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Monday, September 7, 2020

Brief Updates —

 Hi. I’m here to share some brief updates. The dash in the post title is supposed to be a negative sign. Because I have bad news. I tried to not share negativity on here, but now I’m like screw it, so here I am now sharing negativity. Haha ha. 

So anyway. Hey everyone. The past few days have been terrible for me. Including today. I’m feeling terrible. I’m in physical and emotional pain. 

I’ve been taking more ibuprofen than I usually take, and my physical pain is still there. I’m still in pain even after it kicks in. 

I’m trying to see a bright side and be optimistic, but it’s very hard for me to. I just want to have breakdowns, cry, and sleep all day. Life sucks so much these days. I can’t stand it. 

Eh, I’ll try. Good things: I’ve been talking/texting with some of my friends more often. I think I made new friends with my roommate and people living a few floors above ours in the residential building. We played card games and had dinner together the other day. That was nice and fun. :) 

Aside from that, things aren’t that great. Except if you count how I didn’t have any classes today since it’s Labor Day. And how Sunshine has lived a pretty long dog life of 15 years and a few months. 

But yeah. I can’t think of anything else that’s good. My professors have been pretty nice so far. Ok, now I can’t think of anything else. 

I guess I have some explaining to do. 


1. For the past few days, I’ve been experiencing tailbone pain. Whenever I put pressure on my tailbone, especially when sitting and lying down in certain positions, my tailbone hurts. A lot. I almost always feel uncomfortable now. I tried to cope with the pain by doing some light exercises, applying heat to the part of my body that hurts the most, and taking medicine like Advil and Tylenol. But the pain is still there. At best, it goes away only temporarily. Like, very temporarily. And yes, I’ve been drinking water. I’ve been trying to get plenty of rest too, but my sleep quality is even worse after this happened to me. I take my melatonin gummies more often now. Some days I only slept for 3 to 5 hours. Well, at night. These were on weekdays, by the way. So yeah. I’m not feeling so well. I think what I have is something called coccydynia. You can look that up if you want. It’s basically tailbone pain. 

And...... Sunshine. My dog. 

2. Ever since I left for university around two weeks ago (or is it three? idk anymore), my family has been giving me updates on Sunshine through text messages, phone calls, and video calls. To cut to the chase, Sunshine is doing even worse than when I left her a few weeks ago. She’s pretty much slowly dying. 

UPDATE: I just got very bad news about Sunshine. Almost all of my memories now are those with her in my life. She’s been with me since I was 5. 

Damn it. I’ve been eating chips while typing this post. Now I’m feeling nauseous again. I’ve been feeling nauseous on and off all day. 

Anyway, I’m just going to... I don’t know. 

Sunshine. Ever since I left for college, she became barely able to walk, she’s been eating far less, she hasn’t been drinking that much water for the past day or so, she has to wear dog diapers now... (this is all according to my family). 

UPDATE: Actually, put that all in the past tense. I’m... 



  1. Be negative, Shan. Your health being awful and Sunshine dying are VERY VALID REASONS to be negative! And I am so sorry to hear all of this..

    If you need some time to vent, you know where to find me. And if you need some time alone, I'll still support you.

    Hope your body stops being in pain soon; I wish you the best, despite your current circumstances. *Hug*
