The Daily Puppy
Pet Cheetahs are available in the Diamond Shop! They used to be on clearance-not anymore it seems. O.o I adopted one, he's so fluffy! :3 Here's my pet cheetah: <3
Some weird AJHQ 'news' still on my computer. This sign is still up. Since Friday night! I had to go on the new Daily Explorer website to be able to log in AJ today. My badge also changed from a star to a usual paw print, and I logged in as my arctic wolf when I swore I was logged out as my fox. I changed animals, and my badge changed back to a star. None of my stuff got taken or anything. Weird. What da heck AJ! Did this happen to any of you?!
Also, a few days ago, one of my buddies quit. Gray player card (you can obviously see). I met her when she was on the Epic Dens list last summer. That den was pretty epic (not like some "Epic Dens" that are completely empty), I remember there were a ton of raccoon plushies. :3 I still can't believe she buddied me because her den was always pretty full that day. I was reading "SkyClan's Destiny" then, so me being obsessed with "Warrior Cats", I kept on saying that. XD Then she became nonmember and eventually quit, I guess.
Moving on with the news! Water Park dens are back in the Den Shop! I bought one last year. Here's what mine looks like. My den is currently unlocked, so you can check out my den! :)
I think the new Adventure is going to be an Eagle Adventure! There's a feather, and there's an eagles-only area in the Adventure Base Camp. So that's what I infer about the new Adventure coming out.
Also, the "My Settings" tool changed a bit. There's now a new way to change servers and a doorbell thing. I haven't tried that out yet. Do you guys like the new additions? Does this doorbell work for you? And yes, today I have 84 membership days remaining. :P
There's also a new puzzle in the Jamaa Journal. I completed it, and I think it's a hyena. Lol everybody else thinks that too. ^-^ Here's the unfinished puzzle, so there are no spoilers if you haven't done the puzzle yet. =^.^=
Oh no! My buddy list is 'glitching' again! I can't scroll through my buddy list! DX This happened to me so many times before lol. Did this ever happen to you before? Sorry I can't really buddy you since my buddy list is full (100/100) and my list is almost always full. AJ seriously needs us to be able to have more buddy spaces. :T
Have a grreat day Jammers, and peace out!! (This pic was taken when I was still a nonmember.)
That happens to me all the time! #meanlist