It’s been less than a week since part 4, I know, but I already had planned out the majority of what will happen in this one before I was finished with part 4.
That’s because part 5 doesn’t happen in chronological order. Part 5 (this post’s skit) takes place between the end of part 3 and the start of part 4.. well, with a few minutes between the end of part 3 and the start of part 5. So I guess in chronological order, the events will go part 3, part 5, and then part 4. I hope that explanation is sufficient.
Anyway, a few more points I want to mention before starting the skit.
These 2023 skits, particularly all in the Confessions series, are loosely based on events I have for story 2. Well, at least more so than the skit series I wrote in 2018, for example.
There are, of course, some differences. *cough* The infamous coffee shop dream. It never fully escaped my head even after all these years. I even wrote about it during an April Fool’s skit a few years ago.
Yes, my sanity is questionable. Plus, I am problematic and evil. >:3
The ending of part 4 with Fierdan and Jack is another skit-only thing. It’s the skit version of the conflict. Well, the very start of it. And.. it breaks my heart.
Okay, I might just want to make them return as skit characters. I miss them. It doesn’t make sense for them to be present in the story 2 canon, but like.. I miss them. … I hope I don’t have to spell it out who the three of them are. Please… </3
Another point is this: There’s an elephant in the room. I know. I’m well aware of it.
I don’t really see any point in beating around the bush anymore. It’s been subtle in my skits and even in story 1 for years now. Sure, I was never that blunt and explicit about it in the past, but like.. is it really that shocking that sexuality is present just like violence is? And besides, the violence is more graphic and explicit than anything explicitly sexual. The latter is really just characters talking, not the actions and scenes themselves.
Come on, haha, I’ve called Fierdan’s existence rated R or M for mature before. He isn’t meant for child audiences. Come on now.
That also includes Duke and Jack. Others too like Dylan, but especially those three. Ugh, don’t get me started on Jack.
I’ll admit that parts 3 and 4 were a bit much. They were a lot. The next part won’t have as many mentions of sexual content or any at all. This part has some as well, to be clear.
One last thing: I have lots of queer characters. I’m older now and tired of trying to censor their queerness. Same goes for my own. I began planning out their not-being-cishet years ago. This isn’t a spontaneous thing for “woke” points or whatever. This is who they are.
This isn’t a place for homophobes, transphobes, and queerphobes. It never was and never will be. This is a pro-LGBTQ+, pro-queer space.
With all that out of the way, it’s time for the list of warnings which I feel obligated to show.
**WARNINGS: strong/explicit language, mentions of violence (including murder and death) and sexual content.
[This skit part takes place between parts 3 and 4. It starts a few minutes after the end of part 3. The three are on Stella’s couch: Dylan on one end, Stella in the middle, Fierdan on the other end. There is a bag of mini pretzels on the coffee table by the couch. Stella has calmed down a little, having just rubbed her eyes and dried the tears away.]
Stella: So, is this going to be like a therapy session?
Dylan: *says under his breath* A therapy session? What a joke. *grabs another pretzel and pops it in his mouth*
Fierdan: Yeah, sure, hold on a minute. *takes off the jacket he’s been wearing since he entered Stella’s apartment, stands up, and folds it over the back of the closest chair*
Dylan: *glances at Fierdan standing by the chair* Is that suede?
Fierdan: *turns from looking at the jacket to Dylan and back again* My jacket?
Dylan: What else would I be talking about?
Fierdan: Uh… *rubs the back of his neck* I guess that’s fair.
Dylan: Why did you even wear it here? In fact, why are you wearing your current outfit at all? Are you sure you aren’t going out later tonight?
Fierdan: *sighs* Here comes the bombardment of questions. I’m too tired to go out after this. I don’t have any other plans for the night.
Dylan: Aren’t you a night owl?
Fierdan: Yeah, so what?
Dylan: Then what’s with the suede jacket, the patterned buttoned shirt, and the dress pants? You look like you dressed up for a date.
Stella: *has been tapping her fingers on the edge of the coffee table, blushes* D-Date? Who said anything about a date?
Fierdan: *frowns* This isn’t a date. You should know better. *sighs* Then again, you assumed I came here to assault Stella because of.. what? How I look?
Dylan: *lowers head* I know, I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.
Fierdan: Are you that insecure in how you look that you have to do that shit? Are you jealous that I have a sense of fashion and care about my appearance?
Dylan: *frowns* What is that supposed to mean? Are you judging the clothes I chose to wear to hang out with a friend in the evening?
Stella: *smiles when she hears “friend” and eats a few pretzels*
Fierdan: If that’s what you think, then sure. *walks back to the couch and sits down*
Dylan: *looks down at his sweatpants* Hey, they’re comfy. I like these sweatpants.
Fierdan: *smirks* At least Stella is wearing jeans. Those pants and that T-shirt.. do you even care about what you look like?
Dylan: *hands form fists* You’re such an asshole.
Stella: *sighs* Guys, please, not now. *fidgets with her hands* How should I start this?
Dylan: Just spill it.
Fierdan: *rolls eyes* Wow, you’re so helpful.
Dylan: *glares at Fierdan, angrily grabs another pretzel*
Stella: *takes a deep breath* It haunts me how I didn’t really feel anything when those events happened. I feel like they should’ve affected me more, but they just don’t. It’s hard not to feel convinced that I’m heartless and am cold as ice. *stares at her hands* There has to be something wrong with me.
Dylan: You’re such a sweet person to think that when he’s here. He’s the one who isn’t normal and has a long list of things wrong with him.
Fierdan: Wow, thanks so much. He’s saying the truth though. *crosses his legs*
Stella: I’m just scared that I don’t truly feel anything. *sighs* Maybe my depression was at an all-time low back then. That’s probably it.
Fierdan: *faces Stella* If it’s still bothering you, talk about it. Here, with us. This isn’t a formal therapy session.
Dylan: Well, obviously it isn’t.
Stella: I know, I know. *relaxes her tense shoulders* You’re right. *lets out a long breath* The truth is…
Fierdan: Yes?
Stella: There was a time when I nearly killed my parents. I was just so angry at everything and everyone.
Fierdan: *grabs a few pretzels* Who am I to judge? I killed my father.
Dylan: *mutters* How many times do you have to remind us? *speaks louder, to Stella* You didn’t, right?
Stella: No. *shakes head* No, I didn’t. But I was very close to. Well, injuring them.
Fierdan: *with a pretzel in his mouth* There’s a difference between causing an injury and murdering someone.
Dylan: *rolls eyes* So annoying.
Stella: I.. I know. I didn’t care at all about them, nor was I aware of how far I could’ve gone if.. if he didn’t intervene. I could’ve very possibly had my mother and father killed because of my power. It’s dangerous. I can be a danger to others.
Fierdan: We all are.
Stella: *nods* Yeah, I know. But still…
Dylan: Sorry to interrupt, but who is this ‘he’ you speak of?
Stella: Oh, uh, it was Jack.
Dylan: Oh.. I see. Jack sure is an interesting fellow. *scratches the back of his neck*
Fierdan: Yeah, he’s kind of like a savior. More of one than Taurel ever was, that’s for sure. Jack saved Stella and me from doing things we would later regret. He saved me when I was Duke and wanted to destroy Taurel and fuck him up beyond any recognition.
Stella: Mhmm. It’s not just that though.
Dylan: What?
Stella: I haven’t seen my parents since that day. Back then, I didn’t worry about whether they were safe. *her hands start trembling* I.. I don’t even know if they’re alive or dead. I have no idea if they survived the end of the world. I just.. I didn’t give a shit about them. What kind of daughter am I to be this.. this…
Fierdan: From what I remember you telling Duke, your parents were terrible people. There’s nothing wrong with you for reacting the way you did.
Stella: I mean, yeah, but… *shakes head* No! Of course you won’t get it! *hastily grabs a few pretzels*
Dylan: Violence isn’t the answer. Fierdan has to stop normalizing it.
Fierdan: *uncrosses legs* Hey, I don’t normalize violence. I don’t promote that shit.
Dylan: *arches eyebrow, faces Fierdan* Oh, really? Are you sure about that?
Fierdan: Stop demonizing me!
Dylan: I’m just stating the facts.
Fierdan: *sighs, doesn’t look at either of them, leans back* It’s too hot in here. *unbuttons the top button of his shirt, sighs again*
Stella: *frowns, to Fierdan* My parents were still regular, ordinary people. They weren’t even close to being on the same level as yours. Despite everything, I hope mine are okay. I don’t know what I would do with myself if my very last interaction with them was that one.
Dylan: Give up, Stella. Fierdan is beyond saving. He can’t sympathize and empathize with anyone who doesn’t completely hate their parents, even if they did harmful things.
Fierdan: Ugh, shut up.
Dylan: Alright. Prove me wrong then.
Fierdan: *looks like he’s about to say something but only kicks the closest leg of the table to him*
Dylan: *grins* Thought so.
Stella: Alright, alright. Maybe I’m not actually heartless if I’m thinking these thoughts. I’m not a heartless killer.
Dylan: Of course you aren’t.
Fierdan: I’m a killer, yeah yeah, but I’m not heartless. I killed passionately, I love passionately, I have sex passionately—
Dylan: Shut the hell up. You are such a nuisance.
Fierdan: Your insults only make me want to laugh, shortie.
Dylan: I can’t help being short!
Fierdan: You’re a short king. Is that better?
Dylan: *sighs* Sure, whatever, I don’t care.
Stella: *ignoring both of them* I can’t help wondering why it took me this long to start thinking this way. Instead of, you know, being a cold, heartless and emotionless monster.
Fierdan: *folds his arms behind his head* Severe depressive episode moment. Being so apathetic and not giving a shit about anyone or anything. You can only think about your own suffering and pain that everyone else’s doesn’t exist. You’re so caught up in your own head and you’re so self-centered, but at the same time, you have no self-esteem and wish you were dead.
Dylan: *stares at Fierdan*
Fierdan: Why are you staring at me like that? I have a long history of depression. Duke, too.
Stella: Yeah, it’s probably just my silly depression, ha ha. *pauses* Damn, did it really take me that wrong to get out of that episode? Like, fuck, I can’t believe I felt nothing. *pauses again* No, it can’t just be due to depression. It can’t. No, that makes no sense. *shakes head* Ugh, I don’t know!
Dylan: One thing at a time. Take your time, Stella.
Fierdan: Yeah, what he said.
Stella: It’s funny in a way. During our last interaction, they thought I was a boy. That’s what I heard them say. I know they were referring to me. *sighs* They didn’t even recognize their own daughter. But at the same time, being called a ‘boy’ felt relieving. That I didn’t have to keep all the pressure with everything between us. I was able to just be a stranger.
Fierdan: It’s not ridiculous, to be honest. Back then, you recently cut your hair short— like a messy pixie cut— and you don’t exactly dress feminine. You could easily pass as a boy if people aren’t paying much attention.
Dylan: Why is hearing that giving me an odd sense of gender euphoria?
Stella: I don’t know, could it be because you’re a transmasc individual? *giggles*
Dylan: Oh yeah, that’s right! Thanks for reminding me. *giggles*
Stella: *smiles* No problem.
Fierdan: Your giggling is cute, Dylan.
Dylan: *blushes, turns away* You.. You stay out of this, Fire Dan.
Fierdan: You calling me that is adorable. I’ll allow it from you.
Dylan: *frowns* Oh my god, shut up!
Stella: During that time with my parents, I was in the middle of having a identity crisis. I still don’t know for sure who I am, but man.. it was so bad back then. It makes me cringe when I think back on it. *pauses* I just.. I know this sounds stupid, but…
Dylan: It’s not stupid. What is it?
Stella: I.. I wanted to become Duke.
Dylan: *swallows a few times, stammers* Oh.. I.. I see.
Stella: Stupid of me, I know. God, I’m so embarrassing.
Dylan: I don’t know why you chose him. Was it because he was the only one your age you spent the most time with during those months?
Stella: Well.. yeah. I think I just thought he looked so cool, and I wanted his attitude and confidence. I wish I could be like that.
Fierdan: Sorry, I’m still processing how you wanted to be Duke. You had to have known how fucked up he was mentally at that point. *smirks* Except if mentally unstable and insane guys are your type.
Dylan: Shut up, bastard.
Stella: *blushes a little* No, you’re right. Of course I knew it. At least part of it. But I still wanted to become Duke. I wanted to be just like him. I know it makes no sense.
Dylan: No.
Stella: *looks at Dylan* Huh?
Dylan: To be real with you, it’s not completely ridiculous to wish to copy the appearances and mannerisms of those you admire and love, even if it’s him.
Stella: *blushes more* I didn’t love Duke anymore at that point. I don’t think I’ve been capable of love— or even faking it— after that.
Dylan: Okay, then maybe it was gender envy. You said you liked being perceived as a guy, right?
Stella: Well, yeah, it was nice. Sometimes I think it would be nice to be a guy, but I’m not one. *stares at the ceiling* I never really felt attached to my feminine body parts. Actually, I’d sometimes wish there was nothing there… I mean, look at me. I like wearing loose and baggy clothing that hides my figure, especially my chest.
Dylan: All of that is relatable as a trans man.
Stella: Ugh, I should’ve figured out that I’m not straight earlier. There were so many signs that I’m asexual.
Fierdan: *swallows a pretzel* Like how you only let Duke put his hands on your chest to feel your heartbeat, and you his, and you kept on not wanting him to touch and squeeze your boobs.
Stella: Uh.. yeah. Fuck, I hate having boobs. I wish everyone was like me and treated mine like they don’t exist. I’m not attached to mine at all; they’re just there.
Dylan: God, this is so relatable. I’m so glad I got top surgery.
Stella: Plus, letting someone touch my chest that way and my butt.. it just feels too much like sexual contact with me. Even with clothes on. It’s just too much.
Fierdan: So, you basically wanted to be Duke because one, he was the only male around your age that you spent time with; two, you still admired and were attracted to him in some way that the three of us don’t understand fully; three, you felt disconnected from your female body and thought being a male would be more freeing; and four, you’re ace and that’s why you don’t like having certain body parts because of how mainstream society treats them.
Stella: Uh.. yeah. You got it. Basically. Umm.. well, yeah. *pauses* But I still see myself as female, despite how I feel about my body. If others perceive me as male, then it just feels like a costume I’m putting on. I don’t genuinely feel like a guy, so I’m not trans. I’m not like you, Dylan. I’m sorry.
Dylan: No need to be sorry. Femininity isn’t just a one type thing. There are so many different types of women out there. And besides, we all know that gender expression doesn’t equal gender identity. Fierdan, for example, occasionally wears makeup and nail polish as well as skirts and dresses. He’s still certain about being a man. I mean, I haven’t met a cis guy do all that for fun and just for himself before, but well.. he can do whatever the hell he wants. I have to respect that, honestly.
Fierdan: What’s that? A compliment from Dylan?
Dylan: *sighs* Yes, I guess so.
Fierdan: I feel honored. Genuinely. *smirks* Maybe you really do love me.
Dylan: Don’t push it.
Fierdan: Not denying it, huh? I see.
Dylan: I don’t love anyone.
Fierdan: Damn.
Dylan: You have a partner whom you love very much based on how much you talk about him. And for fuck’s sake, I’m aromantic. I don’t do romance.
Fierdan: I never said I wanted to be in a romantic relationship with you. I was messing with you earlier about having sex once.. a one-time thing. Of course that’s not gonna possibly happen unless Jack and I break up, and *grins* that’s not happening. *leans back, crosses legs* The only non-platonic relationship I’d have with you is a purely physical one. No filthy romantic fluff; we’ll skip straight to the smut.
Dylan: *face is a little red* You sure are someone. I have no words.
Fierdan: *unbuttons another button on his shirt* I’m so fucking gay.
Stella: We all know. I’d be surprised if anyone doesn’t know.
Fierdan: Men are just so… *bites lip* Women, too. Why are people so hot? They have no right to make my heart race and give me butterflies in my stomach. And holy shit, their bodies. I meet a hot guy or chick at the club, and the horny thoughts come like “I want to fuck this person right now” or “I want to be fucked by this person right now”.. not really since I’m taken, but god.. sometimes my body just wants to fuck. There are too many hot and gorgeous people out there.
Stella: Fierdan just had a bisexual moment.
Fierdan: *stares at nothing in particular* That’s right. I’m bi as fuck. It’s a blessing and a curse. Ass and tits. Pussy. Fuck.. fuck! And cock.. holy shit, I’m gay. Fuck, fuck, fuck me.
Dylan: Stop horny-posting, I swear to god. Except it’s not even that. You’re just saying shit with no filter.
Fierdan: *wipes away sweat on his face* Anyway, haha, I’m bi. And feeling horny. Fuck, I wanna drink.
Stella: Somehow hearing that is making me feel more confident about being ace. Like, I don’t relate to that at all.
Dylan: He doesn’t stand for bisexuals either. Fierdan is just.. *sighs* I don’t even know.
Fierdan: Wait, do you have any drinks on you? I’m actually thirsty.
Stella: Alcohol, no.
Fierdan: I don’t care about that. Just give me anything.
Stella: Uh.. I have a pack of soda cans and another one of iced tea in my fridge.
Dylan: *to Fierdan* Get it yourself.
Fierdan: Ugh, fine.
Stella: No, it’s fine. I got it.
Dylan: No, let him. *gives Stella a look*
Stella: Uh.. okay.
Fierdan: Whatever. *reluctantly gets up and walks to the kitchen*
Dylan: *once Fierdan is out of earshot, speaks softly to Stella* Is there anything you want to talk about? Also like.. umm.. just because you don’t feel like a man but still feel dysphoric about your body— if you are, I mean— it doesn’t mean you can’t be trans. You could be nonbinary or genderqueer. Maybe you’re a demigirl or agender or…
Stella: *also speaking quietly* I.. I don’t know. I haven’t given it much thought. Also, well, I’m fine with she/her pronouns. I don’t know how I feel about using other pronouns. Feels kinda weird, if I’m being honest.
Dylan: Oh, that.. that’s fine. Sorry.
Stella: You’re good. I just.. I guess I just want to be viewed as a person. Not anything gendered. But also, I know I’m a girl. *shakes head* Sorry, I don’t want to obsess over labels.
Dylan: No, no, that’s valid. If you still use she/her pronouns only and relate to your assigned gender at birth, then maybe it doesn’t matter that much.
Stella: Hmm.. yeah.
Fierdan: *enters the living room or lounge area (where they’ve been chatting all this time) holding a box of soda cans in one hand and a can of one in the other, takes a quick swig, and places the box on the coffee table* Hey, I got soda. It’s cola. Mm. *drinks more from his can*
Stella: Uh.. right. Thanks. *takes out a can*
Fierdan: So.. uh.. what are you talking about?
Dylan: None of your damn business, that’s what.
Stella: *sighs* Dyl…
Fierdan: Rude as ever, I see.
Dylan: Well, you shouldn’t have said all that shit.
Fierdan: I know I can get impulsive, but damn. *takes a sip* Besides, Stella said it helped her or something.
Dylan: Helped? No, no. You’re just a narcissistic ass who just—
Stella: *opens the can* Dyl, please. *sighs* It’s not exactly related, but it made me think of that reoccurring dream I had when Duke was away. I don’t even remember what. But it was when I spent the days and nights alone with Dawn. Well, it was one of my reoccurring dreams.
Fierdan: What dream?
Stella: *stares at the can in her hands, takes a long sip* I had a dream where Duke and I were in this empty ballroom, and we were wearing very fancy clothes—
Fierdan: Ooh, how lovely.
Stella: I remember wearing a silvery blue dress. It looked beautiful. Duke was wearing a tuxedo.. I forgot if it was red or black.. and his eyes were entirely black, which made him look scary. Seeing his eyes like that startled me. Then seeing him in-person with his eye like that a few weeks later.. yeah, well, I was afraid.
Fierdan: Hmm, I see. That’s interesting.
Dylan: *mutters* Oh my god, shut the fuck up.
Stella: And there was this ominous piano music playing. Sounded vaguely like Für Elise.
Fierdan: Classical music. Wow, your dreams are sophisticated.
Stella: Sure, I guess. I don’t know what else to say to that.
Fierdan: Sorry, go on. Like Dylan said, I need to shut the fuck up.
Stella: Anyway, the two of us were dancing.. doing ballroom dancing.. and flying too since we could fly with our wings. And then.. *blushes, stares at the can in her hands* then.. at the end of a certain dance move, the distance between our two bodies was significantly smaller than it had been previous times after we did the same thing, and I just knew something was off. He just.. kept me like that; my back nearly brushing the floor, his upper body on top of mine.. and then we kissed and then his whole body was on top of mine and we were kissing and— *takes a deep breath* Sorry, I’m sorry. In the dream, I just knew he had lust in his eyes and that he wouldn’t stop, and I could picture him pinning me to the floor and crawling up on me, breaking the gap between us, and.. and it wouldn’t stop there. My gut told me this romantic dream was turning sexual, I freaked out, and woke up like it was a nightmare. Like, shit, not being excited in a dream about an attractive guy in formal clothes getting on top of you, pulling your dress up and lowering his pants, but instead feeling like you could have a panic attack.. that has to be an asexual thing, right? Right? *pauses* Fuck, fuck! What the fuck is wrong with me? It happened so many times, that same dream. It went further the more times I dreamed it.
Fierdan: Well.. damn. If Duke did any of that shit to you, I’d beat his sorry ass.
Dylan: *sighs, rolls eyes*
Stella: I’m terrified that I’ll be alone forever. That I won’t have anyone. I can’t form attachments to people. I couldn’t care less about my parents. I wasn’t devastated after hearing about Duke getting tortured nor after Fierdan killed him. I wasn’t even that sad. *squeezes can* I felt fucking nothing! You guys don’t understand how deep it goes. I’m a freak!
Fierdan: Oh, really? I can’t?
Dylan: Well, for one, you experience romantic and sexual attraction. And you’re in a relationship.
Fierdan: I’m not good at romance. I’m like the equivalent of a dense sack of bricks when it comes to it. It’s funny how dense I can be.
Stella: *sighs* This isn’t just about romance. *pauses* Oh shit, maybe it is. I don’t know what she wanted.
Dylan: What do you mean? Who?
Stella: I spent weeks alone with Dawn. When Duke was running from Taurel or getting tortured by him, we got closer to each other and became friends, Dawn and I. She’s such a kind and sweet person, not like Fierdan or Ryen. *laughs, rubs the back of her neck* Anyway, I think at some point, she fell for me. She started treating me a little differently when it was just the two of us. And then.. uh.. she kissed me. A few times. And like, she’s attractive. I get that.. in theory. Her eyes, her hair, her chest… I tried so hard to love her back, to feel the same way she did about me, but I.. I just couldn’t. I was like, maybe I don’t truly like boys, so maybe I’ll feel the genuine spark and love with girls. I don’t have to pretend. But no, I never had any crushes on girls. Dawn is a pretty woman, but I didn’t feel anything for her. And I hate that! I love her personality and resilience and so many things about her. But I felt fucking nothing more than friendship, like there’s a block of ice in my chest where my heart should be.
Fierdan: Why am I not that surprised that Dawn is into other women?
Dylan: I don’t know, man. How did you not know?
Fierdan: I’m an absolute dumbass when it comes to romance. *turns to face Stella* It’s okay if you can’t feel any of the romantic feelings towards her or any other girl. It’s okay to not be bi.. or pan or whatever.
Dylan: She doesn’t know if she ever had genuine romantic attraction towards anyone, period. Were you even listening?
Fierdan: *faces Dylan* Of course I was. I’m right though. It further proves how she probably isn’t bi.
Dylan: You know what? Fair, that’s fair. *turns to Stella* And like I said before, being on the aromantic spectrum isn’t a death sentence. It doesn’t mean you’ll be forever alone. Friends mean a lot. They do to me, and I know you care deeply about yours too. I know you see us *glances at Fierdan* as your friends. And even if you don’t have friends and aren’t interested in them, it doesn’t mean you’re broken and can’t form attachments and feel deeply. Listen to me. You’re not a fuck up for not grieving like most do, for being angry at your parents and wanting to see them hurt— as long as you don’t actually do anything severe— and you’re not one for not loving someone, no matter the type of love. You don’t need to be sorry for existing and how you live your life. You are not a fucked up, broken, heartless and loveless piece of shit. Period.
Fierdan: That was moving. Good job.
Dylan: Well, that’s my speech. Now I’m off to get a snack and iced tea. *stands up and goes to the kitchen*
Stella: *has tears in her eyes* Oh.. uh.. okay. Thank you, Dyl, I appreciate it. You’re a great friend. Truly. *grabs a few pretzels, eats them slowly*
Fierdan: I have to say, I respect whatever you and Dylan have going on. I don’t know when you two became friends, but it’s nice to see. You’re definitely not alone.
Stella: Th-Thanks.
Fierdan: He was completely right. I might’ve been talking out of my ass a lot today, but I know that he isn’t. At least when he’s talking to you. He genuinely means the shit that he says.
Stella: Yeah, I know. He’s very blunt and honest, so.. yeah.
Fierdan: Yeah, exactly. You get it.
Stella: *yawns* I’m getting tired.
Fierdan: I can go.
Stella: No, stay. I still want to talk to the two of you.
Fierdan: You mean it? You don’t mind? *yawns*
Stella: I want you to stay, Danny.
Fierdan: Oh, alright. I’m here for you too.. you know that, right?
Stella: Yes, of course I do. *smiles*
A little more time passes before the events that happen in part 4 begin.
Affirmations. Projecting. :’)
Dylan is so nice and cool and validating when he wants to be. I like that dude.
Fierdan is just.. uh.. *insert an emoji that symbolizes brain fog* that’s him. ahahaha~
Anyway, everything they talked about in this post are thoughts I’ve had about them for a long while now. These are their thoughts. These are their confessions.
And I guess mine in part too. I have so much on my mind about my characters. They have lots to confess. I made sure of that.
It’s not always pretty and is usually complex. The truth can be ugly and it can be beautiful.
That is the main point I want to get across.
Good night.
~ Shan/Shyrah
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