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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Accepting Freaky Sneaky Clown Friends

Legit title, I know! ;D

So anywho. Remember my AJ-related freaky clown post last year? Well, click me to read it if you don't. Clowns have invaded Jamaa's carnival againnn)


Now how to type Cutepups in the way of the sweggsters: 6gvbx8njm

Just face-plant on yer keyboard, and then u gotz it! ;3

Wow fab ikr

So anywho. Yes, the freaky clown makeup blob has returned!


o mai 


Bio class today tho


It was liek dis:

Teacher: *hands person in group sharp knife* Hey you, cut that off and tell me what it is.

Student: Mk. *holds very sharp knife and starts cutting*

Teacher: Pour out the mysterious brown liquid.

Student: Eww gross. *pours out mysterious brown liquid in/over sink*

Teacher: Yum, the mysterious brown liquid is chocolate milk!

Us students: Eww gross. Stop making it resemble foods and drinks, you creep!

Teacher: Cut, cut, cut, cut, cut.......

Us students: Meh.

Teacher: Finish yer lab fer homewurks and quiz on dis next class. Bye.

And that was my bio class today. But just in slightly different words. But still with the same overall meaning.

Creepio bio class with a dead fish there too


creepy bio class is creepy

(No, it was NOT chocolate milk! >:O)

Now I'm gonna tell chu a true story! o3o

Once upon a time it was 3 days ago. Doing literally nothing in class (not bio class) for an entire block bored the heck out of me. So then I took my book out of my backpack and started reading it. 

It was a Maximum Ride book.

So there I was reading my book at my desk for the majority of the block.

And then my friend that sits right in front of me started giggling as her phone was out right in front of me.

I thought she was on some social media of some sort. idk.

Then after that class is lunch. And then she texted me a video.

The video was me reading my Maximum Ride novel in class. That video only lasted a minute or so, but before we left the class she told me she was recording me read for over 8 minutes.

8 minutes. O_O

So then I watch the video. 

I was first staring right at the phone's camera like a brainless person. Then I looked back down at the book pages and scratching my fingers. And then I started reading again!

I was like mumbling incredibly softly: mhmm mhmm yeah max did mhmm mhmm wings mhmm mhmm dead mhmm mhmm mhmm ya yeah 

It was so hilarious that video! X3

So now I have a friend that stalkerishly records videos of me reading books.

That book was so interesting though. It was, like, life or death. (So intense, I know!)

O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O O_O\

Oh, and remember when I said I applied for a job over the summer?

Well guess what, you stalkers!?

I got it! :)

o wait

I'm just a CIT. As in volunteer work. As in no money. :c

o well

o wait

It's good for future job applications. Yay. c:

Eww school crud.

Bio teacher: And remember how the intestines are Ramen noodles. Yum! 

Me: No. Shoo. Go away.

School is weird. O_O

(No, I didn't say that back to him. XD)



  1. I'm getting a job as well this Summer. I'm continuing to teach but it's going to be English this time. I might get paid at the end doing this for a lot of years by the next Summer or so, so I guess I better have teaching plans out.

    I might be far busier, life, though.

    1. Yeah, once the summer starts and the next school year starts, I bet I won't have time to do all this daily blogging either.

      My job (I mean volunteer work preparing for getting a job) also involves working with younger kids (it's this day camp). I recently found out that people get money for the job thing I'm doing if they worked there before, are older, or applying for a job there that gets paychecks (which my sister applied for). And this is my first time working (I mean volunteering) there.

  2. xD.....thats just jduewghfyogvweygvboai wordz..I cant speak xD
