The Daily Puppy
Today's new item on AJ is the Fall Wreath. Cheap, nonmember, nice-looking yet simple... I just love this item!
Here is a little area in my den that I created with this item. Because I love it so much. <3
Okay so... Just as a heads up, I have so many posts planned that aren't AJ related. So don't expect an AJ-update post for a while now. The posts will be more interesting though! So don't worry!
So what to expect? Many drawings that are digitally drawn (on MS Paint) and traditionally drawn. Like many story scene drawings from stories. Yes, stories. So yes. Your stories, too! And no. It won't be any crappy drawings- well, it's your opinions of course.. I really hope you'll enjoy them! (Well, I have to finish them and post them, so...). And more Twinkle's Story chapters coming up soon! I have a few days off from school this week, so hopefully I'll be able to post some more chapters. Guys... You don't even know how excited I am. Okay. Yeah, I know that my last 2 chapters have been like explanation chapters that don't really continue on with the story that well. Well, that's over with. For now, anyways. And pretty emotion-like, right? Like romance, then violence. Ya... I planned it that way! Tehe. So anyways, the green gem symbol thing will be explained more thoroughly soon. And a new prophecy message, as well. Lots of stuff is about to go down! (Well, in a few chapters later on. Not necessarily the very next one. Ya.) >:O
Late this morning and early afternoon, I've been adding more songs to my Blog Playlist. Well, now I have more songs obviously. 44 to be exact. So plenty of songs for you to pick from! (I'm listening to Demi Lovato right now. Yes, I like Demi's music. Like a lot. XD) "... No there's no one else's eyes that can see into me..." <- the lyrics of the song I'm listening to right now. Remind any of you guys of any story chapters? (Well, besides from The Mortal Instruments- the album it's based on.) Merp. So um yeah.
If you can't already tell, all (and if not, most) of the songs on my Blog Playlist are somewhat related to Twinkle's Story. So (somehow.. o.o) when I listen to these songs, Twinkle's Story comes to mind. Especially ideas in future chapters. Muahahaha. >:)
And yes. I know I have a lot of songs on my Blog Playlist that are from the Divergent soundtracks. That was intended. Merp. c;
Lol. I'm always obsessed with my story. (I mean Twinkle's. >:V). But I think Mutant's as equally obsessed with her story, "The Other Cats" as I am with mine. Haha. ^-^ And it still seems like I'm the only one who comments on her blog? Why won't you guys comment on it!? It's so good! ;o;
Oh yeah. Thank you guys so, so, so much for all the fanart I've got recently. (To view them, visit this link: They're all so beautiful. No, really. Thank you all SOOOOOOOO much!!!!!!!! <333333 :'D lol
So expect exciting things on my blog very soon! Can't wait? Me too! Haha. :P
Have a great, fabulous, enjoyable, decent, fun EPIC rest of your day!
Until next post! (Tehe. owo)
I seem to continue to be the first commenter, lol. But it's ok for only you to comment on my blog, I just recently got to 1000 views ^.^ And yes, I am obsessed with The Other Cats, I have so much planned >o< I really like your blog's music playlist, I tried to make my own, but failed. I'm starting to listen to songs that are like my story, I think i'm gonna EXPLOD!
ReplyDeleteThat part in your den is like a Happy Corner. Idk, i'm gonna call it a happy corner. I was on AJ for three hours and when I was forced to get off, I heard that there is the Fall Wreath.
I was like, *points at the picture* "Did, did I miss that…" *stares at it intensely*, "HOW COULD I HAVE MISSED THAT?!" *a wild Explorer pops up*, "'Cause you're-"
Mutant: *duck-tapes her mouth*
Yay, nice item! And the last chapter, to be honest, was a little confusing. XD But I still enjoyed it! :D
You are really into your story, Cutepupios! (Like you would need me to tell you that. :3) and if you think that's the only fan art you're going to get- Erm sorry,
ReplyDeleteI need to stop this before
I give myself away again :3
Anywho, I kinda wish I was into one of my stories as much as you were into yours. I always find a bit of the story, and try to end it.. I guess I'm not as good as a writer as I thought XD