Okay. So I have it up now. So... The Cute Pup of the Day is Cinnamon the Mixed Breed. And on the actual webpage, it showcases an article all about that chosen pup (Cute Pup of the Day, in my words :3). So... here!
Cinnamon the Mixed Breed
When our beloved 10-year old Lab / golden mix passed away in June we knew we could not be without a four-legged friend for long. One of the doggie heaven books we read our son was about finding comfort and sharing love with another puppy. We fell in love with Cinnamon the moment we saw her picture on Petfinder and connected with a wonderful group of volunteers through the rescue and transport group. It was such an easy adoption process, which I guess means it was meant to be. Cinnamon is such a wonderful addition to our family. She's a playful, loving pup who adores attention from both people and other dogs.
And here are the Cute Pups of the Days that I missed just a few days ago. So... here! XD
Bear the Boxer Mix
Hi, I'm Bear, and my parents adopted me from BARC animal shelter in Houston, Texas. I love to play in the sprinkler, explore the outdoors, and play fetch. If you get me a new toy with a squeaker, I'll be the happiest pup on earth! I also like toys that make sound when you push a button. I'll find the button and make it go off. The noisy toys are the best! When I'm not playing, I am practicing my tricks, getting my belly rubbed, and chewing on bones to soothe my teething. I like to meet new dogs and people, but I get scared when I'm on my walk and a dog tells me to get out of their yard!
More pictures and comments Zephyr the Australian Shepherd Mix
Our beloved 14-year-old Rottweiler passed away in June. Within a month we knew we needed a 4-legged friend in our home once more; we really missed having one around. We searched through petfinder and decided we wanted an Australian Shepherd mix. We found one that we fell in love with right away! The rescue organization ended up stringing us along for 3 weeks before deciding that that they didnt want to adopt to a family with young kids (ours are 4 and 6). We were heartbroken. That night I looked on petfinder and a sweet little Aussie mix popped up. His name was Finn which just happened to also be our son's name. We decided he was meant to be ours. We sent in the application and he was ours by the following Friday. We named him Zephyr, the Greek god of the west wind. We were told that Zephyr's mother was a purebred Australian Shepherd and the father is unknown but is suspected to be a yellow Lab. He is smart, sweet and playful!
More pictures and comments Ava the Weimaraner
Ava loves to play with all of my other dogs' toys. She is dominant and takes others' food bowls and water bowls into her ownership by slobbering on them. She likes to go on jogs with me. She is very friendly and a good companion. She never leaves my side and sits on my lap to fall asleep. Her sister, Cazzie, also has a bunch of energy and she is a little jealous now that the new dog has come into our household.
Uh... okay then. I have no idea why the puppy pictures are so long and wide. Or why they're overlapping the same pictures, either. It won't let me change the sizes of the pictures and delete the doubles. Gah! :V (I put the articles and all the stuff that I don't own- in italics. c;)
Hope that's enough puppy cuteness for you today. XD
So moving onto the RIM! It's the Rare Cupcake Hat. Returning to stores as a RIM again. I think it was first as a RIM a little over a year ago.
So now you can dress up in Jamaa as a cupcake. Ooh! You can be a cupcake! ^D^ So fabu!
Uh... Enchanted being a little coo-coo today! O_O
Moving in from that craziness, here's what the 4th AJ Birthday Cake looks like at some point. Here's the farthest I've gotten from clicking it. And I clicked all over the cake a lot! O.o
Enchanted felt like making a random "Happy Birthday" card for AJ. How sweet! :P
So enough with actual Animal Jam news!
So first off, I'm thinking about changing my Blogger Profile pic. I want to change it to another cute pup- or possibly cute kit. Or cub. I'm not sure yet. I want another cute animal picture. So that's all I have to say about this, basically. So don't freak out if you suddenly see me with another profile pic. XD
And now, second! So... What are your predictions for what will happen next in my story? I like reading guesses! (I also think they're a bit funny by how inaccurate you guys are. Heh, heh, heh....)
That pretty much wraps up this post. So see ya, peeps!
^^ Haha. Funny frowny, sad face. Lawl. ^^
You and your bunnym
ReplyDeleteThey will never change.
Let's hope they don't turn out to be some weird (and kind of too-spirited) people I know over the blogs.
^^^^^ *reads Rainbow's commment* am I TOO spirited?
ReplyDeleteAHH I feel so bad for doing short posts. Anywho, TTYL (XD X)
Not you!
ReplyDeleteOk, moving on from, whatever comments are above (O.o) now. 'K so. I finished my homework. Surprisingly before very late at night! Actually, 3 hours ago. X3 But it's different this year. 'Cause instead of completing homework on a regular sheet of paper or something, I have to complete mine on my iPad now. Getting used to stuff! ^.^
And some story stuff! AGAIN. (I bet you guys are tired of me doing this, but yeah. :P)
I'm planning on making the next few chapters detailed (for once- surprisingly; you'll understand why when I actually type them up and post them). Probably post the next chapter this weekend. They're gonna be long chapters! But interesting. (idk what to say if you think they're not.? o.o) ^o^)
But you're still more than welcome to predict for what you think happens next! (if that's even possible now.. >:3)
Cutepups: I added to my post, something weird happened -.- I am so depressed right now...
I think this looks pretty cute. And this time, it's not wolf pups. :)
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of it? :3
How did u get that magnifying glass?! o-o
ReplyDeleteIt's a secret.. >:)
DeleteLol jk. To get a magnifying glass, all you have to do is click on papyrus scrolls den item. It's in the stores and is nonmember, if you don't have it. Hope I helped! ^.^
Oh ok thanks!