Best Blogger Tips

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Yay for Happier Post :)

Yay for a happier post! :3

So why not kick off this post with some New Year gifs that I don't own! ;P

(All found on Google:)

Eh, I don't feel like showing any more of the gifs. XD

Here is a cute New Year's kitty cat, though! :3
Cutie! owo

So when I went on AJ again, I was met with Rainy online. So then we talked, went to the center of the Jamaaliday Rescue maze (1st time for me cx), and did a little pose. (Sorry the pic looks so bad!)
Our bunny's ears are in their faces! Enchanted's all like sad-looking, and Count's all like, "Hey! Objection! My ear is in my face!" (Hehe, Rainbow.. X3)

Me and my amazing thoughts, guys. *bows*
(just kidding)

Now the poll results! (Great.. How can I choose now!? It's tied! >.<)
Highlighted it in blue, so it's easier to read. c:

Hmm.... Now this post needs background music. (I think it's one of Mutanto's favorite songs. XD)

Be right back.


*elevator music starts playing from hole in the wall*
(just kidding)

*shuts off elevator music*

Okie! Back! :-)

Oh... Now I remember MB20! XD

I dun care if dese songs aren't about leik butts or something. I also dun care if dis makes my blog lag even more. Now bai.

Lel. :3

(I'm not putting names this time. *evil laugh* >:3)

So... How far did you go this year? 

Well, now about me! XD

2014. So much happened this year. I created a Blogger, a YouTube, and a DeviantART (stuff only I talked about here cx.) I got into blogging (obviously- I wouldn't be here otherwise). *ditches list of everything else that happened this year* Without doing all that (all these changes- yesh), I wouldn't have met all the amazing people like you guys.

Every single one of you. <3 :)

So yeah. Overall, 2014 was an amazing year! Let's make 2015 just as amazing (or even more amazing!) Now who's with me!?

And as Precious says.........
And it is true. Thanks for making 2014 a fabulous year! :D

My first post.:
(Special thanks to pink200330 for being 1st commenter other than myself, and 1st blogging friend! ^-^)

ikr so leik lameo

And where is this same blog today (just 8/9 months later?)

Well, let's see! ^.^

Almost at 25,000 views!

8 blog followers!

and who could forget all you lovely commenters? o3o
(and all the rest of you commenters o3o)

I don't know about you, but I find this pretty amazing! 

Thank you for making 2014 great! And I bet 2015 will be at least just as great!


(I said "amazing" so many times here. ^^)

Oh well.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*throws confetti*

Some People Though...


Um ya. I'm pretty mad, no furious, at what I just saw when I went on AJ just now. OMG some people are so heartless. And it's New Year's Eve! Maybe even New Year's already for people who live on the other side of the world! What a great way to start off 2015, right? NO! D:<

But first off, happy news! *fake smiles*

Today's the last day of December, which means today's the last day of Jamaaliday Gifts! Let's see what the final gift is.

Cool. Ice. (Puns... XD)

Now for today's new store item! It's yet another cute-but-actually-creepy snowmen item! O.O

Now I guess you want to know why I want to punch some Jammers in the face. So.... let me explain. *smiles awkwardly at viewers because they think I'm insane*


So anywho, when I logged in AJ today, I was in the Jamaa Township of the server, Draa. So yeah. There I am casually just standing there. When all of a sudden I see.......

Many, many "Jammers" (aka SCAMMERS) bullying and scamming one another. 

What the hell! Today is freaking NEW YEAR'S! A time to make RESOLUTIONS. To, I don't know, make you a BETTER PERSON!?

Scamming does NOT make you a freaking better person! Such idiots! *wants to throw computer across desk in frustration*

Believe me, guys. I wanted to have a really happy post to end off 2014. But... I don't know anymore.

 This is why AJ SUCKS. Little, ignorant 5-year-old brats only caring about themselves and their oh-so-precious PIXELS. So much that they scam for more of them. Well, guess what? The world doesn't only revolve around YOU! Don't just go around stealing other people's pixels! Just NO! Ugh! It's not about the ITEMS (PIXELS) that are being scammed. No, I honestly don't give a crap about that. It's that some ignorant people are so gosh darn OBSESSED with pixels that they go steal for them. So obsessed that they break other people's HEARTS!

So, unfortunately, I could've only caught 2 of the scammers as proof here.

So please report both of these __________:

(Yeah, I know. It's pretty hard to understand.)

So... These 2 (and MANY others- mostly eagles though) were flash-trading. As well as the "best trade gets ____ (rare spike, I believe)" scam. Had 45-gem necklaces on trade. Said "INFINITY" was "winning" when there were like 3 Infinity animals there. Said "Infinity Artic Wolf" was "winning." When another arctic wolf (who every good person should clap for) stood up for what's right by maturely saying that they're all scammers, these 2 eagles accused her (the nice arctic wolf) of freaking lying. When they are obvious scammers! Then they (the ignorant eagles) started bullying the nice and mature arctic wolf by saying stuff like: Go away, it's none of your business & Got any proof of us scamming? 

So yeah. Report them for bullying too, while you're at it.

Oh yeah. Then when I checked the All Worlds List thing, this is what I saw.:
Well... Crap! 

Where did all the worlds go!? 

Scary... O_O

Did this happen to any of you?!


Ugh! You know what? Screw AJ. I'll make a more happier post to end off the year, later on. (Hopefully...)

Oh yeah. Why not end off this post on a more positive note, at least? With the final 2014 Cute Pup of the Day! (I miss doing these... ;-;)

So anywho, the Cute Pup of the Day is............
(Screenshotted it this time.)

Congrats, Daisy, for being the final Cute Pup of the Day (aka Daily Puppy) for 2014! :3


Happy New Year! :D


Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year's Party 2015 Tour

Hi! So we meet again, Jammers! (Don't worry. This post will be only about AJ- I promise. c:)

I've gotten the chance to attend the New Year's Party 2015. So now here I am, giving you a tour of it! :)

So first off, you end up in this area of thick snow that seems to bury bunnies alive. (How welcoming. Am I right?)

Over here in the distance are some pine trees and a snowman. Enchanted cannot breathe.

Here is where the clothing rack is. Here is what is on those racks.:
I like gems.
I felt like doodling on the Paint thingy. "Blank Space" was in my head, at the time. Pardon me PLEASE!!!! XP

This is what the New Year's Celebration Hat looks like on bunnies (or just Enchanted.)

Click where I messily drew a blue circle (on the cake slice), and you'll get your very own slice of cake! (Yum! :P)

As you can probably tell from all the different horn thingies coming out of the diskette thing, many types of music are sold here from many different holidays throughout the year.
(Yes again. X3) There is (from top left to bottom left) "Jammer Anthem" which I think is only sold during this part of the year, "Happy-Go-Lucky" from the Lucky Party, "Winter's Dance" from the Jamaaliday Jam, and "Spooky Ol' Bones" from the Spooky Party/Haunted Forest Party. (Sorry if I got any wrong. ^.^')

After climbing up some steps, you can see this magnificent view. Oh look. An ice castle! (Elsa, anyone? c;)

When Enchanted turns around, she is greeted by a magical floating wolf and her pet kangaroo. :3

Here is an abandoned 1st Place badge from the game, "Best Dressed", that decided to float right in front of the den items' rack! Here is what is on the furniture racks.:
The 2015 Banner has arrived! Buy as many as you possibly can because they're only sold for a limited time!

Here at the top of the Party you can see a majestic view of fireworks and AJ's Northern Lights. Pretty, huh? Be careful, though- there are some bitter winds up there!

Be careful when you slide down the long, twisting slide right below where the previous picture took place. You don't want to fall on your face (like Enchanted did. >:D)

Click where I drew a messed-up blue circle (on the lollipop), and you'll get your very own lollipop! (Mm! :P)

And finally, as you lick your lollipop from an ice-brick in the wall, you can walk among thin, cracked ice. The water underneath must be frigidly cold- brr!

AJ is a VERY safe place! Am I right? ;D

(I was being sarcastic. Kind of. .-.)

Hope you enjoyed this tour of the New Year's Party. For the upcoming year- 2015! Woot, woot! :)

Cutepups (and your silly tour-guide, Enchanted) signing off!
PS: Since I actually have a life tomorrow (heh), there is a high chance I won't be able to post. So there probably won't be any posts tomorrow from me.

Have a great day, and always remember to jam on!


Just a Little Something ^~^

Hiya! ^-^
(and what other names I have XD)

So............. I made a cute, little something. (As always, nowadays) I edited it on PicMonkey. (I think I use PicMonkey a bit too much. O-O) Yup!

Well.... Here it is! It's kinda like a slogan I made up. I'm not that sure. *shrugs*

(Sorry for the bad quality! >.<)

It's cute though, right? :3

If you for whatever reason can't read what the blurriness of it all or whatever, it says:

"Not being buddies on AJ does NOT mean we aren't friends."

So.......... You're probably wondering what I mean by this. (You are right? *arches eyebrow* O.o)

Well, I'm gonna explain it anyhow. X3

To sum it up, it means that I know not all of us are AJ buddies. (Most of you are), but not ALL of you. (Get it?) And what I'm trying to well say is that we don't necessarily have to be required to be buddies on AJ to be considered "friends." Honestly, I think all of you nice guys that I've met throughout my blogging experience are considered my friends. So thank you. <3 :)


Onto more DA news! (Lergh.)

I might upload (or whatever that word is) some of my old artwork (like from a few months ago lel) onto my DA page (lel again.)

Oh. Another thing before I suddenly forget.

You submit writing pieces via "Journals" there, right? (Because I don't want to be stupid and do the wrong thing. X3)

I mean other things. 

Don't get any cray-cray ideas.

I was scribbling on the DA Muro yesterday. It got me entertained. (My life is pretty boring. ;-;)



(For now, at least.)

DA Name + In Jamaa Township

**ATTENTION: The poll ends TODAY. Send in your last votes as soon as possible! Thank you.**

To those wondering what my new DA (DeviantART) is, here it is.: (copy and paste to go visit)

Now onto AJ news!

Today's Daily Gift is the.................
The Inflatable Snowman strikes again! :O

Today's Rare Item Monday is the..............

There is also a relatively new party on the party list...........

Now onto the most entertaining (I think) part of this post! Today in Jamaa Township (on another account!)

People say the most strangest things in Jamaa Township.........


Oh wait. I said some of them. XD


That username tho.

Does Snowflake look fat? Hmm...... Here is what some Jammers responded.:

A Jammer bites everyone in a crowded Jamaa Township.

An arctic wolf is confused about where she is. She asks the trading arctic wolf for guidance.

Pink shrimp-wolves flood into Jamaa Township from outer space.

(Report Sparkle for attempting to scam but obviously failing because nobody believes her. Derrr.) That purple eagle is a rare jacket (like I said.) And an otter is asking everyone if today is Monday. (Yes, yes it is. Unless you live somewhere like Australia where it is now Tuesday. I think...)

The arctic wolf is now a sweater. "I Sweater"

That's all for now. See ya! :D