Hi! I'm bored. Here's a post. Enjoy! XD

But why, Bobby, why!? ;o;

Ok! -puts den in toilet, then flushes- >;)
(Haha. I know this person means 'flash'. Stupid flash trades.)

Omigosh! You're leik so kewl! =D

About what? You? ...........

Members only!? I feel so like excluded! ;-;

How are you a 'princess' exactly? And again with the stupid 'members only' nonsense! Grr... >:I

But why, Billy, why!? Don't leave your daddy! ;(

is trouble! Ooh...

Uh, no you're not. You're a bunny- not a 'lost little pup'. :V

A bunny drowns in a pond. So normal in Jamaasian society, am I correct?

'No' what?

Hmm... this person's brother likes biting people. Umm........


What if I don't
want to gift you? Oh right. I can't. -cries- ;-; (jk I'm not crying, guys c:)

Why are you questioning about being somebody's buddy?

What if I don't
want to adopt a member? Stop telling me what to do! GAH!!!! >:V

Wait.. you want them to leave you? Do you mean 'EVER' instead of 'NEVER'? -is so confundido-

Uh, no you're not. You're surrounded by many bunnies who are way smaller than you. Get your facts right! >:L

Are... are you sure about that? O.o

idk. Lawl. :3

Again.. What if I don't
want to send you my 'unwanted items'? Have you ever thought about that!? >:T

Yes. Yes it is. :)

I'm bored, too. So how ya doing? c;

I don't feel like going to Crystal Sands right now, stranger seal. ;)

Umm... No. No I don't. Uh...... O-O

Clones I tell you. CLONES!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! EEK!!! And it looks like that crazy-looking fox is kissing that wolf. =O

Yes. You leap over your pet. That's such good pet ownership. Nice work, buddy! Wait, I'm not your buddy. ....................


Yes. Yes you are. And a blue bunny, at that! (Haha. Blue Bunny ice cream. Eh, eh? owo)

This log is apparently asleep. Precious is such a stalker.. Hehe. >:D

Ooh, interesting! ^o^

A bunny cooks a chicken in the wilderness. How nice! ^.^

What's a 'rare kid'- or a 'rare home'? Yo no comprendo. O.o

There's no clan, pack, herd, or anything in Sarepia Forest- for once. Halleluiah! (<- is that how it's even spelled..) *o*

And to conclude this post, we have a New Jammer wolf stalking Precious. Precious and them New Jammers. How cute! :3
Peace! ~**~
XD really funny XD you need to get a followers add on thingy, just looks up on teh google on were it is x3
ReplyDeleteThanks! X3
DeleteI tried searching for the "Followers" gadget before, and I couldn't find it. I just tried looking for it just now, and I found it. So now I have it! (It's right next to the Top Commenters one.) So...
Do you want to follow meh blog of cutepuppiness.? :D
Flush the den. Ooh, where will we get a gigantic closet from?
ReplyDeleteMira? Any miracles?
Ha so random X3 it was playing calm music while I was reading this, and NOW it's playing one of my fave songs-ish 0.o
first to follow!! YUSSSSSSS
DeleteMaybe his brother is a vampire :O XD