I'm listening to music by 5 SOS now. Is good music. My friends kinda introduced me to them. They wear shirts by that band all the time. Ya! Maybe not to you.? Idk you, so uh... Ok, moving on! Lawl. :3
So... Uh... How's your week going so far? This is gonna be a long week for me. So many quizzes. Annoying homework assignments (that I SHOULD be doing right now. And study. Eww.. School.. DX) as well. (Well, I'm in this thing called high school now. Should expect that. Lawl.)
And I can't even look forward to this weekend! Because from Friday night to Saturday night, I have to basically be hungry all day. I mean 'fast'. And be all religious all day long. So that's why I have a half day on Friday. Whoopdeedoo. :T
And about that topic, my mom won't shut up about how she can't eat anything for like 3 days this week. She just had to have her stupid, complicated test tomorrow. Where she can't eat anything, a day in advance. It kinda is her fault for making her appointment that day.Yeah. Suckish life. Anyone with me? Eh, eh? (Waits for someone to high-five. Nobody does. :/) Fine. Be that way. Blah! .~.
And now on less boring news. Ooh! Maybe that was actually mind-blowing to you! Idk you. Probably not, though. ;-;
I finally started my 'slightly violent' Duke drawing. Well, I only sketched it out. Does that count? Uh... It's pretty hard drawing my characters. (OMG. What did I get myself into!? Such challenge. o.<) Because they're a combination of fox anatomy (which is pretty obvious..) and human anatomy. Foxes with human traits.? Idk. Eh. Whatever. So I'm gonna focus on finishing that drawing sometime soon. (OMG it's so bad right now! DX Duke's eyes look slightly kawaii to me. X3 I'm gonna change that. Ya. Idk. Much work to do..)
Ok, my lovelies. I'm just gonna say what the drawing is of. Yeah..
It's from a scene towards the end of Chapter 15 and a flashback (kind of) in Chapter 16. It's when Duke is with his 'demon'- aka the demon fox. So there will be some minor blood stuff in it. Like the blood-red eyes of the demon fox.. Umm... Yeah. I need to really work on how I'll shade it, though. Eh.
And about THAT topic. I'm still thinking ideas for the next chapter(s). Chapter 22 and 23 will likely be 'explanation chapters'. That, well... Explain stuff! (Duh! o3o) Chapter 22 will be pretty boring though. (Or not. Idk. Are my chapters like EVER boring? XD) Not as exciting as Chapter 21, though! I'm going to think of this writing piece/poetry (eh, not really) for it. Such work! Blegh! So... No promises about when I'll post it. Especially since I don't really have enough details for it yet. And I don't want it to like suck. And I'm focusing on making them more descriptive. (Yes, I know. Even more descriptive. Ya. •.•)
So... That's about it. Well, for now. See ya later! :-)