The Daily Puppy
Today's new item is the Candle Hat. With... uh... melted wax? Make sure that the candle wax doesn't melt on your head. That'll be very bad. And dangerous. And... -shudders-. O.o
Unfortunately, it's members-only. I can't do a derpy outfit with this item, dang it! D=
lol :P
So now onto the daily craziness in Jamaa! 'Cause every time I'm on AJ nowadays, I see at least one crazy Jammer. So who do we have featured today? XD
And that red arctic wolf hosted a prom at her den. It seems that it became so popular, that she couldn't enter her own den again (unless she locked her den, I bet).
Blossom's a nice buddy. Nice to hang out with. c:
Wolverine's just an extra account because the original account was changed to this account, but then changed back. Yeah... confusing. .-.
And Supercountess. She used to check out my blog's story chapters as well, but she hasn't gone on AJ in a long time. Which I think led to her not checking my blog as often. I'm not exactly sure, so...
Oh yeah. Way back in my earlier posts, I made this post about warriorcats488 being a gray player card/quit. She actually came back on again a few months ago. She only goes on once in a while, so... Ya. Just had to clear that up. Even though nobody commented on that post or anything... (I think.) So yeah...
So many people are leaving! Nu!!!! :(
And now onto more stuff. Information. About... you know what, guys? I'm not going to directly state what I'll be typing about now, this time. I bet you know what, though. And if you're wrong then... SHAME ON YOU!!!! D:< jk. Nah... I said it like a gazillion times already, so... Moving in to the news! XP ......
So uh.... What am I typing about again? Uh... Thinking time! Hmm.... That dead fish in the classroom? No.. Those essays I have to write? Nope.. That frog skull in the classroom? Nah.. Wait, what? It's for real, though. Freaky stuff in Bio class. XD
Ok, I remember. It's okay, whoever-you-ares. Don't you worry! ;)
DUKE: Oh yeah. I'm like so epic! Oh ya. Swag! Sweg! All of the electro-firefly mutations must die! Die, die, die! Why don't I have a real bow? Ugh! I'm like so poor! Stupid 'worst life ever'! It's the worst life ever! La, la, la! First world problems. I thought this is a futuristic Jamaa when all the known Alphas had died a long time ago. What the.... How do I know that!? I thought I'm a fox. I'm more than that, you say!? My life's a lie! I want to turn into a flame! I want to burn you all! Matter... Gas, creature... fire! What if I'm actually the enemy? Ooh, drama! Don't hit me, little children. I'll burn you! Muahahaha! Run away! Shoo, strangers! Who even are you!? Stop stalking me! Oh my Zios! Why are you still here!? Get a life, you no epic blob! Ooh.. yay! Go away. I said, 'go away'. Oh Zios. Not you! You ruined my relationship! I don't care if you are part of the you-know-whats. It's all your fault! Go away! I don't care if you don't like my powers. Yours are even lamer! You know what? You're a jerk. And a stealer. You're a thief! Why did I do that!? Oh Zios. Now she hates me! Look what you made me do! Gah! Grr! Yesh, she left! I'm gonna party now. Bleh! This is getting pretty awkward. Twinkle... Oh fine... Be that way! Bubbles! Hahahahahaha. Saying bubbles in an angry voice is funny. Merp. I said I'm sorry. Stop ignoring me! Wah! Ouch! Stop hurting me, air! You're so mean! Pillows! Are soft! I'm gonna jump off this cliff! Bravery! Go me! Happy dance! Wait, I'm not even happy! What is this!? Curse you, air! Die, die, die! No.. Don't die! You're the only friend I have left! Don't leave me, too! Oh no you don't! Come back here at once! I'll do it again... Oh yeah? Then stop me! Oh right. You can't! No, no, no! Stop saving my life, Twinkle! I thought you hated me! Wah! What if I want to fall off this cliff? You're so mean! Sniffle, sniffle. Imma live in this here hole now. Okay? Oh come on! Fine, I'll live aboveground. But wait! Air is there! Haha that rhymes. Lawl. Oh.. good point. I want to avoid her as much as possible now after what she made me do! Why am I still shooting flames out of my claws? How does this even solve our prophecy mission? Oh my gosh, Twinkle! She wasn't in it originally, so it doesn't matter if she's in it or not anymore. I don't care anymore! No. Don't go. Oh right. I'm going. See you on the other side! Sorry things had to end this way. I'm sorry, Twinkle. Remember what I told you before...
So uh... yeah. That's Duke, everybody! Talking about scenes in chapters way later on! He's being weird. He's like the most complicated character ever. Like seriously. What is he!? Who is he!? Oh right. I haven't posted them chapters yet. Just wait a few months. At my chapter posting rate! Haha. Duke basically summed up some major events in future chapters. In the way future. Which you have no clue about. At all. Changes everything! Muahahaha! >:3
And he's correct. Back onto "Twinkle's Story" news. Why do I even call it that, anyways? It's both their stories now! I stink at thinking up titles. It'll work out somehow. Somehow. Oh, you will see...
So anywho, I have 2 ideas for drawings I want to make (not digital though) from "Twinkle's Story". One is from Chapter 15, and some of Chapter 16. With that scene at the end. Umm yeah. The other one is from a scene in Chapter 21. I still haven't posted that yet! Right. That is going to be the most romantic chapter I have in my story. Or so I think. I get random story ideas all the time! Hehe. Dukle. Aww... SHIP IIIIIITTT!!!! XD
This post is getting extremely random and all, so I'm gonna end it here. Bye! Thanks for waiting ever so patiently! ^.^
Duke is Duke.
ReplyDeletePretty obvious. Duke is not a duke, though. Haha- weird. Doesn't make sense. :P
You're probably too wonderstruck on my epic post here of epicness and sweg, that you don't know what to comment. You're reaction is probably something like this: O_O throughout this entire amazing post. Totally!
Oh gosh. This post and comment probably make no sense to you whatsoever. Lawl. Bubbles! :3
Well we ship it because it kind of is a romance story X3
ReplyDeleteDuke sounds a little like you in that crazy thing. Idk why :p hehe
Anyway, biology. Creepy. XD