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Monday, December 30, 2019

Dani Soot


Well uh. Hi guys. I’m back. Sorry for being so inactive lately! 

I’ve been very tired all day. Well, from last night to a few hours ago. I slept a lot today. 

In the most recent dream I had, I was thinking of a man called Dani Soot. Yep, spelled like that. I don’t know why he’s called that. The dream was weird and somewhat frightening. I’ve been having bad dreams again lately. Anyway, I only know that Dani Soot is tall and has long blond hair. 

That’s all I’ve got. XD 

........ just kidding. 🤪 -insert silly face emoji here-

Well. Life happened. On December 28th, my mood fell real low. My genuine happiness streak ended. Which hurt. A lot. 

I felt emotionally hurt and was in physical pain. 

For the past few days, I couldn’t really breathe through my nose. Even though I was taking medicine on top of doing other things that supposedly work to make my nose hurt less, none of the things worked. It hurt a lot. 

Now skip to a few hours ago, and I feel like I can finally breathe again. My head was starting to hurt a lot too. 

December 28th was a busy morning for me. First, I went with my family to a restaurant for breakfast. Food,, so good,, yum. Then I had my eye exam. Which was.. not so great. 

I found out my eyesight got a lot worse. I know my eyes not working right doesn’t define me as a person, but I felt so awkward and embarrassed for not being able to read all the letters. And I don’t just mean the teeny tiny last row of letters either. There were lots of lines of letters I had to read. 

I was also planning on getting contacts. But that didn’t work so well either. I had trouble opening my eyes wide enough or whatever, I got shamed for being hesitant on touching my eyeballs, I tried so many times to get it right that my eyes and myself started getting irritable and they hurt.. and yeah, it was a disaster. 

Me and my poor eyesight. :( 

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve. It’s almost 2020. Yikes. 2 days. Big yikes. O_O 

What a decade. Things sure did happen. That was weird. 

Ok yeah bye. 

~ Cutepups :P


  1. Dani Soot sounds like the name of a sidekick character who later on turns out to be the villain who then does an epic musical number with chimney sweepers. Kinda like Mary Poppins.

    1. Haha, oh my. Now that I think about it, I guess that's technically true. Perhaps.

      Not really a villain though. More like that older teenager in the background who snickers and makes rude comments a lot.
