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Friday, November 8, 2019

another update ...


Here’s another personal update post. I guess. Sure. 


........... I’m sad. :( 

Sorry for not posting that much anymore. I’m sorry. 

............... I feel so bad. Oh god. 

I tried making a post with pictures in it the other day, but the images thing wouldn’t load for me. 

Blogger Blogspot *sighs* :/ 




Today I found out that one of my favorite dogs died a few days ago. No, not Sunshine (my dog). My cousins’ dog. I think I mentioned their dog on this blog before..? But I could be wrong. She was so sweet and playful. She’s an angel. I loved their dog so much, you guys. Yes, I’m sad that a dog that’s not even mine passed away. I’ll never be able to play with her again. Playing fetch with her was so fun. She was only 8 when she died. For comparison, Sunshine is 14. Their dog always wanted to play fetch when I visited their house. For comparison, Sunshine never played fetch. Their dog also gave lots of licks (“puppy kisses”). She was full of love. And... and. Oh god no. She’s... gone.

I forgot how many months ago, but I feel like it was also this year. One of my aunt’s cats died. I loved their cat a lot. He was very nice and soft. I loved seeing and petting him whenever I visited their house. But he passed away. I’m sad about that too. 

I’ll never be able to see them again. I’ll never be able to pet them again. They’re gone. They’re... gone. 

I loved them. I love my relatives’ pets. Seeing them always makes me smile. 

The dog and cat I mentioned behaved more kindly to people than my own dog and cats. They were so nice. 

Is this what heartbreak feels like? </3 

;-; bye ;-;


  1. I've been there, my dude. To never stroke the fuzzy head that you once patted so fondly... it honestly sucks. :(
