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Friday, April 3, 2020

Sunshine’s 15th Birthday

Hi. Today’s April 3rd. Know what that means?? 

It’s... It’s... SUNSHINE’S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! 

She’s now 15 years old. Wow. It’s her 15th birthday. Wow. 

I don’t have much else to say, so have this picture of her and my cat from January that I took on Snapchat. 

She’s doing much better now than she was in January. That was a rough month for her. 

But she preserved. She survived. She’s living. And thriving. 

Haha yes. :D 

<3 <3 <3 


I might create another post later; I haven’t made up my mind yet. 

What a time we live in. 

What to do in these unprecedented times... 

Well. I started reading Hamlet. So... 

(Eww, college assignments I have to do. :c) 

Today’s Sunshine’s day. That’s what matters. :’) 

Bye for now. Stay safe. :) 

~ Shan