The Daily Puppy
Okay, so before I go onto the main topic of this post, I have something else to post about. (By the way, Gamer, I'm not in the mood for random funniness right now. I mean it!)
I am SICK of it. The drama, the betrayals, the imposterings; the hate. On quite a few of my Blogger friends' blogs, there's been lots of hate comments.
Some have been straightforward hated on. Such as pink200330's blogs, (From what I've seen, it's been on AJFJ, RATH, and now ARS *Animal Rights Society*.) and nafaria9's blogs. (From what I've seen, it's been on AJW and JCSI.)
Some commenter/my buddy has been impersonated on those blogs as well. Impersonating is not okay at all. It is ILLEGAL. Impersonating/impostering (whatever you like to call it) is basically the same thing as stealing somebody's identity. Ever saw/heard of the movie, "Identity Thief"? That doesn't just happen in movies, or online even. It happens in real life, too. There are a lot of consequences if you're found stealing somebody's identity. You could go to jail for many years. And I know this is getting kinda off topic. But even if you're just impostering someone on a blog, it is NEVER okay. Just please. Be yourself! Be YOU! (I could go on with this, but I'll stop this impostering part of my rant now..)
Some people have even betrayed their own so called 'friends'. This disgusts me the most. Betraying your own friends.? Why in the world would you do that!? Betraying is NOT okay. It's NEVER okay. And afterwards saying it was just a stinkin' joke, troll, and/or prank.? Hello! That doesn't solve the problem(s) you've done. You've betrayed all your other loyal friends, and then think you can just get them back as easy as that.? Hello! Newsflash! Life doesn't work that way! And in some cases, that person doesn't even apologize. WHAT THE HECK!? Sorry if this sounds mean, but if you've hurt your own 'friends', then you don't deserve them back. Do you HONESTLY expect them to believe and forgive you, and then completely forget about it (right away- in most cases).? I think any person whose feelings have been hurt by you, wouldn't forgive you in a long time. Like honestly, guys! And if you do it even by accident ever again, I think that you don't deserve ANY friends then. And what blog has this been on? It's been on the AJSWS (Animal Jam Scam Watchers Society). Fighting among themselves.. But honestly, why? WHY!? Because some people on that site have freakin' scammed. Hello! Newsflash! SWS is to STOP scammers! (Why do you think I have their banner on the bottom of my blog.?) And what makes it even worse is that their very own Agents have been caught scamming- betraying their own so called 'friends'. So far, I know that Agent(?) Electro and Agent(?) Star- or is it Cotton.? idk. Okay, moving on...
And now onto my OWN BLOG. A few hours ago, I checked my blog's comments. And guess what I found? That stupid Anonymous jerk that's so much of a coward that he/she can't even reveal who they are. That Anon has commented yet again, this time, on my blog. But this time, I've fully deleted his/her rude comment. Because instead of him/her just insulting my artwork (which I know is not that great), he/she insulted me. I am extremely stressed out and nervous right now, so that sure helps- not. I'll talk, er type, about why, later on in this post. So yeah. I might be commenting/posting random stuff for my Blogger Besties (you know who you are :3), but right now. This is the truth. How I'm really feeling. Because I'm NOT a person who jokes around all the time dreaming of cute puppies (idk lol). I have Commenting Rules on my blog FOR A REASON. And want to know what happens when you DON'T follow the rules? As soon as I have access to the internet and signed into Blogger, I'll delete your comment(s). Without a second thought. As soon as I read your comment and notice it doesn't follow my commenting rules, I'll delete your comment(s). Permanently. (>:D) This is absolutely NOT a joking matter. I don't care who you. If ANYONE goes against my blog's commenting rules, I WILL delete your comment(s). And for that extremely rude Anon, guess what.? I'm done with your crap. With your crappy comments on almost all of my friends' blogs. If that's all you do with your darn life, then you don't even deserve to have a device/devices that give/gives you access to the internet. (And if so) you, sir, have no life. And then you don't even deserve to exist. Perfectly nice blogs don't have to be ruined by you. Hate doesn't deserve to be on my blog, or any other of my friends' blogs. Now take your crap, and leave me and my friends alone!!
Okay. I'm done with my rant- for now. (By the way, those minor swears are what I do allow you to comment. As long as it doesn't interfere with any other rules.) So anyways, onto the other topic of this post. School.
Tomorrow is my first day of school. I'm not going into middle school. I'm going into high school. And to be honest with you guys, it's okay with me if you don't believe I'm going into high school. Because I know I've done some pretty derpy posts; commented some pretty derpy comments. But it's true. I don't really 'act my age' on these AJ blogs. I am 14, and I am going to attend my town's high school for the next 4 years of my academic career. And to tell you guys the truth, I am terrified. (Not trying to cause drama/... idk- something like that. I'm trying NOT to.) I'm telling the truth. I am terrified. I'm panicking so much in my head right now. OMG. I don't even know why I should be so nervous. My sister's now a junior in college, and my brother's now a senior in high school. Freshman- how great. (:/) So my 2 other siblings have been through/almost been through high school. So I should kinda know what it's like. Which I do. (Ugh, how to explain this to the viewers who have no clue what I'm typing about. *aka if you're under my age and/or never attended middle school yet. OMG. You're so young! :V*) Hmm...............
Oh by the way, don't be all like 'Oh it'd be alright. You'll be fine. ;)'. Please don't. That doesn't make me any less nervous about tomorrow. That doesn't help AT ALL. So please don't comment stuff like that. Thank you.
So now I'm going to list a few things I'm nervous about. (Haha. I bet I'm gonna bore you guys to death. XD) Oh yeah. I was so nervous last night, that I even got a little sick. >.< Okay, so...
1. Dun, dun, dun... CLASSES! Thank Zios (idk owo) I now only have 4 classes a day instead of the usual 7 or 8 (classes are way longer now- *sigh*). *cough, cough* middle school. Ugh, at least that horror's over with. >:) So yeah. I now have these things called 'A-day Classes' and 'B-day Classes'. (If you're not in middle school, at least, then you might get slightly confused.) But what I'm even more stressed about is that now my classes are nowhere near each other. But most of them are on the 3rd (and final) floor. How great. And what's even more great? I have no idea where most of my classes are. Isn't my life great, guys? *being sarcastic about being 'great' here* The only class I have a basic idea of where it is, is my Band Class. Yeah. I'm going to get lost tomorrow! DX
2. My bus. Okay so.. I have bus friends in middle school. Now, I don't. Why? We're now on different buses! Now I'm stuck on the bus with most of the annoying kids- and alone. DX But hey. My brother could drive me to school. Eh, eh.? c:
3. From what I've heard, I don't know of any of my friends who are in the same classes as me- hopefully yet. :c
4. I don't know when I'll have lunch for both types of days. Because now lunch is divided into 3 sections. Because the class times are so long now. So I have no idea when my friends will have lunch, and if we'll have the same lunch time. So ya...
Okay, before I confuse your minds even more, I'm going to end this post here. So yeah.. High school. Uh... Hopefully, my first day won't be as awful as I think it'll be, but who knows.? So anywho, see you on the other side! (After my first day. Hehe. :3) So... Bye!
My first day of school is tomorrow too! -_-
ReplyDeleteI can't say I'm excited. Anyway, since you don't want those mushy comments and I don't want to reveal too much info about myself, I guess I'll just say that I got lost at my school a couple times before until I got used to it. And I totally know what you mean when you get separated from people you know.
On another note, I think it's a little strange how you have only 4 classes... are they really long?
Anyway: people who post hate comments just shouldn't be honored with any attention.
Yeah. Each class is a little over 80 minutes long. I think.
DeleteYou're stressed, huh? Well anyway, Cutepups . ..., STOPP GO HUG A PUPPY :hugs:
ReplyDeleteAnd everyone deserves to exist.. Even if they're rude and hateful, inside they're suffering.
DeleteYeah. I am. But Gamer... They don't allow puppies (or any live animals) in my school. :( and my dog is almost 10 years old- so not really a puppy. Lol.
DeleteGood point; I agree. But that Anon's comments were very mean. They even said that they hate animals, nature, and even other humans. That guy's so rude! D:
Sorry if that attention thing sounded harsh! I didn't mean it like that-- just that those people shouldn't think they're succeeding making you feel bad since they'll just continue if that's true.
DeleteNo. I didn't think your comment was too harsh or anything, Champ. And I get your point.
DeleteOh, I got what you mean. They proably just want attention when they are saying that kind of stuff! They really said that stuff.???!!! 0.0
DeleteWhat? One period is 80 hours!
Oh, Mira Miraculous Miracles! It's just so frustrating when a boring Science topic gives you a whole load of Science HW! I keep getting at least one EVERY SCIENCE PERIOD.
I mean minutes.
DeleteThe text has jumbled my brain up.
Yeah. I'm pretty sure you meant to say 80 minutes. Because I think that 80 hours is a little over 3 days long. And one class being 3 days long doesn't seem quite right.. O.o XD
DeleteScience. Hmm... I have to dissect a frog in my Science class this year. How fun! *sighs*. Well, good luck in all that homework and tests/quizzes you have, Rainbow! c: