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Saturday, December 6, 2014

New Car

Hi, peeps! :3

So all day, my family and I were looking at the cars in the car place. Was pretty boring staying there basically all day. 

But it was worth it because... 

We ended up getting a new car! :D

I'll miss the car we gave in, though. :c

Cars... Woohoo! XD

Oh. "On Our Way" by The Royal Concept is a great song. Merp. o3o

Now here is a picture of a guanaco I took to end this post. :)

Or maybe it's a camel. I forgot. Whoops! X3

So beautiful. :')


  1. That camel is pretty! I'm guessing the car has the new car smell. For some reason, I don't like the new car smell. Oh, and I got something new today too! I got new glasses. When I put the new ones on, I literally said, "Woah. Everything is in HD!" I said that last year, and the year before that…. and the year before that. But it never gets old! At least 'till next year. XD I have terrible eye-sight

    1. Ah yes. The new black car we got has that "new car smell". Swag car. X3

      Oh! When I got my new glasses with a new prescription a few months ago, it took me quite a few minutes for my eyes to adjust to the easier-to-see glasses. Hey, new glasses are so much clearer and shinier. I had to adjust to the perfectness of the new glasses. But now they're a few months ago. Oh wait. I have to clean them now, actually. XD
