Today's Cute Pup of the Day is this sweet fella here, Kosmo the Newfoundland! Congratulations! :D From:
The Daily Puppy
Now here's Twinkle's Story: Chapter 10! Enjoy!
*WARNING: May contain some hints of violence*
It's now later in the day. Duke and I are still are on the Tall Tower's roof. I'm going to tell Duke the miraculous idea I have that I believe will solve everything. "Aha! That's it!" I cheer, smiling. Duke swings around, his face right in front of me. "What's what? Did I miss anything? Tell me!" Duke asks, flicking one of my hairs out of my face. I start giggling. Duke gives me another confused look, but ends up giggling as well. Then, we both get up. "So," Duke says. "What are you cheering about? Let me guess here. When I was gone finding out the worst news in the universe, you... umm... woke up.? Oh. Maybe you won the completion for being the most epic fox in Jamaa?" Duke shakes his head. "Come on, Twinkle. What is it? Duke here really needs to know!" I laugh. "Wow! You are a very good guesser. Can you read others' minds or something? Wait, no. You are wrong. Sorry. Hey, thanks anyways. I know I'm pretty epic, but so are you." I lift my tail up high. "Oh yeah. Duke, since when do you speak of yourself in third-person?" He just shrugs. "Okay, I surrender. What is it?" I answer him by leading him to the edge of the roof where we usually go when we're on the roof. I look at Duke who's to my side. I no longer have a joking expression; it's now serious. Duke responds by no longer having a goofy smile on his face. I begin to tell him my idea.
"So, uh, you know how we (all animal species in Jamaa) live in each separate, isolated territory.? And how that leads to arguments, conflicts, fights..." Duke says, "Okay. I know all this, Twinkle. What is your point?" I continue, "Well maybe we can stop this madness from happening ever again. To stop from that happening, maybe we can all join forces by us not being separated. We can go explore our town, no longer having to be cautious of our territories. If we succeed, then there'll be no longer devastation like the fox and arctic wolf battle where my sister... died, and no more family drama you're in." Duke asks, "Yeah. Twinkle, how are we going to possibly do that?" I look at him, eyes blazing. "We will delete these dreadful boundaries that leads to deaths of loved ones. When we do, nothing bad will ever happen again. I know that Fauna died, and your dad died. But we can prevent this from ever happening again- to ourselves, to others, anything. We can make Jamaa like it was in the days when the Alphas were living with us in Jamaa. When nobody had to be afraid of what species they are." I then continue and finish my little speech or whatever it is.
I don't know what I said. I don't know what I did. I do not know. Ever since I started telling Duke my idea, he lit up like a fire spark. The fire spark lighting up and spreading like a fire, and of Duke's anger. The laughing Duke saying jokes that made no sense whatsoever has vanished. Completely vanished. He glares at me, a fire blazing in his eyes. "Ugh, Twinkle! Don't be so stupid! That will never, ever happen. And you think I'm going to help you? Very funny. Very funny. How insane can you possibly get? Honestly, think things through before you speak. If there are no more separate territories in Jamaa, then it would be easier than ever for them to come over here, which would result in a lot more deaths- not lives! You think the other animals would gladly agree to your ridiculous offer, Twinkle? The arctic wolves, which by the way, is your main reason for this.? Of course not. If you honestly believe that, there is definitely something wrong with you! No doubt on that. I just know for a fact that my mother is ordering the arctic wolf leader to quarrel with the foxes so often. She doesn't care about foxes at all. So what if she is one? She'll team up with the arctic wolves to possibly kill us all! I just know, okay? She started this madness. No one else. And also, what leaders will we have then? Huh. None. It'll all be chaos, that's what. Thank you, Twinkle. You're going to lead our town from already devastation into more devastation! Now isn't that great? Just great." Duke speaks sarcastically as he slowly claps his front paws. "To solve this, there is no other solution than to just kill my mother myself."
I slowly, then quickly back away from him. Then, I stand up again, being brave. "I'm stupid? You call me stupid? You're the stupid and insane one, Duke! My idea and plan makes far more sense than yours. You're the one not making sense! You killing your mother as the solution! Duke, come on! Think it through at least! If you kill your mother, then you're just as bad as she is. Which would then result in things I bet you'll regret. My plan is for peace, and yours is for more violence. I'm trying to prevent more violence from happening! See how I'm correct? Duke, you're just fighting fire with fire. And guess what? That will lead to a bigger fire. That's obviously not a solution! And who cares about leaders? Then we can all start over and start a new type of leadership and government. It's downright stupid to not help me out here." We argue for quite a while. Now we're arguing about things - and I don't know why. Duke stomps his foot and grits his teeth. "Twinkle, you are completely isolated from society. Thank Zios they took your dj headset away from you! How stupid of me to think I should try to get it back to you. I should had just destroyed it on the spot! It's keeping you distracted from the world around you. Our world being utterly destroyed, and you... you're just listening to music! Maybe without that, then you would've known sooner of the perils of lives. Not just your life, not even just my life, everyone's lives." I give him a horrified look. "Oh no you wouldn't. You wouldn't dare! I bet you wouldn't have the guts to do it anyways!" I then go around Duke and pull at an odd-looking hair at the back of his neck. I see a thin line of blood where the hair was before. "Oh my Zios..." I gasp as the hair I pulled drops down, right at Duke's feet. He runs a paw throughout the top of his head and pauses as he reaches the spot of the blood. Now, it's clearly visible. He pauses like a statue and calmly turns around to me. However, what he says next isn't something calm. Duke shrieks at me, "What did you do? What in the name of Mira did you do? Now you know why my hair is a bit messed up. Think of others before yourself! Oh Zios, Twinkle! What did you do!? You know what? I'm done with this. Completely done with this poop." He now cries too. "Get away from me! Go away!" He pushes me as far as he can away from him. His claws retracted out as far as they can go. As I go to exit, I take one glance over my shoulder back at Duke and go. I start crying too. The next time I'll see Duke will never be the same.
I watch Twinkle's protected tail tip whip around and vanish as she opens and closes the door leading to the Tall Tower's roof behind her. I turn away from looking at the door. I take a deep breath and sigh. Can't she see that I'm the correct one? My mother is the one to blame- not even the arctic wolf leader. And to prevent it from happening ever again, someone (me) has to get rid of her. I can't think of any other way to get rid of her than to just kill her. So what if she dies? It'll save so many other lives- maybe even my own. I remember what she said on the phone about a child to take care of next. One death over thousands or even millions. The only nice thing my mother has ever done to me is she gave me haircuts, which I enjoyed. All other things she did to me are bad. I might be able to forgive her for almost everything. Except one thing. I can never forgive her for what she did to me. She murdered my father; the one fox that would risk his life for me.
Or maybe not. Maybe Twinkle would also be that 'hero' in my life too, just like my dad. But would I ever really know? Honestly, I don't know. But she has revealed to the world one glimpse of the 'darkness' of my life; of me. That one spark. Twinkle's right. Sparks do lead to fires, and two fires lead to a bigger and greater fire. And soon that 'fire' is going to be released. I agree with her. We are (or were) meant to be. I am the 'fire' and she is the 'ice'. Clearly identified now by her ice blue colored fur. Or maybe she's the 'blue fire'. Her original fur color was orange anyways; the color of flames. Suddenly, I feel guilty. I need to forgive her for what I said/done to her. I feel my heart beating in my chest, sending blood throughout my body. I can almost feel the flames of the fire on the tips of my fur. She needs me, and I need her. That is what I know as a fact. I look up at the sky. The sun is at the top of the sky exactly in the middle. The sky is now blue with not a hint of clouds; only the sun is set in the sky. I look closely at the sun, a paw over my eyes protecting my eyes from the sun's deadly glare. The sun is like a ball of fire in the sky. Slowly spreading across the sky, and then to me. As I look at the fiery sun, I say that I'll look for Twinkle later- wherever she is.
*I do not own these fire pictures*
Real comment:
ReplyDeleteI will type my story on Tuesday. I might have time to go on my computer then, so I can type quicker.
There's not much violence in that. I don't think there is any, to be honest.
I really like this chapter. You put in a bit of Duke's mission, a bit on arguing between Twinkle and Duke, Twinkle's plan.. and I like how you described the relationship in Duke's bit.. how you said Duke was the fire and Twinkle was the ice, or blue fire. I prefer ice to that one, because it shows that no matter what they try to stick together and save everyone (You get it? Fire & ice mixed together saves people. Lol.).
I've decided on names for my story. I think the only bits I have of yours is the younger sister died and, well, I'm writing it on your blog! My younger sister wasn't shot though - she and her family were crossing the road and she was behind and wasn't quick enough, so she got run over.
Anyway, names:
Younger sister = Emily
Bully (Sparkle in your story) = Rhiannon
Main character = Jade
Jade's 2 sisters (Even though you don't have them..) = Amber and Nina
Congrats on 1st! XD ^^
DeleteCool characters lol. I can't wait to read your story! ^.^
Yeah, Fire & Ice. *o*
I know it doesn't have as much violence as the previous chapters. I added it as a warning to others who might think there is violence in this chapter. Just to be aware. Y'know?
@ All (above/below): Thanks for reading my story! You all rock! :)
Actually, I'll swap Amber with Jade..
Delete~ diamond147
Lol you and your brother are on top commenters... XD
:3 I can tell you like this post! Lol thank chu.
DeleteThat was my reaction to today's RIM Worn on AJ. "NICE, COOL". XD Cuz I really like worns and I like the color of it: light blue. ^o^
Oh no, I'm getting off topic again! DX
Have a nice day!
~ cutepups522
I was so amazed!!! Your story is really, really good! Don't stop writing =)
ReplyDeleteOoooohhh it got real!! XD I will never loose faith in you to blow my mind with these amazingly epic stories! :mind explodes when reads story: :) :3
ReplyDeleteSo sorry about the delay for my Twinkle's story. I was actually on the laptop on Monday to get the RIM (Or 11 lol) and I had to shut it down early. I wanna go on it today, but sadly I must go to my brother's football trials from 6pm until 8pm. I have to go to bed at 8:30pm because of my school, so I will post the story tommorow, hopefully.
I hope this doesn't cause any trouble and you understand.
Hiya! :3
DeleteIt's okay, I understand. No it doesn't cause trouble, but I was confused because I really thought you were going to type up your story on here yesterday (Tuesday). I still think we all can't wait to read your story, though! ^.^
When Duke disagreed with Twinkle, I just wanted to slap him across the face (no offense to Puke- I mean Duke)