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Saturday, November 2, 2019

Today's Update .-.

Hi, I promised a post before 7. It's just about 7 now.

Oof. .-.

I did some reading for a class in the afternoon. Then I went to Target. Took the school shuttle. That took a while. And now I'm doing laundry.

Wow, so exciting. /sarcasm

I bought some things to hopefully ease the nausea and insomnia that I bet I'm gonna get again. I've been delaying starting the new dose, and I finally am not doing much this weekend. So I guess I have a chance to start it now. Welp. Hope it doesn't kill me. :I

And I got staples. Like, you know, what you use for a stapler. I don't know how to put the staplers in. I'm a dumb-dumb. I tried using tutorials, but they didn't really.. work when I tried them.

Will I make an exciting post later?

I don't know.

I'm ending the post here, so it'll show the time as before 7 pm.

~ Cutepups


  1. Well, they say what doesn't kill makes you stronger, so lets hope these new meds of yours do just that! :)

    Your stapler is cursed, Cpups. It's the only explanation. Cursed stapler...

    1. Haha, I didn't feel bad at all after starting my new dose. :')

      Hmm perhaps, but I feel like I'm just doing something wrong. I'm probably gonna call home and find out if my parents can help me.
