Best Blogger Tips

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


I would make a longer post, but I don't want to risk the chances of my phone not charging, so I'm keeping this short. 

That last skit.. well idk. I wanted to make a skit about Brock. Like a Brock arc. All about Brock. Uh.. sad bitterness. Yeah. 

No promises but I want to draw him. Brock, I mean. So you guys know what he looks like. 

My phone charger is just about broken. So is my iPad one. I gotta return my iPad and charger to school in a few days. I really need new chargers.  

I'm afraid to move my phone. Hmm... :/ 

I'm only going to school tomorrow to finish and bring home the shirt I've been sewing. I have no other reason for staying.


I have a roommate now. For college, I mean. Wow. 

I actually feel pretty adequate and okay with myself. You could maybe say I'm happy. 

I think I'll be okay. That it'll all be okay. 

By this time next week, I would have graduated high school. My graduation is next Tuesday. 

Wow, I grew a lot over the years. Started this blog before I was even in high school. And now I'm just about done with it. So I guess it's been four years. Crazy thought. 

Bye now. 

~ Cutepups 


  1. That is super crazy to think about! Roomates sound cool and I'm glad ur good!!!

    1. Yeah it's just like, "wow huh so this is actually happening omg" lol :)
