So ya. Life experiences, guys. Life experiences. And last night, it was like raining, snowing, and sleet at the same time. Oh wait. That's what sleet is! (Ha, I'm so weird. XD).
I hate my iPad. It's very stupid. >:T
"The Life of Cutepups"~ an Autobiography
What?!?!?! O-O
Ah yes. Time for the Confused Cute Pup of the Day! *pressed clapping sound effect on app thingy*
The (confused) Cute Pup of the Day is a dachshund that thinks he is a goose. Congratulations to Goose the Dachshund! Playing with toys is always fun! (Look how I said toys..)
(*Credit to:*)
The Daily Puppy
Now, now. Don't these 2 animals look very similar? (Pictures found on Google Images; credit to rightful owners.):
How about these ones?
(compared to...:)
(lol XD)
See? The 2 animals look nothing alike!!! :V
Wait. Maybe the Cute Pup of the Day caught a goose on its owner's farm or something (idk lol), and maybe that's why his name is "Goose"!
Haha. Go figure. .-.
Wow. I've been blabbering about geese and dachshunds for a long time now. And my stupid life. O-O
Oh well!
Moving right along! In the Township! Jamaa Township. No stalkers allowed here. ;)
Heh, heh. Heh, heh. Heh. Heh. >;3
Enchanted when Jammers repeatedly run in place, but not going anywhere. ^-^
And now it's time for the Featured Jammer of the Day! (No. This is like a one-time thing.):
And now it's the time we've all been waiting for since last Friday/Saturday. The winner of the epical swag contest! Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!!!!!!! =D
If you for whatever reason completely forgot what I'm typing about, I'm now going to list the 2 opponents. So here the derps are!:
(Bob The Blobfish)
Now here is a recap of the battle. (The most exciting scene, anyways.):
*counts up all the votes*
*tallies up all votes*
*puts stuff into the machine/generator thingy*
Okay.. Drumroll please! ;3
The winner of the epical swag derp is...........
Bob the Blobfish! Congratulations, Bob the Blobfish! X3
Now it's time for the 2 featured comments! ;P
Congratulations, you two! ^D^
Reaction Time!:
Bob the Blobfish's reaction to Duke!:
Bob the Blobfish laughs uncontrollably at Duke. This makes Duke be all....
Whelp, bye!
Oh. Twinkle has a message for Duke.
TWINKLE: Oh my Zios! Stop being such a cry baby, Duke! You're a butt. *enters extreme rage mode* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay, okay.. Bye, guys! XD
Unable to see most pictures for the moment, but for your Q, I can survive a week without you.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, what was that well for?
Okay. Yes, there actually was a point in me asking that question. I'll probably explain why in a post later today or something.
DeleteI asked about that well picture above on the post, although an explanation for the Q might be nice too.
DeleteOh. The WELL! Of course!
DeleteIt's just a random picture of a well I found on Google. It's like *random well appears for no reason whatsoever* lol what?! O_O (This probably makes no sense. X3)
Me and my cutepuppiness, that's all! ^-^
Duke is a sore loser *nod nod*. But of course, Bob the Blobfish wins. I hate the rain sooooo much. I don't like getting my clothes wet, and I have glasses. If the rain goes on my glasses it will be hard to see. That's why I hate the rain.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I can live without your awesome cutepupsiness for a week :)
I actually said weekend in my question. I guess you guys didn't see that. XD
DeleteI also wear glasses. (merp derp lerp ferp lerp) And ikr!?! The rain can be annoying. :/ lol
Oops, well I can last the weekend without you're awesome cutepupsiness. GLASSES ARE AWESOME BUT NOT AWESOMA AT THE SAME TIME!
DeleteTwinkle! Why u have to be so mean?? :,D
ReplyDeleteI knew Bob the Blobfish could do it, I'm so proud :,)
Thanks for featuring my comment X3
No probemo! :3
DeleteYes! Bob the Blobfish won! Yay! And my comment got featured. I could survive a weekend without you. Are you going on vacation are something? XD The pictures are so hilarious! "my den if u pick ur nose"??!! LOL And I love Duke's reaction! Boo, Duke! JK, you're still awesome, Duke. But you will never beat the epical swag that Bob the Blobfish has! :D
Yup! O3O