The Cute Pup of the Day is Brady the Cockapoo- a mix between a Poodle and a Cocker Spaniel, if you didn't know. Looks cute and sweet! :3
The Daily Puppy
*WARNING: This post might make you hungry. XP*
*Please don't be jealous either.*
*Pictures belong to their respectful owners.*
First off on my list of real-life awesomeness (XD) is this. This is my 50th post I've made on this blog- or any blog, in matter of fact. 50 POSTS! WOOHOO!!! =D (Overly excited much?)
Now onto soccer news! Today was the World Cup final- the Germany and Argentina match. Germany defeated Argentina 1-0 in overtime. So Germany wins the 2014 World Cup in Brazil! :D So Argentina gets 2nd place. And yesterday (July 12th) was the Netherlands/Holland and Brazil match for 3rd place. Netherlands/Holland defeated Brazil 3-0, so Netherlands gets 3rd place. This means that Brazil (the home country for this FIFA World Cup) gets 4th place. Such excitement in these countries- especially Germany! By the way,that's the official soccer ball for the World Cup: the Brazuca ball.
Sorry if you're not really into soccer. My family is, so I have to be on top of these soccer matches as well. Anyways, moving on now. Yesterday (July 12th) was my sister's 20th birthday. So first off, my family and I went out to eat for breakfast, and then relaxed at home for a bit. Unwrapping gifts, and all that good stuff. Then, my sister, my grandma, and I took a bus into the city. (My grandma takes her grandchildren into the city to celebrate our birthdays. We then watch a Broadway play.) And this was something new because I already went into the city with my grandma to celebrate my birthday and saw a play, this year. So both of them being so generous, let me tag along (sort of speak) with them. So then we all arrived in the city (I'm not going to specifically state it, but you might have a clue of what it is).
After walking around for a few hours and visiting a few stores, such as "M&M World" (:P), we went to this Swiss restaurant for dinner. The food there's AMAZING, by the way. So if you don't know, 'fondue' is a type of food/food preparation from, of course, Switzerland. We ordered this Beef Fondue for our dinner that night. None of us had ever had fondue before, so this was something new. And new it was! This is how the Beef Fondue works.:
The workers of the restaurant put this thing containing a fire on the table. On top of the fire, they put this pot with these ridges (or whatever they're called) covering the thing holding the fire. We're not exactly certain if there's boiling water or oil in the pot. So that's in the pot as well. But what about the beef, you ask? Haha let me explain. They gave us this platter containing raw (yes, raw) beef. So us being very confused, just stared at the raw meat on our table (XD). Then the worker who placed it on the table, explained how it all works. So basically we had to put a beef cube (they were small beef pieces :3) on this very long and thin fork (not really a fork; I don't know what they're called) and put it into the pot of boiling water (or whatever), and lean the utensil holding the piece of beef. So the top half of it leans into/against the ridges of the pot, and the bottom half of it is in the water holding the beef. With that in there for just under a minute, we put the beef (that's now cooked; no longer raw meat ^o^) onto our plates. Then, we dipped the beef into a choice of 4 sauces. Then, we ate it. It also came with these hash browns (or whatever) potatoes on our plates. Confusing much? The food was delicious! XD :P
Then, for dessert, we had this Chocolate Fondue. If you've ever saw a Chocolate Fountain, you'll understand what a Chocolate Fondue is. They're very similar. It has the same thing as the Beef Fondue. The fire, pot, and utensils parts, anyways. So we either dipped various fruits, marshmallows, or tiny cake slices into the melted chocolate goodness. So we ate chocolate covered food for dessert, with us actually covering the food in chocolate, for dessert. Here's an example of what we had for dessert.:
Then after all that, we saw a Broadway play. Which was MARVELOUS!! *o* And then, we took a bus back to the bus station. And then, that's basically it. X3
Now for earlier today news! So I (and the other females in my family, of course) went to my cousin's vegetarian bridal shower (her family is vegetarians). The food there was (surprisingly) very good. :3
Now I also have to tell you peeps that I'll be pretty busy this week. (Monday-Friday: I have 2 camps back-to-back that I'll be attending.) (Sunday *I think*: My brother will be returning home *for a day XD* from camp- he's a CIT *Counselor In Training* there.)
So yeah. I have to say, I had a pretty epic weekend! So you can say in the comments about yours- only if you want to. Or whatever else. ^D^ Anywho,
hey dere, cutepups. I like how you blog about your personal life as well as AJ. :D
ReplyDeleteFondue! :P I've always wanted to try it. But I'm not jealous. Hee hee, at the restaurant i go to sometimes theres a chocolate fountain! With moldy strawberries you can dip XD lol~and a vanilla and caramel one too!
So anyway, sweet day you had. ;) winka winka that must of been fun! Ah, a play. Now I think I'm jealous :D hee hee
I'm a just guessing but were you at the Big Apple? :3
If you really want to know, my weekend consited of blogging, writing stories, working on drawing stuff, commenting, reading and.. watching lots and lots of anime >:D must stop.. cant. (20 episodes about) So ya.. the average weekend for meh ^.^
except I have a fever (may be sick) and meh ma hurt her knees and my aunt got injured :( please pray for them ..
anyway.. see you!
1. Haha, thanks. ;)
Delete2. Yeah. By 'city' I mean NYC. :3
3. Cool chocolate, vanilla, caramel goodness. :P
4. Aww, I hope your ma and aunt get better soon. D:
5. Same. I'm trying to do more drawings of my Twinkle's Story for the Artwork page of my blog. Like of the main characters, and all..
AND My 2nd camp I'm going to this week, is an Art Camp. (The 1st one is a Band Camp.) And guess what? I'm learning how to draw anime/manga characters. Now I can finally learn how to draw my friends' favorite characters- they LOVE animes/mangas. .O.
Thankies, Cutepups. :)
(do you watch it too? if so what is your favorite??)
Right now I'm watching One Piece :D so good..!
so cool! Art Camp! :D have fun!
DeleteOmg you're so lucky! That DID make me hungry :3 *om nom* Hope you have a great week and enjoyed your weekend!! Your grandma and sister were so nice to let you tag along! I wish your sister a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :D
ReplyDelete-LilSmile :)
Oh yea, HAPPY 50th POST :D!!!!!! :explodes: