(Wow, I don't post for a day and my most recent post before this one has over 100 views. Nah, it's cool.)
(Actually, I think it's better (for me) if I don't force myself to post EVER, SINGLE day.)
So, where were we?
Eh, items. Cuz items are items. (Best. Reason. Ever. lol jk)
So anywho, to the meaning of this post. It refers to Twinkle's Story (just like every other post I make).
Wait a sec.. Just a question. Do any of you get annoyed or anything that I type about it in so many posts?
Because, you see, I want to know.
k thx
I'm gonna try to make this as straightforward as possible. So yeah..
The title (you probs all can guess it) is Twinkle's Story. So..... ok I'll just go right out and say it.
For a really (REALLY) long time (since like last summer), I've been thinking of ways to officially end Twinkle's Story. And many (MANY) times I've been changing my mind on how it should end. I remember at first (like a year ago, haha) I was planning on making Twinkle's Story be a very typical-AJ-like story (idk how to explain my last year story thoughts). And I was planning this huge phantom battle scene where Twink and Duke have to battle the phantoms. (very cliche ikr)
But then I was on vacation and gone from posting chapters for a very long time. So then I had newer (less cliche/unoriginal/boring) story plans. Creating a (not as epic) conflict involving Duke in basically all ways possible. (Like there was Dawn and the phantoms- which are his conflicts).
So fast-forward several more months till you reach today (May 2015).
So (very recently) I've came up with the most interesting/plot-twisting (well my attempt at one, haha)/confusing (for everyone, eheheheh)/heart-breaking (depending on how you view some specific characters) ending idea so far.
And I'm thinking of actually sticking with that idea. >:)
And that idea makes me titling this story "Twinkle's Story" actually make some decent sense. Like the words. They fit together and MAKE SOME DECENT AMOUNT OF SENSE. (omg it's so lovely ;w;).
However, there's this thing. If I use this ending idea, it's one that's like in books that are in book series. So basically that idea is leaning me to make another story 2 (but with a way more awesome title).
But, another thing. If I go ahead and use that idea, it won't be about AJ and Jamaa a good 90 - 95% (or possibly more). (Maybe it's because I possibly don't actually play it anymore- what lel o3o).
Because that ending. Jamaa. No longer there. New places (that I still have to come up with names). Other situation epidemic things. Corruption. Corruption. Corruption.
The explanations though ;-;
So yeah. (lol I sound so official like bringing your hopes up when this will occur so many months from now- sorry.)
Alrighty. So this is a very brief (because I'm in a rush at the moment) explanation for one of the Anon's questions on my other post.
So AJ form. This is the base of their (non power activated... wait, I didn't say anything XD) looks. (Basically their "normal" looks. Like the base of them. Twinkle and Duke.)
A lot of you probably know that they look like this on AJ.
So yeah. So clothes.
The main color scheme that they both wear is black. (Like they wear black jackets, for example). Especially Duke. So basically put on black items as well as ice-blue colored items for Twinkle, and put on a lot more black for Duke.
So sorry I felt like explaining this now when I'm in a rush. Yeah, that's my logic.
So anywho, story form. I'm gonna type this really quick.
See how Twinkle has that blue fur and Duke has that light brown and hints of white fur? Well, that's like the equivalent of our skin. (omg i suck at explaining). So that's why I say they have hair and all that stuff. (in my story logic, fur =/= hair)
So their hair (not fur). (why do i keep on typing fir instead of fur? o-o)
They both have sorta (kinda..?) bangs. Like not as much as the ones in the anime versions of them. But they still do. Like they have them spiky like bangs with them like triangle tips. And all that swegginess.
Twinkle's hair is a slightly darker and duller shade of blue than the first blue on the AJ form. And it reaches in between shoulder-length and mid-back. And it's typically straight but has some wavy in it as well. But now (*cough* Chapter 29 *cough*) Twinkle has a very thin strand of her blue hair that's orange (that's more like a strawberry/dirty blonde in story means), which was her hair color before all the accidents that occurred in the very beginning (Chapter 2/3). But since she's embarrassed by it and all, she hides that strand of orange hair. So basically her hair is blue with a very, very thin streak of orange (but translated to meaning strawberry/dirty blonde) hair.
Duke's hair isn't flat but isn't like full on spiky (like what the AJ mohawk makes it look like on foxes). Like his hair is spiky, but not really. Like the very short and limited amount of bangs he has (cuz spiky is cool), and the ends (tips) of his hairs. (Especially at the bangs). Those are where his hair is like the most spikiest. This is because the ends (tips of his hairs) are a slightly darker shade of brown (which are near-black brown) than the rest (which are just dark brown). But having fire powers makes him seem to not have as dark hair. And it's shorter than most other guy foxes. Guy foxes don't typically have spiky (kinda..?) hair, and theirs usually is an inch or more long (usually more). But Duke's is all like rebel-cool-dude and keeps his hair short, so it can't like flow in the wind or anything like that. Like it's short. Enough said.
Ugh, gotta cut it here. I'll go explain more of them looks and such at a later date.
gtg bye
(but first, signature c;)
So ... in other words, Duke and I have the same hair O_O
ReplyDeleteYeah, I guess....
DeleteDats just creepy
Deleteyou're making me reconsider my ending ... supposed to be one last battle (but by then there'll be like twenty more villains and ten less heroes) and it was supposed to end with Mira kidnapping Marco (IDK!) and alex (who I haven't introduced yet) probably dying. I hate happy ending
ReplyDeleteMira is a jerk/evil character in your story too, bruh?! Yayyy
DeleteHahahaha The best ending idea I have for Twinkle's Story though. Hahahaha
None of the ending ideas I have are 100% generic happy endings. And this ending idea is happy I guess- if considering that not every single character gets (brutally in most cases) killed.
DeleteI have no idea how to draw these guys in fox form now XD. ITS SO CONFUSING
ReplyDeleteEven I think it's confusing. XD
ReplyDeleteThis is confusing sob sob
Can you make references of them? It'll be much easier
Being indecisive about story ideas leads to where I am today.
Deletewait wat
I have drawings of them, but they kinda aren't what I visualize them to be. Ugh I can't even draw them how I visualize rather decently ugh!!!
Cutepups dilemma.
Can you post the drawings? I wanna see them!
DeleteYou should post them, so that we'll have an idea.
DeleteAlrighty, I'll post them. (That doesn't mean today though, so..)
DeleteI gave up on shading them drawings.
Post them I wanna seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Deletepost the picturesssssssss i wanna seeeeeeeeeeeeeee