First of all, here's yesterday's new item.:
Sold here:
Nice if you're into making a garden-type den.
And here's today's new item.:
Sold here:
I don't know why but this item reminds me of the Jamaalidays. The red and white... The swirly thing... Or maybe "Alice in Wonderland"- or whatever it's called.Ya. XD
Yesterday's updates have brought back fall to Jamaa. Which also officially means I've been playing for 2 years now. (I joined AJ in the fall.) The update has also closed the gates to the Summer Carnival. There are also fallen leaves all throughout Jamaa, including places such as Sarepia Forest. And then that arctic wolf is walking on past me. Eh, whatever. You go do that. Eh.
So then I became bored on AJ, so I then went on a cruise. :3
As I was clicking on random people in the Cruise Ship Party, I clicked on this Jammer's player card.They then buddied me. Kewl! ^w^
Here are some other stuff at that party that I haven't noticed before. Well, not the wolf cloud one. The others... not as much.
Now onto that new game called "Spot On" in Kimbara Outback. That land finally has its own game in it. Yippee! So anywho, this is where you can find this new game filled with educational facts about animals.
I think that the locked category will be extinct animals. The animal silhouette in that category picture looks like an elephant, but elephants can't be in that category because elephants are already included in another category- "Mammals". Yes children, elephants are mammals. Learn something new every day! Oh, you knew that already.? Umm.... Did you know that African Elephants have ears that look like the continent of Africa? Or that both male and female African Elephants grow tusks? (I think so.) Or that Asian Elephants' ears are smaller than African Elephants' ears? Or that I saw an elephant at the zoo while I was on vacation that had humongous tusks? So yeah. Elephants. Elephante. And since it looks like an elephant nonetheless, I think it might actually be a mammoth. They're ancestors to the elephants. And they look kinda alike. ^-^
I went to my buddy's den. She's that buddy. Ya. Christmas-styled den.
PRECIOUS: S W E A T E R. IS WET HER. SWEET HER. SWEATER. SWEATER. Sweater. Sweat. Er. Sweater. (Says the word 'sweater' in many derpy accents that fail. :3) Wooly sweater. Snowman dancing. Jingle, jingle! Oy vey!
My buddy here approves of Precious singing about wearing a sweater.
PRECIOUS: ...Striped sweater- Oh wait. This is not a striped sweater. Stop lying to me! I'm not as wonderful as that fish with that weird-looking striped sweater.? How rude. Why you gotta be so ru-ude? Why are you so rude!? Answer me at once! Umm... Talk to me magical snowmen! Let it snow! Let it go! Ooh, is that candy? Let me steal some. I mean take. I mean borrow. Eww no. Why would I do that? Get your own! Why would I spit it back at you? Stop asking me rhetorical questions. What now, Pepe? Pepe is bad at knowing days of the week. He failed at life. Wait. Is Pepe a boy or a girl? Ooh. Maybe Pepe is a pita! Pita bread. Oy vey! What does that even mean? I don't even know my own language. Why is my name Precious? Why did I blow up when I was a pup? I don't think I'm a cute puppy. I'm a full-grown wolf. But oh well. Puppies are cute. Woof. Howls. Why is Duke still shooting flames out of his like claws? Why is he charging at me? What did I do!? Oh noes! AAAAH!!!!!!!!!!! Oops! I forgot my icecream. La, la, la, la, la, LA!!! I'm such a wonderful singer. I should audition for that like show where strangers sing for random people. Who then hate them. Oh yes! That's like so my dream! What do you think, Dukey? STANDING IN THE HALL OF FA-.
DUKE: Oh Zios. Why did I decide to visit wolf territory again? And visit this psycho? Oh Zios. You're singing is terrible, Precious! You're making my ears bleed. So off-key. Learn how to understand your own language before you sing in a completely other one! Oh wait. That's the same language. Whatever. No whistle notes. Oh Zios. So off-key. Owies! Bruh! Bubbles! Flies! Curse you, flies! Stop assaulting me! No. I don't like you, fly-that-wears-a-huge-mustache. What happened in wolf territory? Oh Zios. No wonder we foxes view you guys as savages. Precious, did you start all these bad stereotypes about wolves? Like how idiotic you are? Are you a derp? I bet you are. If Twinkle hears you singing, you'll be a goner. So disrespectful! I feel short here... Sniffle, sniffle. Where's my pillow? Or my bow and arrows? Oh wait. I don't have one. Curse you, 'worst life ever'! So bad. Oh Zios. And since when do fish wear articles of clothing? Don't you like eat them, or something? I haven't eaten in like 5 days. Haha. Just kidding. Or am I? I forgot. Why is the moon so important here? It's the same everywhere else, too. And I know right! My name's Duke, and I'm not even in the royal family. And you're not precious at all. I'm charging at you because I want you to shut up! Gah! Blah, blah, blah! You fools! Wait, you don't even live in a futuristic corrupted Jamaa. You're alive when the Alphas were still alive. Why are you still here? Maybe I'm in the past! Before all the bad things started happening. I don't want to go back to the future! Well, uh bye! Wait. Who in the world is Pepe?
*********************************** And that concludes this post. Have a marvelous day/night, Jammers! =D
I always noticed the dust and wondered...