Best Blogger Tips

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day + Possible Slight Change

Hi guys. ^-^

So... (if you live in the USA), you probably know it's Memorial Day.

Memorial for all those who died in war or any other way that is connected to the military.

Serious stuff....

I can't be on here for long, so I'm gonna jump into the other matters.

Alright so. Two key points. Okay...

First off, posting schedule. As you may know, I still have technological difficulties with my PC. Sometimes, it won't turn on at all (yes, even when I have it plugged in and click the power button). Sometimes, it does turn on but automatically goes into "update" mode which can take from a half hour to (now) over a week. And now it currently works (my computer), but it takes forever to load and turn on (I bet it's due to the broken battery).

So if my computer acts up basically every other time I turn it on, I bet I can't make good posts (man, I miss those days just as much as you guys do :c) as often or at all. (I occasionally have to do more important stuff than blogging on my conputer.)

And since I have these biology exams this week, I probably won't have time to post during this (school)week either.


Now for that other thing.


So, the thing is, my Blogger name. Cutepups522 AJ.

Well, I'm possibly thinking of changing it. A slight change.

The "AJ" part of it is kinda getting on my nerves nowadays.

It probably sounds like I'm an Animal Jam (AJ) player that, well, plays a lot.

But in reality, I barely actually go on AJ anymore. Five, ten minutes at most. If some of my best AJ buddies are on, then I stay on for a bit longer.

Like, come on now. I couldn't go on my computer for over a week, nevertheless playing AJ.

And literally not being able to go on has actually made me feel kinda happy and less stressed. (More time to do more important things, getting homework done earlier, etc.)

And heck, when June starts, I know I'll barely have any time to go on.

But I'll still post on here. Blogging is, in a sense, another life to me. Meeting all of you on the internet, blogging... why would I stop doing what I love? XD

So yeah. I'll probably stay on this semi-hiatus (not posting every day) for quite a while. Perhaps it'll stay like this from now on. (Excluding the weekends. I'll probably be able to post every day during the weekends- sometimes).

So, back on track.

Since I barely actually play AJ anymore and barely post about it anymore, I'm thinking of changing/editing my Blogger name. Like getting rid of the "AJ" and possibly the "522" part as well.

And make it sound more cool. More like me than compared to me, like, three years ago.

Because people, like, change. With, like, different internet nickname preferences. XD

So if I end up changing it, know that it's still me. Same ol' me. X3


Gotta go now. Peace!~ ☆


  1. Ikr Aj NEEDS updates, it is really boring

    1. Yep, AJ needs to actually to make things more interesting instead of the same old, same old.

  2. I UNDERSTAND COMPLETELY. Like, I'm 12 and I find AJ boring. It's probably because even though I'm behind a screen, I'm still crazy shy and barely talk to anyone, let alone know what to talk about. -.-


    1. Haha, same! I kinda feel awkward when speaking on AJ in public (like Jamaa Township or something). Either because I'm extremely awkward at conversations with people I barely know (including relatives I barely see XD) since I'm so quiet and shy irl. Or I don't want to be involved in what other Jammers say because the AJ society is so corrupted.
      Jammer: twrst trde u win meh spiek flashlight tread me sned meh giff i is recordin
      Me (on AJ): *says nothing, shows no emoticon, stands there*
      Me (in head irl): Oh god. What has AJ come to?! *explodes*

      Maybe it's a mix of both! X3

      is so awkward ughughugh

      Thanks, my bio exams start tomorrow. :(
      Actually, I was just texting my friend and we were talking about it. Complications are less complicated. Let's hope I remember all about them mitosis and meiosis and genes and DNA (hardest stuff learned all year imo- tested on everything learned all year). *sighs* DX
