Well uh. Hi guys. I’m back. Sorry for being so inactive lately!
I’ve been very tired all day. Well, from last night to a few hours ago. I slept a lot today.
In the most recent dream I had, I was thinking of a man called Dani Soot. Yep, spelled like that. I don’t know why he’s called that. The dream was weird and somewhat frightening. I’ve been having bad dreams again lately. Anyway, I only know that Dani Soot is tall and has long blond hair.
That’s all I’ve got. XD
........ just kidding. 🤪 -insert silly face emoji here-
Well. Life happened. On December 28th, my mood fell real low. My genuine happiness streak ended. Which hurt. A lot.
I felt emotionally hurt and was in physical pain.
For the past few days, I couldn’t really breathe through my nose. Even though I was taking medicine on top of doing other things that supposedly work to make my nose hurt less, none of the things worked. It hurt a lot.
Now skip to a few hours ago, and I feel like I can finally breathe again. My head was starting to hurt a lot too.
December 28th was a busy morning for me. First, I went with my family to a restaurant for breakfast. Food,, so good,, yum. Then I had my eye exam. Which was.. not so great.
I found out my eyesight got a lot worse. I know my eyes not working right doesn’t define me as a person, but I felt so awkward and embarrassed for not being able to read all the letters. And I don’t just mean the teeny tiny last row of letters either. There were lots of lines of letters I had to read.
I was also planning on getting contacts. But that didn’t work so well either. I had trouble opening my eyes wide enough or whatever, I got shamed for being hesitant on touching my eyeballs, I tried so many times to get it right that my eyes and myself started getting irritable and they hurt.. and yeah, it was a disaster.
Me and my poor eyesight. :(
Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. It’s almost 2020. Yikes. 2 days. Big yikes. O_O
What a decade. Things sure did happen. That was weird.
Ok yeah bye.
~ Cutepups :P