READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Muahahahahahaha! >:D
But before we go into that, let's go into some more cutepuppiness. Yay! The Cute Pup of the Day is Porsche the Boxer Mix. Cute! :3 (From:
The Daily Puppy
Something to think about when it's that time of the year again- The Night of the Phantoms. The night the phantoms come. And remember this little phrase.: "As the darkness falls, blood will be shed." Heh, heh, heh... (Eerie feeling, right guys?)
Dun, dun, dun!!! >:O
It'll be like a story-type thing. Involving YOU. Well, kind of. Hahahaha. >:)
Okay. I'll start my actual post now. XD
~ Imagine.......
The Phantoms are becoming even stronger as every single second ticks by. Not even the Alphas could prevent them from entering the heart of Jamaa- the Township. Jamaa is falling apart in ruins before your very eyes. You see your fellow Jammers mysteriously 'disappear' due to the Phantoms. Some of your most trusted, loyal friends turn into your worst enemies through what you think of as a betrayal to you. They decide to join the Phantoms' side, thinking it's the only way for them to possibly stay alive as the world crumbles among us all. For the others who are still on the Jamaasian side even after all these years, well... They live their lives in hiding and in fear. And when a few brave ones try to sneak out of hiding in fear, what awaits them is groups (or clans, packs, herds, flocks, clouds,- eh, you get my point) of phantoms who instantly kill them with a single blow. Most of the Jammers like these die this way because they just wanted to eat a little bit more than just a crumb of stale food- to last an entire day. And to accumulate that to all the deaths that way is the straightforward battles and fights the Jammers have with the Phantoms- and maybe even Jammers among themselves. You still haven't made your decision, however. To continue to be a loyal citizen of Jamaa who fights against the Phantoms but lives a life in fear; or to betray everyone you once loved to at least stand a chance of surviving by joining the Phantoms' side. You're the only one left who hasn't made their decision. You could be the last living loyal Jammer; or you could become just like the rest of the Jammers you know and love, as joining Phantoms' side. You could be the Savior of Jamaa. Or perhaps not. It all rests in your paws (or flippers, or fins,- eh, you get my point).
(Alpha statues and other symbolizations of them made this way, by the Phantoms.)
(Me dressed up as the Alphas, Greely and Peck. It's the best I could come up with. :P)
(Sorry I couldn't use ALL of the Alphas. >.<)
(Ugh. Excuse the typos. Blame the chat restrictions! D:)
(But that's a very slim chance. Surviving.)
So yeah. Lots of stuff to think about, right? So... What did you guys think of that story-type thing? Does it use 2nd POV? I'm not sure anymore. I think it does, but... Yeah, I don't know. Ha- I'm not making that much sense, am I? Lawl.
It wasn't as realistic as my dream.
I actually dreamed that the whole Jamaa is invaded with Phantoms. There are almost no tall grass, and we humans entered Jamaa as animals. There's no chomper, no boomseeds. Nothing.
Oh. Cool! I mean 'eerie'. I mean.. Eh, forget it. Cx
DeleteI might use the idea(s) in this post somewhere else (in a long time) muahaha! >:)
So ya....
Yea, I think it does use 2nd point of view. Hey, I'll choose on my blog >:) you're about to see some cray-cray stuff, cutepupios!