Hello, Jammers and Bloggers! How are you doing today? The Cute Pup of the Day is this garden-loving puppy. Say a warm hello to Vera the Havanese! From: DailyPuppy.com =D
The Daily Puppy
The RIM today is the Rare Sun Visor. Unfortunately, it's members-only, so I can't really showcase any outfits with this item. I like this item though. However, with the sun's rays striking down on the top of the visor, it must be very bright to look at.
Obviously, I can't create any outfits for this RIM- or even buy it. But don't you worry, Jammers! There's nothing to fear! I have another topic (that's about AJ- a lot). I have some questions I'd like to ask you about some stuff I've noticed throughout Jamaa. This can kinda be like "AJ for Thought", or something. (I don't know, whatever you'd like to call this.) There's no one correct answer, and all your thoughts about these things are appreciated (well, it has to follow my blog's rules and such). To make you guys think! {Hehe. >:)} Please comment your thoughts in the comments b e l o w! ^.^
So first off, let's start in Jamaa Township!

What is that round, white stuff floating near the Mira statue? Is it snow (in the summer- ha!) or possibly something else? Like maybe Mira's spirit, or something? Whatever
you think!

Why is there a "fairytale-looking tower" on top of Jam Mart Clothing? Does somebody live inside Jam Mart Clothing? Like is there a house (or something similar) on top of Jamaa's most famous clothing store? Could there possibly be some type of royalty in Jamaa? Hmm....
Now Jam Mart Clothing.

What could these items possibly be? Are they ancient Jamaasian items? Items coming to be available to buy in the future? Alpha/Mira/Zios gear/equipment/armor?
Now the Diamond Shop.

Why is there a giant arctic wolf statue in the center of the Diamond Shop? Could it possibly have to do with something other than that arctic wolves are Diamond Shop animals? Like maybe it symbolizes that an unknown arctic wolf Alpha/Shaman discovered the Diamond Shop? Hmm...
Now let's go to Mt. Shiveer!

Why is there a sudden bamboo forest in Mt. Shiveer? Wouldn't red pandas be more likely to live in a Sarepia Forest habitat? I'm not really a red panda expert, so.. I think it's weird. O.o

How does this bird that flies along the horizon keep on flying into this cloud and then appear all the way on the other side? (To understand what I mean, just go to where Precious is in this picture.) Could this possibly be a new bird species that might be flying into Jamaa soon?

If you look at what I circled, you'd notice this odd creature trapped in ice. (I actually didn't know there's any creature here until I checked this Monday Mystery post on the "Animal Jam Spirit" by CuteGirl2001 about it there..) So have you all heard about the Ice Ages in Earth's history? Could this creature possibly be an animal from an Ice Age in Jamaa's ancient history? Like Jamaa's equivalent of an Ice Age? The remains (or whatever) of a creature from that time period? Reminds me of when scientists of some sort discovered a whole body of a baby mammoth from one of Earth's Ice Ages. And no, I'm not talking about the Ice Age movies. Heh, heh. :3
Now let's go to Appondale!

What could this thing be? Is it a type of pet toy or feeder (well, since the "Claws 'N Paws" pet store is right next to that), or maybe a tool?
Now the Conservation Museum.

Do you think AJHQ should add more animals to this donation list? Like having more animals we can donate to on AJ? Don't you think it's kinda unfair that it's just for 'big cats'? Since aren't most of the animal avatars on AJ endangered animals? Examples are the elephants, the rhinos, the wolves (? on that one), etc.

I donated because I love animals and want to prevent them from becoming endangered even more. I actually donated 5,000 gems that time around. X3
Now, to Kimbara Outback!

What do you think is beyond Kimbara in this direction? A land not yet discovered? Or what exactly is that blue-green stuff? Doesn't look much like a beach to me.. Maybe to you it does? I don't know.
Now, to Sarepia Forest!

Who might have carved out this slide? (I think it's carved out of a tree trunk- just look at the wooden sides to the slide!) And why was the slide made?
Now the Flag Shop.

In the circled section, there's what seems to be a hidden passageway. Seems to be dark with a bright light hanging from above. What could the passageway/tunnel lead to? Does it lead to a secret room? Wait, does it even lead to
anything? Questions, questions. Hehe, I'm making you guys actually
think! >:3
Now, to Crystal Sands!

This arctic wolf just can't seem to be able to enter the juice hut! ):

To the side of the juice hut is this exotic-looking (to me, anyways) tree. What type of fruit do you think hangs from the branches of this tree?
Now the juice hut- Captain Melville's Juice Hut! But wait. Could 'Melville' mean something other than an arctic wolf species/sub-species? Like could somebody named Melville discover Crystal Sands and someone else built a juice hut (of all things) in honor of him/her. (Is 'Melville' a boy or a girl's name? O.o) Or is Melville just some other legendary figure in Jamaasian history that we don't know about..

These are the only smoothie flavors we can choose on AJ.: strawberry, orange, grape, banana.

Then why are there several other fruits by the juice bar? Like there's raspberry, pineapple, passion fruit (right?), and blueberry. We can't create those types of fruit smoothies. And there seems to be a recipe for a pineapple smoothie on a board right behind the juice bar. Why, AJ, why!? ;-; Lol. :P

See why is the sign for the juice hut a pineapple? Especially since we can't even make pineapple smoothies on AJ. Is it just there because pineapples are kinda tropical fruit, and Crystal Sands (a beach) is a kinda tropical land? Whatever you Jammers think! ^-^
Now Tierney's Aquarium. Or more specifically, the Theater.

I swear, those 2 fish are the same ones from the arcade game, "Eat 'Em Up." That poor, little guppy is about to be eaten by that bigger fish. That meanie! >:O
Now let's go to Coral Canyons and the Canyons Pathway!

What exactly are those colorful round things hanging from that tree branch?

Where does this little stream that runs through the canyon's rocks actually begin? It looks like it might start from inside or underneath the rock itself! So cool, right? ^o^
Now Epic Wonders.
There's a horse design on the top of the archway to Epic Wonders when you enter it from Coral Canyons. Could it possibly symbolize Sophia, the Horse Alpha/Shaman? Or was this place built in honor of her? Or did she build it? Hmm.... questions... Lawl.
Now the Canyons Pathway!

There's even more of those colorful (jars, I think) from before. So what could those items symbolize? Ancient Jamaasian culture, perhaps? Like when in the ancient days (or so), women would carry huge jars to a body of water to bring to their village or family for them to have water to drink (or maybe something else.. idk).? Or maybe it's just traditional decoration. Lol. And don't even get me started on that deer-shaped painting on the rock over there... You probably already said your thoughts about it somewhere else. I've seen that topic come up quite a few times on other blogs. Just saying. You can still leave your thoughts about it in the comments below if you want to.
And (last, but certainly not least) the Lost Temple of Zios! Wait, why is it even called "Lost"? Was it difficult to find? Is it because Zios is now dead (idk what exactly happened to Zios- actually this topic will come up in "Twinkle's Story" at some point. Actually, his past.. but still. Not what you thought/think.. -evil laugh- >:P)?

Why is there a monkey-face design on the side of a building in the Temple of Zios? Could Graham, the Monkey Alpha, might had made this? He is quite the inventor, anyways.

Could that light blue and white pixie dust/sparkles symbolize something more? Maybe it's Zios' spirit protecting Jamaa? Maybe it's Mira's spirit eternally grieving the loss of Zios? Ooh! Maybe
that's why it's called "Lost Temple of Zios"! o3o
Now the secretive and informative Chamber of Knowledge!

What could all this stuff mean? Are the bottles possibly Cosmo's plant medicine potions? What are in these ancient scrolls? What has been written down in the scripts and texts lying around? Were they written so long ago that the scribes (ancient word for 'writers') had to write (or anything similar) in candlelight when it became too dark for just sunlight? And what about all those magnificent lamps and such? And isn't that a genie lamp? Lol, "Aladdin". And why in the world is there a
giraffe in here? O-O

I believe that this flame symbolizes someone. Someone important. Hmm... Maybe it's another form of Zios' spirit? Or maybe it symbolizes Sir Gilbert's fiery courage? Ooh, ooh! I know this guys. It like totally symbolizes Duke's fire in the prophecy-that-I-never-explained-
yet-in-my-story. Yes,
DUKE!! XD It's probably not the 3rd one, though. Eh, fine be that way! >:I

Who actually constructed the Chamber of Knowledge? Was it Zios himself, Mira, the Alphas, all of them, or maybe even just everyday Jamaasians that built this in honor of all the very important figures in Jamaasian history? Hey, maybe some Jamaasian in the olden days really, really,
really loved the legendary Jamaasian figures- that they even built a 3 story (or higher) building to show how much they care. Aww, that's so sweet. :') <3 Definitely not like some AJ players. Ugh. </3 :'(

My wolf, Precious, is actually looking through a telescope this time around! So like rad, right guys? I know right. c: So anywho, what do you think she (or anyone else who goes up here in the Chamber of Knowledge) is looking at through the telescope? Stars, planets, moons, galaxies..? Are they the same ones as those we see in the real world- or are they completely different ones? Are are they even the same types of celestial bodies (anything that's found in space) we see in the real world? Maybe it's just simply something totally different. Honestly, nobody knows the true answers to any of these questions. It's all a matter of opinion and thought. I don't think there can even be one, true answer to each question. Seems impossible to me. I would love to read what you think about all these stuff in the comments. Yes, comment. Comments (as long as you follow the rules owo) are nice! c:
Now the Adventures- well, the Adventure Base Camp.

Why is there a
duck here? Isn't this part of Jamaa too dangerous for small, innocent, babyish (idk :3) life to live? And even survive? Seriously. Everybody's fighting against phantoms, and you, little ducky, is just swimming back-and-forth all day long! So useful; helpful- not! >:V Oh yeah. What about those islands? What could they be for? Something tells me it's more than just natural scenery. I don't know why, though. Hmm, hmm, hmmmm............

What could these broken pillars symbolize- if anything? Why are they even there? I think they're broken because those 'pesky phantoms' destroyed it as we (or maybe just the Alphas with Zios and Mira's guidance) fought against them. Who knows?
I would absolutely love to read your thought/opinions about these things I found on AJ. I'll appreciate them. Yes, please comment your thoughts about them! It doesn't even have to be about all of them- you can skip one or two.. But please. Answer/give your thoughts and opinions for at least one of the questions. Thanks if you do! Bye! *o*
Ok, for the first one, the statue by Mira, I believe it's somewhat like light particles flowing from the air..
ReplyDeleteNarrator (ha it's me): 'you know, when you stand still and alone by a window when it's all silent, and no one is home? like little dancing fairies glowing and shimmering through the air? It's magic.' (Oh man I could make a story about that. About all of these.) Oh, and for the one about the tree.. I believe it is something like a coca tree... you know with those giant seed type things that make chocolate? (chocolate used to be used as money. mmm that's one type of money that has two types of purposes! And in the olden days, only royalty were allowed to eat it! XD fun facts!)
Very interesting stuff! I'll try to awns er more later XD
** ha ha, not the statue by Mira, the statue OF Mira oops!!
DeleteHello! Ooh I got an answer to one of my high-level thinking questions. Ooh yay! :3 XD
DeleteI think by "giant seed type things that make chocolate" you mean cacao beans. I think that's how it's spelled.. I think those make that amazing food known as chocolate! :P
I understand what you meant. The Mira statue, in other words. ;)
By the way, this post automatically published (on its own!) in the middle of my post (when I was in the middle of typing something). So.. that's why.... Yeah. Was very weird. O.O
ReplyDeleteToo much to answer!
ReplyDeleteI tried to make a story about the blue horse, Epic Wonders and the pots but I gave up. I don't know how to connect them logically. XD
Anyway, those light things are light-particles, as GG have said.
Those are cocoa beans, I believe. (Crystal Sands)
Yeah, I know. -gives thousands of questions that wants you to answer right away with no right answers >:D- It's ok. Thanks for giving your thoughts of at least one of them! ^-^