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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Leap Second Day

Happy Leap Second Day!


My sister told me that there's an extra second today at 11:59 PM.

One extra second- whoo! :3

Go, team, go!


Cutepups Gibberish = FIERDAN FIERDAN FEELS

Wow, that made me tired.

I mean sup bruh.

I mean hi.

Items that no one cares about:


well idk

Does anyone come to my blog anymore for the actual AJ part of it?

(I hope not.)



If so, I am so (not) sorry for scarring you children. c;


Hmm... Reminds me of a pastel pink Mary Poppins.

Hmm... Reminds me of someone ripping peacock back-feathers off of a peacock and then attaching them onto a weird-looking crown.

Wow... O.O

Enough stalling, me! >:U

(Yes, I talk to myself in my head.)

(Do you?)

(It's mostly stupid things, so I don't call it "thinking".)

(Maybe that's why I get headaches so easily.)

(Oh noes, I'm probably gonna get a headache because I thought about headaches.)

(So I'm working at this camp, roight?)

(Roight bruh.)

(It tires me out.)

(I hold responsibility for the children.)

(ThE CHiLDrEn!!!!!!)

(This song tho.)

(Don't ask why I'm currently obsessed with songs from a few years ago.)





(Wh-Why was I typing in caps-lock?)


(Elaborations: One of the RIM (but not really) skits I posted, and my DA.)


So anywho. The gazillionth and one theme song for Fierdan.:

(So many songs used in AMVs of animes I like remind me of my cruddy and messed up story now series.)

Help plz.

(Is it possible that music inspires me to think about story ideas TOO much?)



If yers can't read what it says, the song is called "Save Yourself" by My Darkest Days.


<3 </3 <3 </3

Now the ending-of-posts quotes! ^o^

"Love Fierdan, hate Duke and Soulless."

"Love Fierdan, hate Zios and Mira."

"Love Danny, hate the evil government."

"Love the sweggsters (main characters), hate the evil governments."

"Love Fierdan because he's cool and needs love because every other character hates him."

"Love Fierdan and that ice lady (not Elsa btw bruh c;)."

"I am (not) sorry for being imperfect." ;-;

Ok bye.

Help me...


Ok bye.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Twinkle's Story: Chapter 41

*Hey guys. I kinda (kinda) feel less like a fail after hearing the news. But I'm scared for my first day of working at camp (especially in the group I got- why me idek).*
*I was on the website called Oatmeal something something for a few hours today. XD*
*I have so many-- wait, hold on. There's a commercial about people singing about buffering (idek bruh o-o). Never mind. I have so many (traditional) drawings that I wanna show you guys. But the catch is I don't have a scanner, my computer's basically broken, and my phone's picture quality isn't that great. Help.*
*Wh-Why am I typing about my life here? idek.*
*Oh wait, this is a chapter post. (Totally knew that.)*
*The two "Anonymous POV"s in this chapter are different, obviously. The one in the end is easy to guess, but the first one is impossible (I think). That character never actually appears... for now. Much, much later. And yes, I intentionally made them in third-person view rather than first-person view. >:D*
*This chapter (hopefully) is more exciting and intense and "feels" than last chapter.*
*Poor characters. :'(*
*Now read! >:O*


The young boy frantically ran through the maze of hallways, one after the other after the other. Tears soaked either side of his face, but he kept on running. He had to. He had to run.

Brother, where are you? You can't leave yet, you can't! I have to see you before you go! Please don't go!

The boy still running in circles, remembers a conversation he had with some business-looking adults a few days ago.  He can't stop running; he has nowhere else to go. Not after today.

He remembers the conversation he had with the adults in their conservative suits- black, white; expressionless. He wanted to know why, but they provided no answers.

"Why am I not being tested with him?" he asked.

"Why is my younger brother being a subject, and not me?" he asked.

"Why are you guys turning him into something he's not?" he asked.

"Why are you changing him into something he's not?" he asked.

"Why are you making them lose their humanity?" he asked.

"Why are you turning them all into animals?" he asked.

"Where are you taking them?" he asked.

"Would I be able to see him again?" he asked.

"Is he gonna remember us?" he asked.

"Why are you forcing them to forget everything they know?" he asked.

"Why are you feeding them lies about their pasts once they reach there?" he asked.

"How can you possibly live with yourself?" he asked.

The boy wiped the right side of his face with the back of his hand. He could practically sense his brother, only a toddler, desperately crying out to him. He didn't even know anything. He didn't know anything at all.

His brother was a subject, one of many. They were selected by all those official people, scientists and all types of people involved in the government, and they were being put into an experiment. The experiment was to determine if humanity could be preserved that way. It didn't make sense though- they created a world for the experiment to take place in where humans turned into animals. But they did it, anyways. Since they were subjects, like his brother, who were like "beta testers", the adults kept on referring to the subjects as the Others. Well, what else could they be called? They were no longer humans yet not exactly foxes, the animal they chose for the experiment. Once there, the Others would no longer be able to remember anything about their lives when they were still humans. Memories of their family, friends, home, who they used to be... all completely gone. Every single memory would be faded away. They didn't even know they used to be humans.

Used to, that is.

His brother, so young and innocent, was going to be taken away. He couldn't live with that. His life depended on him taking care for his little brother. They needed each other. They only had each other.

And soon his own brother, the only person he had left, would leave and forget him. Every trace of their lives together completely vanished. With not a single trace left.

The boy, now tired from running, bends over with his hands nearly on top of his knees. He sniffs and wipes his tear-stained eyes on the back of his hand.

"I know you won't be able to remember me, and I'm not exactly sure how long you'll be gone. But despite that, I know you'll come back some day. No matter how long, I'll remember you always. I'll be waiting for you until you come back."

The boy lowers his voice to be barely audible. He knows his brother can't hear him anymore, but he says it anyways.

"We've been through a lot together. We can handle whatever life throws our way. Just remember that I will always remember you. I love you, Danny."

When he speaks his brother's name, he hugs his legs. He pushes his dark-brown-nearly-black shaggy hair out of his face and tucks it behind his ears.

Only then does he fall apart.

"DANNY," he shrieks, "COME BACK, COME BACK!"

Danny didn't come back.

Months passed, years passed, decades passed.

A century passed.

They were never reunited.

Even though the brothers both died, he wouldn't stop waiting.

He would never stop waiting.

Because he knew that one day, they would be reunited.

No matter what.


Instinct told me to go search for the other ones with Elemental Powers. I knew I couldn't shake this one off. I have to find the rest of them.

I know we're technically enemies. They're supposedly all foxes, while I'm merely just a wolf pup.

But I don't care about that. I have to warn them. People are going after them, no us, to exterminate us. They have to be warned! For their sake, for my sake.

Once night falls, I plan to sneak out of wolf territory and enter fox territory in search of the foxes with the Elemental Powers.

I'm sorry, Autumn, but I've got to leave. I'll be back soon, and I'll play with you later. I promise.


"Why is the fox government coming to the East City, mommy? They don't bother to visit here and care about us."

"Don't act like that! Be polite when they arrive!"

"Did I do something wrong, mommy?"

"No, you did nothing wrong, sweetie."

"Then why do they look so mad and scary?"

"They are very busy people. Maybe a prisoner escaped?"

I slowly close my eyes again, blocking out the commotion of people's conversations in the far distance.

The next time I open my eyes, a ray of sunlight hits me in the face. I flinch and use my right paw to shield my eyes from the sun. Since that isn't too successful, I adjust my position from lying down on my back to sitting up. I take a long breath. Ah, that feels better.

I hold back a giggle as I hear Duke stumble onto the hard ground. Well, that's what he gets for using me as a pillow... I giggle.

Duke pats his pants and stands up. "G-Good morning to you, too," he says right before he yawns. He rubs the side on top of his head, the part of his body that had the most impact as it suddenly crashed onto the ground.

"Well, you should've at least been more aware in your surroundings," I say as I stand up.

"Unlike you, I was sleeping!" Duke says with a hint of stubbornness in his voice.

Wow, he's acting completely different from yesterday, let alone last night. Was that just Fierdan communicating through Duke? He sounded years older last night compared to right now. Definitely more mature than right now, anyways.

I roll my eyes and sigh as I hear Duke complain, "Geez Twinkle, that hurt! You could've at least told me you were gonna sit up!"

My reply is just a single blink at him.

Am I sure this dude is the same dude as last night? Because it surely doesn't sound that way.

I decide to ask this Duke here who won't stop fussing over hitting his head on the ground a question. "Okay Duke, do you remember anything from last night? Anything at all?"

"What kind of question is that? Of course I do!"

Since I'm not sure if Duke can remember, I say, "Then tell me what you remember."

Duke stretches his arms above his head and says, "Well, uh, let's see..."

"It's okay if you don't remember."

"N-No, I do!"

"Then what happened?"

"Well, we slept last night. Do you mean what we did last afternoon?"

I feel my cheeks heating up in embarrassment. "Y-Yeah, I meant that. Duh!"

Duke says with a straight face, "I was being awesome and yelling at this annoying kid because, he well, annoyed me. But then you forcefully dragged me into this abandoned alley. L-Like a place where harassers take their victims or something. So then we were there and crying for no reason. Then the shoulders of our jackets became too wet in tears, so we took our jackets off. And then we made out, of course."

When he says "of course", I punch him square in the face. "You're completely off, you dimwit!" I yell at him.

Duke just shakes his head. "No, I'm pretty sure that's what happened. We m--"

I interrupt him. "We didn't 'make out', stupid!"

Duke gives me a perplexed look. "I'm pretty sure--"

I punch him in the face again, but with a softer punch. I don't want to damage his beautiful face.

What the heck...

I decide to explain to Duke what really happened, "You suddenly kissed me, and then I kissed you back. Then we couldn't stop kissing each other, and then we felt each other's heartbeats, and then we fell asleep. I swear, you better--"

"Haha, I was sleeping! I'm just kidding with you," Duke says with a smile on his face.

I feel my face getting even hotter. "It wasn't funny," I say stubbornly. My face feels like it's made up of ice-flames when Duke quickly kisses my cheek.

When he steps back, he has a smirk on his face. "What can I say? I'm a teenage boy after all." He shrugs.

My eyes widen and my ears perk up as I hear a voice announce something in the distance.

This isn't the time for Duke to be joking around like a fool. Oh gosh...

"They have arrived! They have arrived in the East City!" I hear someone announce.

My heart skips a beat as I see a tall fox in a business suit  walk close to the alley.

"They're here," I hear him whisper into his walkie-talkie.

I hear footsteps heading toward Duke and me. H-How did they know where to find us?!

The next thing I remember seeing are two male foxes in business suits, both with a pistol in one paw and a set of pawcuffs in the other.

Only then does Duke act somewhat like he did yesterday.

When one closes in on me from behind, Duke screeches, "DON'T YOU EVEN DARE LAY A FINGER ON HER! DO IT AND I'LL BURN YOUR FREAKING PAW OFF! SHE'S ONLY MINE!"

The tips of Duke's fur have fiery sparks on them. This time, however, no fiery wings shoot out.

He takes a deep breath and says in a much calmer voice, "Arrest me, for I deserve it. But please, don't hurt Twinkle. She's the only one I truly loved."

The fire from within him dies out as he cooperatively allows the guy in front of him to put pawcuffs on him.

A few seconds pass, and I stand still anxiously waiting for Duke to suddenly roundhouse kick the two guys.

But he doesn't.

In fact, Duke is allowing them to take him away.

They're gonna do something bad to him, I'm sure of it...


Wait, how did I know that they came here to kill us?!

I swear I hear Duke's voice in the raging wind.

"Maybe I want to die."


Good, good. Die so this curse can finally end.

A fox, though he has brown and white fur, is covered in black goop. He sits alone in the black goop, completely isolated from the world. He's actually been isolated for nearly his entire life.

No one would dare to open up to him- fear of being his next victim spread throughout everyone. Which made him a very isolated person.

Suddenly the lonely fox receives an electric shock internally. It sends jolts to all his organs in his body, including the less important ones. The fox has learned to hold in his cry of pure terror. Instead, he just gulps down air.

His heart, lungs, and brain feel all compressed inside. For the intense pressure to ease off, he admits defeat by allowing those organs to "pop" and turn black.

"Oh Fierdan, Fierdan. Stop turning soft," an eerie voice murmurs as the voice's owner cradles his head with two ghostly translucent paws between the layer of fur, skin, and fat; and bone. The layer of soul, of identity, of conscience is being cradled. The other layers don't matter; only this layer matters.

"Revenge is all you want, my sweet. Your heart will fade to black, and you'll know your real motives. Seek vengeance. Kill anyone until you get your way. Hate, hate the world!"

Since he's such an isolated person, not a single soul has been around him in this state.


The voice laughs wickedly. "No, it's never enough. Killing everything is your motive. Kill everyone until it's just you and me."

Then the most powerful explosion erupts in his chest and head. Only then does he let out that petrified shriek, one that sounds like a person's insides about to explode while being electrocuted.

Not a single other soul has heard him, even after so many years.

He's trapped in his own hell, one he made himself.

And that's why nobody else hears the screams. The screams that have turned a weak, heartbroken boy into a murderous demon.

Once the pain subsides, the fox now has the other voice and their "body" combined with his own. He looks up, his brown eyes fading into a dark purple.

"I am Fierdan," he snarls, "Welcome to my hell."

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Cute Pup of the Day, anyone?

Hey guys.

First off, thanks for all the supporting comments. Love you, guys. <3

Even though I doubt I can actually explain it to you, and I keep on having dreams about me failing. Heh.

So... Cute Pup of the Day.

Cuz why not?

Too lazy to put link. Eh...



The Summer Carnival was in Portuguese.




My sister is so annoying. 

No time for signature, now bye.

Friday, June 26, 2015


Hey guys.

(I have a terrible headache that's killing me right now and my family's mad at me for taking a nap, so... bare with me.)



Basic stuff first. Next chapter, there's probably gonna be 2 "Anonymous POV"s that are totally different.

I'm gonna be busy most of tomorrow also because of my dance recital and all that good stuff.

More "complicated" stuff.


I know that it's starting to become pretty obvious that I don't come on here as often as I used to.



One reason I'm not on here as often is because I'm a CIT at this day camp. And yeah. That results in less hours for me to be on here, getting busy with all that hectic stuff... yeah.

And the other reason is... umm...

Okay, I gotta get this off my chest. But first...

I'm serious about this. Please don't be rude or anything like that.


Ever since finals' week ended for me, I've been feeling (how to put this?) not as happy. So idk... maybe that's another reason why I'm posting less.

I'm not really sure if it's recognizable to you at all...

Ever since my last final on that Friday, I've been feeling like a complete fail.

I even cried in my house when I came home from school that Friday.


I feel like everybody I know is succeeding and I'm not.

I know it's true, so...

Yeah, I'm always gonna be the failed child in my family, aren't I?


Eh, at least they took my mind off of things by seeing Jurassic World that day (great movie btw).

Bad thoughts, I know...


Oh and one more thing. (Since basically every blogger is saying this already...)

I, too, have lost interest in Animal Jam. I honestly don't care for it anymore.

The only connection I have with it is its lore and legends, and how I'm incorporating them into the story.

And, well, that's it.

I might stop posting update posts altogether... idk.

Have more "personal" kinds of posts... idk.

Sorry for the vent post. :(

Bye guys.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Story Mini Blog + Llama Update

Hey guys! :)

So if you remember or not, I said I was gonna make a mini-blog specifically for Twinkle's Story (and series).


I finally made it! :D

Check it out here:

Hehe... ^-^'

Now onto today's Jamaa Journal updates!

But this part of the update is pretty inconvenient in my opinion. >.<
You've gotta go in the Change Your Look thing to view your currencies (gems, diamonds, etc.) and achievements.

I don't really like how AJHQ is changing all the player card and icon thingies. :(

But I'm not much to say. I barely am on AJ anymore anyways. Oh well. *shrugs*

Now the Jamaa Journal! ^_~

Pet Contest (instead of den sets, it's with pets //cutepups states the obvious//)
Vote for pet contest (armadillos sound nice lol, something different)
Freedom Party news (4th of July party, basically)
Animal facts stuff (info is good yes)
(and the other pages that I didn't even bother to screenshot are just repeated news)

And OF COURSE, llamas are in the Diamond Shop and members only even though they were nonmember when they were unreleased. -.-

Eh, it's ALWAYS the Diamond Shop.



Winner of that DE contest I just read about today is a nonmember item in the Diamond Shop that actually looks pretty cool.

Lol in the story, I'm saying to hate Mira and Zios. XD

Because they are EEVILLL

Lol not really.


It's complicated...

Oh and the Play Wild app is finally released in the App Store now.

So if you wanna get it, then get it.


Gotta get ready for my dance rehearsal which is in a few hours and is gonna be all day long *sigh*.

Check out the story blog! <3

I still need to set up a gazillion things.

Bye! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Something #8 (I think)

Hello. I'm here with a quick post.

Brother's graduation. Band performing. Yeah, pretty busy. ^-^'

So anywho, forgot to tell ya. So as you may or may not know, when I sometimes say I post on an iPad, well it's actually the school's iPad. So in other words, I don't have my own personal iPad (my family has a Surface though but it's for my parents).

And since school's now over (today was the last day even though I didn't go to school today (because it's high school and I can ok) woohoo!), I obviously can't keep my school iPad during summer break.

So yeah. One less tech device to stalk you guys on. (Kidding, kidding)

Oh shoot. Gotta go right now.

See ya later! :)

Monday, June 22, 2015

Omg a lot of Things

Hey guys. ^o^

This post will feature lots of "omg"s. X3

So let's get started! ;D

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Omg I saw Jurassic World last Friday. Omg that movie is so awesome!!! :O :)


Omg school's basically over! (yesyesyesyesYES)

Omg I got barely any sleep Saturday night Sunday morning.

(Oh wait, that's not good.)

Omg anime omg.

Omg this RIM omg.

(The rest of this post is basically me blabbering/obsessing over Fierdan (just Fierdan). c;)

So omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =O

I just posted about Fierdan and his swegginess with sunglasses/shades/fabulous glasses. 

And the RIM is shades. 

Omg does this mean something?!?!?!?!?

(Probably not.)

Omg Fierdan omg Fierdan omg Fierdan omg "firedan" omg "fireface" omg "fireguy" omg sad past feels are haunting me.

Omg here's a motto I literally just made up <333333:

Hate Soulless and Duke, love Fierdan.


(Best motto ever, roight bruh rock? ;3)

(Yes, yes. At this point in the plot, Fierdan and Duke are completely different characters. Obviously. Like Fierdan is better. Yes. ;u;)

Omg wth. I searched "Fierdan" on this online dictionary website. Fierdan is nothing like that definition! X'D

Omg so far today, I've had this one song on repeat. So far today, I've been listening to it AT LEAST ten fifteen times today.

Omg this dubbed song is so freaking amazing. The lyrics might be different from the original version. But I don't care! >:U

Omg I only saw..... never mind.

Here's the video of the song. (Warning: epicness and feels overload ;o;)

English version

(Original) Japanese version (with Vietnamese subtitles cuz idk).

Omg this song.

I can't stop putting these two songs on repeat. I seriously can't.

Help plz.


I only saw one episode of Tokyo Ghoul (where the song is from). I'm just kinda putting it aside until I finish the other few anime I still want to finish before becoming "addicted" to a new one (haha, I know I'm weird). *cough* NGNL *cough*.

So feels.


Omg characters

Omg why why whyyy

Now I'm gonna ruin some stuff! ;D


Now my cruddy connections that probably only I understand. ;D

(I'm just gonna refer to the English version for this...)

So... Erm... Ergh... ...

Some of the lines in the English one are like perfect to connect to.

Omg I am so sorry for being messed up.

Like to Fierdan's past/life. And how all those past life feels and all those feels. *sobs*

(But only SOME. Not ALL. SOME.)

Especially these lines:

"Well now who could it be? That lives inside of me?"

"I'm broken, lying helpless, shattered. Surrounded by the world."

*especially this one ;n;* "I don't want to hurt you, it's not my nature. A monster born from dusk to dawn can't be your saviour. Remember the 'me', the way I used to be."

"Those happy days, pierce into me. These lonely memories cease to care. They spread throughout my history."

"This lonely space, held into place by someone crazy."

"So please think of me, the way I used to be."

"Remaining corrupt as I wish for paradise."

And those are the lines that remind me of Fierdan! XD

(Of course the lyrics connect to Kaneki Ken (character in Tokyo Ghoul) a gazillion times way better.)


"Anonymous POV" in Chapters 39 and 40 is Fierdan. (Not Duke, obviously.)




Not wanting to be the way he is. (Like how he's corrupt and crazy, but actually doesn't want to.)

Caused by everything falling apart. (Like lies from-- spoilers.)




Nobody remembering how/who he was before all that bad stuff happened/started happening.

Everybody automatically thinking of him as nothing more than a heartless killer, and hating him- including Duke. (No.)

(Ugh, I really want to give out and explain everything, but I can't! ;o;)



Feels. Feels everywhere.

Lol I wanna see how you think all those hints are factors in Fierdan's life (especially past from long time ago).

That should make me happy and sad at the same time! ;D

And this face: :')

And then this face: :'(


Now to finish this Fierdan and feels obsessed post with my new motto! X3

Hate Soulless and Duke, love Fierdan. (Just do.)

lol bye guys

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day and First Day of Summer!

Hey guys. :)

Today's June 21st. The summer solstice (the first day of summer) and Father's Day! :D

So... Erm... Appreciate your father today, guys! :3

Wow, especially after what happened last chapter- eheheheh. Oh, the irony- eheheheh.

If you want to know how I typed so descriptively and sweggy last chapter (like Dukey's POV ;u;), it's because of media. Like reading books, watching TV and movies... Media.

No, that never happened to me. ahahahahaha

Did ya like my descriptiveness though? And how he's becoming more dark like himself...

Eh... Yay for improvement! c:

Father's Day Google banner thingy. (So cute! ^w^):

I went to my grandparents' house this morning for Father's Day. What are you guys doing today? c:

Jammer's username I found in Jamaa Township just now. ;)


Just Maze.





what am i doing?

i had a donut 




idek how to spell it correctly

which one is the correct spelling?

is it because i go to dunkin' donuts so often

dunkin' is love, dunkin' is life


So yeah. Happy first day of summer, too!

PicMonkey edit picture I made. It's also on my DeviantArt. I like how it came out. :)


gotta go watch some world cup games

with my soccer-obsessed family

Have a fantabulous day, everybody! :D

And if you read the latest chapter (Chapter 40- huehuehue ;u;), feel free to comment any predictions.

I love reading predictions. <3

 Peace out!~
omg it's them sweggsters >///< 

Twinkle's Story: Chapter 40

*Ooh, feelsies drama!*
*Ummina. This is what happens when you're me.*
*Okay, I'll let you read the chapter now. >:)*


I fly closer to Eternal who is sitting on the cloudy floor. There's a circular-shaped hole a few inches in front of the tips of his toes; his feet hang off the edge of the cloud's floor. The hole here in heaven is how all the others observe the people back down in Jamaa. Unlike me, they can't teleport between the two worlds.

But despite that, I stretch out my sleek angel wings and sit next to Eternal. I look behind my right shoulder as I bend in my angel wings bringing them closer to my body. Pure white sleekness with faint traces of gold and aqua shimmering like ribbons wrapped around the undersides of the wings. It's almost as if it's natural for me to possess such majestic wings of the finest beauty. 

I look away from my wings and look into the hole that serves as a barrier between our two worlds, heaven and the living world. It wasn't that challenging to figure out what specific section of the living world he zoomed in on. Eternal is also looking into the hole, and he adjusts the zoom-in control.

He shakes his head in disgust. "Why he's still with her, I'll never know," he grumbles.

"What do you mean?" I look up at Eternal's face and then back at the hole. "Don't you like your--" I cut off my sentence, and swallow air as I observe the two teenagers being the main center of focus in the mesmerizing hole. Without having the capability of overhearing what they're saying in addition to the dim lighting due to shadows surrounding them on all sides, knowing what the two are doing isn't that certain. I blink as I see the dark shadows on their arms suddenly disappear. Two dark shadows that have parts that look like the ones that wrapped around their arms a few moments earlier settle down right behind the heels of their feet. I blink as Eternal adjusts the setting yet again.  

 I then clearly distinguish those shadows being black jackets. The guy's right index finger flicks a slightly wavy strand of hair that covers a large portion of the girl's left eye away from her eye. He looks straight into her eyes, his tightly shut lips slowly spreading into a warm smile.

Hearing Eternal's voice suddenly causes me to look up from the hole. He says, "Why is he still doing this act? She's too innocent to become broken in every way possible. He's just gonna end up hurting her like last time."

I objectively say, "Yeah, and I'm sick of you still referring to your son as an enemy and a stranger."

Saying that apparently broke him. He faces me, rage in his eyes. "Stop saying that!" he yells.

"I might not know what triggered your sudden hatred for your son, but--"

"Fauna," he sighs, "remember what I told you a few days back?"

"-- there's nothing wrong with them together," I finish.

"When I was talking about Fierdan."

"Oh yeah, that murderous psychopath from just over a hundred years ago."

"And how I told you Duke is actually a "new" version of Fierdan."

"Oh, yeah, that," I say awkwardly.

Eternal breathes out a long sigh. "I think it's time I told you too. Well, uh, okay. Since he's technically Fierdan awoken from the dead in the pits of the underworld, it's not possible for me to be..."

His eyes dance across the room. He then continues, "... his actual father. I'm not the father of Fierdan, therefore I'm not the father of Duke Fierdan. You see, Duke there," he points a claw down at the hole where the male teenager in the image is, "actually was never my son."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, attempting to hide the curiosity in my voice.

Eternal sighs again. "Fauna, you may not believe what I'm saying, and I don't blame you. But it is the truth, and I do hope you will believe me."

I just roll my eyes and say, "Okay. Go on with it then."

"Fierdan's father is the most powerful animal in Jamaa, no matter the species. Maybe obtaining that inherited power made him become such a power-thirsty demon. Maybe that's how he always ends up leaving a corrupted path of pure darkness that's blacker than black, his feet drenched in blood. Maybe that's why. Now you see why your sister shouldn't stick around him."

I close my eyes. "No, Eternal, no I don't see." I open my eyes. "Ever since they confessed their love for each other, they've been happy. Both of them lacked the feeling of happiness before being together in each other's life. So no, I disagree. Fire and ice may be on the opposite ends of the spectrum, but they'll always be paired with each other. And you can never change that."

Eternal just simply laughs. "You just don't get the big picture, don't you. Fire and ice never belong mixed together. And besides, every second that Twinkle stays with Duke is just another second closer to her death. A death caused by him. Staying with him is leading to her death."

"I don't care about quantity, Eternal, I care about quality. If Twinkle ends up living a shorter life, then so be it. As long as Twinkle has true happiness, then I'll be happy too."

He shakes his head. "Ice and fire staying united will not lead to true happiness for either of them. It will only end in unnecessary deaths."

"You see Fauna, it will end in the world falling apart."


"We couldn't find the two, boss," I hear a voice in the distance in the direction back at the beach. I then hear footsteps walking slowly away from where Twinkle and I are. As well as the two towering buildings that are on opposite sides of the alley Twinkle led us into, this is another benefit for us. The buildings' sides casting shadows and a blanket of darkness over the alleyway and the great feeling of isolation with her, exhilarates me. Darkness is where I thrive. Darkness is where we both thrive. Darkness awakens both our hearts.

   She sighs and says, "You do know I'm still not certain on why you're so interested in meeting Dawn on the mountains, right? You're not more interested in her now. Right?"

Dawn. One half of me tells me to have my revenge. Having the pleasure of my black flames slowly killing her from the inside out, over a century's amount of hatred in the kill, gladly watching her slowly suffer until she is ashes. Doing so will make her never be in my way again. She'll never be between the ice girl and me ever again; my love for her will no longer be restricted. 

The other half tells me to never restrict my love for her; to love her as much as I can eternally. Telling me to kill Twinkle and burn every forest to the ground, so Dawn and I will never be separated ever again. 

Either way, it will end in me being a leader of a brand new world. The question is with who: Twinkle or Dawn?

It doesn't take longer than three seconds for me to decide. 

"I'd rather die than choose her over you. When the world dies in the flame, we're gonna be the two leaders of a new world.  You and me. No others. Only you and me."

I wrap my arms tighter around her waist, bringing her closer to me. I kick my black jacket farther behind me. Without wearing it, it looks so dull and lifeless. Just like another ordinary jacket. I bring it to life.

I tilt my head slightly down, so I can see every detail on her face. I whisper, "You saved my life back then. You must know how much I'm thankful for that."

She stutters, "I-I..." She suddenly doesn't say a single word as I take my right paw off her waist, and bring it up under her chin to lift it up closer to my face.

She gulps when the fingers on my left paw gently brush her cheek. I can practically feel her jawbone. Cold, hard- just like ice.

"Umm, Duke... Wh-What are you doing?" she asks, a sign of wariness in both her voice and eyes.

"Twinkle, you're too stiff," I reply, my eyes dashing back and forth between her ice-blue eyes that twinkle brighter than any star, and her shirt with its low-rise collar.

Unexpectedly, she combs a finger through a side bang of mine and says, "Yeah, and your hair isn't that short anymore either. I'm guessing it grew around a half inch to an inch ever since the field trip."

I lift my head up, a way of my face stepping back from Twinkle's. "W-What?" I say, getting a bit alarmed.

 "Eh, I dunno," she replies, giggling.

I go along with it. "Well, my hair does get in the way more often now than back then."

"Your hair looks pretty swag as it is now though," she laughs.

I blank out from what she's saying as her lips crease together in a mischievous grin. Were her lips always so cold-looking; did I just notice that now? Is it because she possesses the power of ice, or is it because of another reason?

No matter the explanation, I feel the urge to warm them up.

Embers tingle under my skin as I have one paw cradling under her chin, the other paw cradling the side of her head.

I lift my gaze off her lips and notice how much she looks like a living and breathing ice statue. Despite feeling my wrist and nearly avoiding the fire from them a little under an hour ago after she saved my life by dragging me into this alley, she now feels cold.

Bodies being colder than average unnerves me; it unsettles me. I just can't live that way.

Without another word from either of us, I lean forward and press my lips onto Twinkle's.

I immediately feel the coolness of her lips, just like every other time we kissed. It burns at first, but then subsides.

A few seconds later and realizing our lips didn't depart yet, I realize how long we've been like this.

Well, if she minded, she can pull her head away.

Oh... Right...

Despite wanting to be like this forever, I back away from Twinkle.

We both catch our breaths, but I quickly lose mine again as she kisses me.

Still... So... Cold...

It's kinda funny how we're having a kissing battle, cold against heat.

Yeah, I definitely won't regret my decision.


Finally breathless, we sit down to catch our breaths. At the same time, we put our paws on each other's chest, feeling the other's rapid beating heart. Our hearts feel like they were shot with a whole lot of adrenaline.

"That... Was... Amazing," I gasp.

Duke just nods his head, his eyes closed.

The whole beach incident is long gone now.

Even through everything we've been through in the past few days, like when he "tried to kill me", he still loves me so much that he'll choose me over this Dawn girl any day.

That part of him still being there reassures me. He's still like his old self before the night of the black flames. And I am so thankful for that. 

We slowly drift off into sleep in our positions with our black jackets behind us. The lifeless sea of black isolating the both of us in a new world of just us two. 

Then I hear another voice speak to me.

"But how long will it last?"

Even though I estimate the time to be around 4:30, the shadows of the alley make it seem much more darker.

We fall asleep next to each other.

Well, for the moment anyways.


Duke, why won't you stop hurting me? You torture me every second of your existence.

Duke, you are merely a puppet. A puppet I was forced to make.

You are the true dark one. You are you only to be the darker me.

You also torture me because of your age.

I never wanted to relive that.

You see, Duke...

Ever since our father lied to us, I've become controlled... possessed.

I never wanted it. 

I'm saying this because I want to protect you.

And I let this happen to me because I was weak and a fool.

And I still am.

Please, Duke, please...

Don't end up like me.

Because I never wanted this to happen to our world.

Listen, Duke...

Even when the whole world is crashing down at your feet, you must always remain strong.

Please, Duke, please...

Never let your inner flame be extinguished.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Hi again. XD

No, no "XD". This is the serious post of the day.

First of all, click #stopyulin2015. (There are also other websites that explain about the hashtag, but they contain way more brutally violent pictures.)

(No, the link does NOT link to a YouTube video or any video of it.)

*shudders* O_O

Now some posters about it that I found on Google:

(All pictures belong to respective owners)

So yeah. :'(

To sum this whole thing up, there's this whole thing going on in southern China in an area called Yulin. There's this "festival" there called something along the lines of "Yulin Dog and Cat Meat Festival". But where do the cruel people get them? They get them (around 90 percent) from stealing them from urban houses, cars... From their owners' houses without knowing. And the cruel abusers torture thousands of dogs and cats... And then eat them.

Eh, just look it up if you're that interested. 


However, I no longer support PETA.

(Umm, there was a picture from them on there. D:<)

To be honest, I wasn't that aware of this whole thing until Violet from the Animal Jam blog, Animal Jam Legendary Palooza, titled one of posts the hashtag, #stopyulin2015.

So cut the chase, now I know about it. Now you know about it. Yadayadayada.

Like, they're eating carnivores. Carnivores. O_O

And family pets. Family pets. "Man's best friend." O_O

And they think the more the animals torture, the better it will taste. O_O

And it's banned by the government there. O_O

And the majority of the citizens want it banned as well. O_O

(Sick and messed up, right?)

In my opinion, I only think it's okay to, like eat these animals, is if it's in a drastic life-or-death situation.

I once watched a TV show episode like that. It gave me nightmares for over a week. And that was several years ago.

*shudders* O_O

They say to re-post the hashtag. So go do that.

~ Cutepups

Greatest Username Liek Evah

Oh, my computer loaded.

Greatest Username Liek Evah:


My entertainment on AJ nowadays is going to Jamaa Township to see if anyone's being funny, or to click on Jammers to see if they have a sweggy username.

Give a round of applesauce applause to TheGreatPublicBathroom!

A Storeh (Be Advised)

Hey, my computer won't load.

So anywho, here's a storeh fer chu.

It's liek teh storeh i h@d to re@d ¡n my LA final.


Ok so legit.


One day there was a hillbilly named Wolf John or something. He lived in the Wild West like those movies from a gazillion hundred years ago.

He also had guns and other weapons on him because he felt like it.

One day he saw a mine(craft).

2 of the miners were being obnoxious and told Fierdan that he isn't allowed to wear swag shades indoors.

So then Fierdan took out his fiery pocketknife and slit their throats.

The moment after, Fierdan thinks in his head: What the hell...

Then a second later, he thinks: Why am I here again? ...

Then a second after that, he thinks: c:

Then Fierdan puts on his swag sunglass shades and leaves the music store with his favorite song: **** *** ******* * ** **** **** ****.

"I AM SWAG SWAG SWAG," is what Fierdan chants as he skips out of the store.

So back to Wolf John or something.

Wolf John or something walked into the music store, he saw two tall green block square thingies lying on the floor near where the CDs called **** *** ******* * ** **** **** ****.

The green creatures were dead.

So then Wolf John or something was frustrated and stayed in the store.

Then his girlfriend, Hot Tea, entered the store and saw Wolf John or something holding an AK47.

So then Hot Tea arrested Wolf John or something because she thought he killed those creatures in MineCraft. 

On the road to a place, Hot Tea tells Wolf John or something that she loves him more than anything in the world.

Then they talk about their love life and fall in love because he fell off his carseat.

When they reach the execution area, she tells the Sherrif to hang Wolf John or something because he slaughtered the MineCraft creatures. 

So then Wolf John or something is hanged.

Then Hot Tea walks into a bar.

"HA HA LOSER," Fierdan taunts Hot Tea as she slips off the dance bar in my dance class.

Hot Tea cries.

Then they fall in love.

Then Fierdan asks, "Do you think he's such a poop?"

Then Hot Tea asks, "Who?"

So then they kiss again, and Fierdan says, "You suck."

Then Hot Tea is lying dead on the floor.

Then Fierdan says, "Lies! You aren't my hot mint tea, and he is a poop!"

So then Fierdan kisses her dead body, and drags it out the door.

So then Fierdan puts his favorite song on again, and performs a complicated ballet dance.





The last # is actually serious and legit, fyi. :'(

Never mind. This storeh wasn't the one in my LA final.

Or is it?! O.o

Bye. ♡

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Oh My Why




I'm gonna change that now.


What was I thinking when doing that page?!

Those aren't even quotes.








Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Sweg Spam Jam + Fierdan's Tips on How To Be Swag


I had my first two finals today. ono

Lol I forgot I have half-days this week.


I gotta be legit.


AJ sweg

lawl yes yes Y45





omg r00d aj rood

fierdan thinks that orange skull thingy is c00l

lol these earth crystals donut look liek dawn @ all

yesyesyes donut tunod <3






why am i typing donut


my head hurts e.e

i have a meeting that's mandatory to go to in a few hours o.o

i'm too lazy to hold down the shift key


o nvm yolos 

Precious found one. It made her turn swagalicous with sparkly stars. 8D

No eye swag! oh wait that's not swag
pfft, the player card thingy looks weird to me now :/



45 means AS

Thelma keeps on sleeping on my painting. *crai*

This is what happens when I allow Precious to hang out with Bunny. They spam jam each other.

(spam jam means spam jam-a-grams)


jk it was only me lol


lol she spam jammed me




Fierdan's Tips on How To Be Swag:

*says in strong/heavy accent that is foreign to everyone*

1. Fall in love with everybody.

2. Compliment their eyes.

3. Take them out on at least 969696969 dates.

4. Kill everybody because you're-- idek.


oh wait that's his tips on how to get girlfriends


Fierdan's REAL Tips on How To Be Swag:


2. Kill everybody who does not approve.


4. Be swag.

The end.


Fierdan, your tips are-- idek.

Fierdan: Pfft, it was Soulless.


o wait

SWAG (omg i love this song :heart::heart:)

"Swag"~ Lindsey Stirling

^^ is an epical song called swag ^^

much instrument

such talent

