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Friday, October 3, 2014

Unique Story Stuff <3

Hi guys! Cutepups here! With a... post. Wahoo! XD

So umm... Yeah. Story stuff. •randomly starts laughing for no reason whatsoever :P• Ok. So where was I again? Oh.. right.. I didn't say. Duh! ^w^

c: :-)
In the next chapter (Chapter 22), it will mention this writing piece that Twinkle writes/wrote (psst, guys.. I came up with the idea, so it's more like mine than hers. I created my characters, so.. Yeah. X3). It's not just in connection to my story, but it's to real life as well. And it's gonna be called "Unique". And it's about life and all that kind of stuff. (General much? XD) And no. It's more figurative than literal. (It'll make more sense when I get all the ideas  for "Unique" together, and idk.. post the chapter! :v) Actually, I first thought of calling it "Different", but I decided not to. I don't want to copy the title of Gamer's story she's working on, on DeviantArt. Tehe. c;

What more 'sneak-in previews' of Chapter 22? ........ Well, okay! :D

Yes. It'll be an 'explanation chapter'. But first, let me guess. You're probably wondering: "Hey, Cutepups! What's an 'explanation chapter'? owo" Well then.. Don't chu worry, strangers, Cutepups is here to explain the explanations! (•the random strangers that read meh story start clapping- like maniacs O.o• ok, not really... o-o) 

But first off. Why you no answer mi question?!? D': Why do you think Duke has a purple and black flame on his heart? (Psst.. Guys, that's the 'cursed mark') ..... Eh whatever. I'll say it anyways. (I'm so evil omg. >:3) How do you think Duke is connected to the phantoms? (Oh yeah. I just said that. He's bad- in a good way.  Say what!? Cx And epical! Yush, epical! Love it back, guaranteed! What am I saying? Gamer... Rainbow... Cute fox kits/pups being adorable... People... Hallo! o3o) 

Okie folks... That's a wrap!

I lied. This post shall continue...! Muahahahaha! >:D (and no, I'm not gonna paste a random picture of a food wrap, nah!) 

So, what do I mean by 'explanation  chapters'? (Come on, just admit it. You're all so desperate to know- hehe.) 'Explanation chapters' are chapters that'll explain more in detail, events from earlier points in the story, or events that took place before the actual story plot (y'know, the field trip?) begins. So what would Chapter 22's 'explanation' be?

Before that. I wanna just say something. Honestly, I don't consider "Twinkle's Story" being like a romance novel. (Some of you think of it like that..) Yesh, there are some love scenes (tehe :3) but that just adds on to the plot, character development, and epicness. Merpa derp. B3 I didn't even add the even more action/adventure epicness parts to the story yet! Yes lawl. Wait and see.... ;)

Oh yeah. Chapter 22 will also mainly focus on lovely stuff. (Merpa derp. 8D!) Like school stuffs before everything happened. How they are/were in school. What they do/did. Popularity levels. Sparkle and Duke's relationship.? (No, not lovely like. Omg no. XD) Explaining how Duke fell for Twinkle. Yesh. Another lovely chapter! Yippee! X3 

Now since we're on that topic (heh, heh, heh), I'm now gonna explain why I came up with "DUKLE" as my ship name for DukeXTwinkle. So.. Half of Duke's name is "Du", so that's where that comes from. And since that's the beginning of his name, that's why that's in the beginning of the ship name. (I feel like I'm typing things that are so obvious/common sense. Heh.) Half of Twinkle's name is "kle", so that's where that comes from. And since that's the ending of her name, that's why that's in the ending of the ship name. And then there's the letter "K". Both their names have the one and only letter "K" in the middle of both their names. So... Is the 'K' in "DUKLE" for Twinkle's name or Duke's? Maybe it's both. Maybe it's neither's. How about I tell you this? Sound, er look, good? Okay.. The "K" is the united letter that brings them closer together. (Oh, how sweet! ^D^) Or maybe the "K" means something more! The 'K' in "DUKLE" stands for.. (•blushes *w* .~.~.•)... for 'Kiss', which like brings them like free and like stuff. Lol. Where they like let everything go. Like in that like chapter called "Chapter 21" •wink, wink ;3• Another reason why I think the song "Iridescent" that's on my blog's playlist in what I like to call my "Twinkle's Story Soundtrack" o3o goes with that chapter so well. Every time I listen to it now, I picture scenes in my story in all different parts. I'll explain more in da future! With a like drawing that's like very complicated and sad (aka the 'sad' drawing I have in mind; aka during the fox and arctic wolf battle when Twinkle finds Fauna dead while the senseless battle still rages on.). 

Wow, that's a pretty long explanation on why I came up with "DUKLE". A . A

Bye, guys! And remember. "There's a part in all of us that wants to be free." 'K bye! ^.^


  1. Cursed mark due to the prophesy. I don't know how to elaborate on my point, but when his mother was trying to bring him out...

    That's when he got it.

    Didn't he get the mark since birth?

    I can't remember.

    1. Duke got it before his mother tried to kill him when he was a baby...

      It has something to do with Duke and his mother's relationship though...

      So ya....

  2. Can u do the chapter now? O3o hehe

    1. I still have to get all the ideas for the chapter, together! XD

      And don't chu worry, gurl. At some point, I will post a new chapter! Dun worreh! Cx

      I think you'll love the next one, though. (starts randomly laughing BD)

    2. Puns there? *twitches eye at love*

    3. Oh. I wasn't laughing because of the pun. I actually didn't see it as a pun until you pointed it out. XD

      Or was I? The world may never know....

      Let's just say this. I think you'll enjoy Chapter 22- with a passion.
      -cracks up when says 'passion'-
