What a play; what a guy. 

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Ok bye lol