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Friday, September 13, 2019

Friday the 13th :)

Hi hi hi hi hi hiiii 

(uh.. hi?) 

Hi. :) 

Today’s Friday the 13th. :) 

See? I’m good with dates. I know numbers. 

Here are two updates I feel like sharing with you guys: 

1. Yesterday in my Spanish class, my professor decided to start the class by teaching us how to swear in Spanish. I thought this was hilarious. 

And I just checked one of the phrases on a translation website, and the pronunciation of it (and the English translation) is making me laugh. Haha, it’s great. 

..... and #2: 

2. A few hours ago, my roommate moved out, so now I have the dorm to myself. 

(There are details that I’m too lazy to get into.) 

Having a room all to myself is making me happy.

 My asocial ass has privacy. Muahahahahaha! >:3 

......... no wtf, i’m not high. 

Friday the 13th. What a day. Wow.

Also, my music playlist for Duke and Fierdan is over 40 hours long. It’s so long omg,, gotta love that. :’D 


the pronunciation has the word, “fuck” in it. hahaha.

“fuck” •

Bye bye bye ~ 


  1. Haha, neat! Gotta appreciate language teachers doing their job. X)

    Daaang, D+F's list has gotten long! I remember when it was like, what? Only 24 hours? *pfft* Wow. XD

    1. Haha yeah, I know right?!
      It's so long. It never ends.. XD
