Hai, peoples of the universe! How ya doing!? Today's Tuesday! Blegh! School. So yeah. Umm......
To start off this post, here are some random pictures of fox kits/pups that I don't own (found on le Google Images thingy)! So adorable! B3
"Ooh... Hello there..." *o*
"RAWR!!! Stop it!" "No, you stop it!" "You started it, doofus!" "No I didn't, you did!" "Stop lying to me! GRR, GRRR, GARRRRR!!!!!!!!" >8U
"What the!? Since when did the ground turn all white? I look so cute in this picture." "No, you're making a mistake. I'm the cute fox in this picture." "Omigosh, no. Stop it!" *2nd picture happens all over again.* >8U
...... "Hello there..." *blushes like crazy; same as 1st picture.*
"Omigosh! You're so disturbing!" "Yeah. Get back down! No one wants to see your butt in our faces!" "Hey, it's not my butt. I'm just doing a paw-stand. Duh!" "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "He just farted. So leik ewwies!" O.o
"What the!? What is this!? Get it off me! Now!!!!" :O
And that's umm... I don't know.... O_O
So moving on... To more useful information! Yay! :3
1. Wow. I haven't gone on AJ for a few days. o.o Different... Eh. Life. :/
2. I won't be able to go on AJ and be able to check your blogs (including mine) for a few days. Starting tomorrow. Because I'll be busy with stuff. *cough, cough* celebrating a holiday *cough, cough* So umm yeah.
3. I have to say, Chapter 21 is one of my favorite chapters so far. I planned it out for like forever! Okie- not really. Eh, you get the point I'm trying to get across. I actually intended to make it even longer, but now I have an idea (kinda) to add that stuff in other chapters. Because it already is so long! So.. uh.. For the next (or next, next) chapter(s), READ AT YOUR OWN RISK. Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (I don't even have the next few chapters fully thought through for once! Wow. Strange. o-o). I don't know much. WDJVNSDJCNJKZXHSC! (<--That's random letters I typed like just now in Caps-Lock. Caps-Lock! Caps-Lock. c;)
4. I had a fire drill during school today. (Duh, where else would it be!? :V)
5. Wow. I said that I'll do a 'battle scene' in my story like so many months ago for a 'future chapter'. That was very close by. .......... Many months later. And still hasn't done that scene. Hahahaha- I'm such a fail at guessing when I'll actually do scenes! Blegh! :S
6. If you really want to know who Pepe is, Pepe is that guy from my Spanish homework the other night. He/she/it (wait, what? xD) messed up the days of the week. He/she/it failed at life. 'Nuff said. (I think his/her/its name's Pepe... o-o) *No offense intended if any of you reading this is named Pepe. Don't worry- it is definitely not you. Tis another Pepe. Haha- Pepe. Sounds funny. :3*
7. ............... Umm.......... Uh.......... What was the point of this post? I have no idea. Honestly, I think that all my other posts (not story ones) will be random ones. Hmm.... Yeah. Life. Stuff. How's life going for you? Is it good? Is it bad? Is it "meh"? <--(Like what Rainbow would say. x3)
Now here is another derpy "Twinkle's Story" comic of randomness. That has absolutely
nothing to do with the actual story! Or not. You never know.... Muahahahaha! >:P
TWINKLE: No, no, no!!!! Stop singing, Precious! I want to attack you so much right now! But I can't beat up a wolf- even though it is Precious."
PRECIOUS: No. I'll continue to sing my awesome song of epicness! Such swag! Don't deny! Oh no! I forgot the lyrics to my own song that I wrote myself. Phooey! Ooh- I'll start it again! Oy vey! "Gumdrops and lollipops floating on fluffy, white clouds. Wait, those are not what they seem to be! They are marshmallows. Omnomnom! *eats a marshmallow, then 200000 more* Candy, candy. candy!!!! I'm in love with Freddy the phantom rebel. Go Freddy! You tots save my life. Such epicness. La, la, la, la, la, la... LA!!!!!!!!!" *burps from eating 200000+ marshmallows* Oh no! I forgot the lyrics- again! Time for me to start all over! "Gumdrops and lolli-"
TWINKLE: Hey, Duke. Can you please do me a favor? Like tell this wolf psycho to shut up! Thanks, hun.
PRECIOUS: Hey! You're all so mean! Wah! ;O; Sniffle, sniffle.
DUKE: ....... Umm... I'm pretty sure I did this before... But okay. Whatever you say, Twinkle! *winks in sweg as he starts to beat up Precious again* 8D
PRECIOUS: Oh my... Owies! Let me... -ouch!- start my song over again for the hmm... 9999999th time! "Gum-"
DUKE: No! And shut up! You have the worst singing skills in the entire world. Gah! You're making all of the creatures that have to listen to your screeching voice have their ears bleed. Shut up, shut up,
shut up!!!!!! >8U
PRECIOUS: No. You'll never take me alive! *somehow escapes from Duke and starts hopping and howling around like a lunatic* "
DUKE: *brings Precious back and starts beating her up again for being a 'wolf psycho with the worst singing skills in the world'.* ;3
TWINKLE: *just watches Duke beat up Precious in admiration* Oh yeah. Duke ish so hawt! Continue beating her up, Dukey, until she learns that her voice is absolutely
not better than mine! *does lovely googly eyes at Duke* <3333 :3
DUKE: At your request, ma'am. ;)
PRECIOUS: Okay, okay... I'll stop now. Ouch!
*Random fox with green eyes comes in.*
GREEN: Oh. Just saying that both your lives *points to Twinkle and Duke* were complete lies. Just thought I should let you know. ;)
GREEN: Okie. Looks like I better be going! See ya later! ;)
PRECIOUS: Uh.... I better go now. Bye, vicious foxes and other weird fox! O-O *flies away over a rainbow* ;P
DUKE: Such sweg! Lawl! Hahahahahaha! *puts on randomly-appearing-from-thin-air sunglasses* Oh yes! Swag! 8D
TWINKLE: *sees Duke with random sunglasses-of-sweg on- and shirtless* Heh, heh, heh..... >:D
GREEN: As I was saying, your lives were both complete lies. All that cool jazz. Your powers suck, Duke. And Twinkle. You can shoot out ice from your claws!? I've never encountered anything quite like that before! Time for an inspection! ^o^
DUKE: What!?!? No! And my powers don't suck! Stop being a meanie! >:( You said you were leaving
now! You can't 'inspect' my girlfriend, you lunatic! So anyways... Why are you still here!? Ewwies it's
Still here! ............ Wait... Where did my shirt go? O.o
TWINKLE: So legit. Merp. ;3
Okay then.... Not weird at all... O_O
Bye, fellow peoples of the universe!
EDIT: Oh Zios. What did I just post? O.O XD
You have your membership back?
ReplyDeleteNo. I'm still a nonmember. These are just some old screenshots I took of Precious, Twinkle, and Duke when I was still a member.
ReplyDeleteMeh is mine. No stealing!!!
ReplyDeleteGah. Fire drills.
Destroyed the icy fresh atmosphere of the class.
Hmm.. Today is armed forces day *strokes beard* so are you celebrating that? Hmm
ReplyDeleteHa ha I loved how the foxes up there r so sweg :3