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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Metaphor for Starting Recovery

When you first entered the forest, you were scared.
Shivering in fear, you didn’t know where to turn.
That child from long ago had so much to learn—
maybe the kids at school called you weird,
and maybe that’s the first thing that brought you here.
Hidden monsters made you afraid of the dark,
but today, greeting them is a walk in the park.
What happened to all of the fear?
I know, you replaced it with apathy.
You’ve been in the dark for so long
that the monsters now live in your head.
Believe me when I tell you they’re wrong.
Your friends don’t pity you. They’re giving you sympathy.
Take one step: Try to not spend all day in bed.


Hi everyone, I'm finally back with some new poetry! 

I'm not that sure on the title, but I submitted it as this. Oh yeah. I'm taking a poetry class at school, and this was the most recent poem I wrote for it. It's a Petrarchan sonnet (though we had some flexibility when it came to the syllables, so it didn't have to be ten per line).

I didn't really write poetry during the summer, and I feel like I'm a little rusty. (... maybe?)

Haha, I feel like I can only write poems about (my) mental health. So, uh, this one is more hopeful than a depressing old vent. I've been thinking about healing and recovery a lot lately. I want to be better. And yes, this poem is me @ me.

Bye. <3


Copied the text I wrote on my deviantart. Read the same poem here.

I'm home now since I have a break from classes.

I'll create more posts later today. Hopefully.

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