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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Some Amazing Songs

OMG. Hai guys!

So as I was browsing through my music (like what I bought) and the wonderful internet, I've came across some (what I think at least) amazing songs.

Oh and stalking Mutant's blog, too. :P

THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!!!! ;O;


I'll just show you guys the songs now. ^-^

(I bet they'll only show up on the computer.) EDIT: They show up on my mobile devices too. OMG YES!!! *thumbs-up*



Starting in..........:




YAY! ^D^

Watch me use my cutepuppiness magic to somehow connect them to ideas/concepts in Twinkle's Story. SPOILERSSSSSS 

The crazy truth of Cutepups. >:D

I might post Chapter 27 later today. The FEELS!!!!! :'O

Okay, on with the videos! :)

"The End Is Where We Begin"~ Thousand Foot Krutch

"We Are"~ Thousand Foot Krutch

"Fly On The Wall"~ Thousand Foot Krutch

(Okay. Other bands now! XD)

"Ambulance"~ My Chemical Romance

"These Are The Lies"~ The Cab

"The Kids Aren't Alright"~ Fall Out Boy

"Irresistible"~ Fall Out Boy

**Anime songs**

"Ao No Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) Opening 1- Full"
(Thanks to Mutant and Gamer, I've became obsessed with this anime too. To you other guys, WATCH IT!!!! Wait no. Only if you're okay with swears throughout the show. Um ya.)

(Now the 2nd opening! XD)
"Ao Exorcist (Blue Exorcist) Opening 2- Full"

("Blue Exorcist" is now one of my favorite anime shows. I haven't been addicted to watching a show for hours on end, in a long time! X3)


(Ooh, violent anime that I love now! >:3)

"Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) Opening 1"

(Since you might think that video above is too violent or whatever, I won't show the 2nd opening because that one's more violent. You're welcome, kids.)

Whelp, back to English songs! (I have a lot of songs. XD)

**This song majorly swears only once. I just have to add this because this song is almost like the perfect song for so many relationships in Twinkle's Story. (Yes, spoilers.)**
"Gone Forever"~ Three Days Grace

**Same thing with the previous song, but for different story events throughout. (I love this band. And all these other bands here. Yes. <3)**
"Boulevard Of Broken Dreams (Broadway's "American Idiot")"~ Green Day and the Original Broadway Cast

Enough songs for one post!

Hope you enjoyed! ^-^

Peace! :D

Friday, January 30, 2015

IRL Drawing Sketch WIP

Hi, blog readers! ^.^

I then realized that tomorrow is my art class. And I can draw anything I want. But first I have to have a sketch of it.

So... I'm gonna show you guys the drawing I started. It's a work in process (WIP). Obviously.

Hmm... Who/what do you think it is of? *winks and arches eyebrow very dramatically* ;)

Here it is (so far). It might be totally different after the art class. I'm not sure yet. *evil laugh* >:D

I'm going to show you guys how to view them in the way of cutepuppiness! >:3

Oh shoot. Well, here's the sketch.:

Hehehehehehehehe >:)

It's a WIP! It shall be colored! :O

Do you know what it is of?



If you guessed Twinkle and Duke, you are correct! (Yay! c:)

It's going to be of the quote:
 "fire and ice are one."

Yep. :)

Wait, that's not it. Whatever you do, do not nickname the drawing to its ship name, which is "DUKLE". Just don't. Because....... (heh, heh, heh).

For that, they have to face the opposite direction. So they like face each other. And stuff. Ya. o3o

I still have to make the flaming backgrounds. And add all the other details they have. And shade the drawing and everything so it looks better! (haha)

So yeah. What do you think of my sketching skills so far? 

To be honest, I like how Twinkle looks slightly better than Duke. (The left one is Twinkle; the right one is Duke.)

I bet you already knew that. Oh well. :P

There's gonna be this "center-flame". I hope I'll make it turn out good! ^-^

I've been listening to songs by Thousand Foot Krutch the entire time I was doing this. (Thanks Mutant for kinda introducing me to this awesome band! ^o^)

Hehe. Bye guys!

~ Cutepups

AJ es Muy Loco Hoy

Que pasa, Jammers! (What's up, Jammers!)


I went on my other free-chat account.

Everything was so weird. O-O

So when I logged onto that account, I got a diamond in the Daily Spin. (Unfortunately, only one.)

And then I learned (after reading this post) that AJHQ doesn't like people to use the smiley face emote, :D, in the chat. Like you can't say, "Hi :D"

Now THAT'S messed up.

Whoops, I forgot to take screenshots! >.<


*logs on free-chat (or should I just say "safe"-chat now- AJ isn't "free" with the chat anymore anyways).*

*takes screenshots*

Okay, I'm back! XD

*taps "Enter" key on computer keyboard*

Um wut O.O

AJHQ is cray-cray. :O

So, as you can see, I have free/safe-chat on this account.

So then I go to the Penguins-Only Party, right?

Look what happens to the chat bar thing! O-O
Now it says I have restricted-chat (like my main account), and I'm now in a Mexican server (Mexican flag there).


(For more electro-flies stuff, go somewhere like my September/October (maybe..) archives. 2014.)

Oh. Here is an old screenshot of Count Theeyes. I miss him so much! :'c
Do any of you even remember Count? X3

Way back when I was still a member. 

Such sweg. So classy.

Here are more pictures of Count.:

Here's another version of Count but less classy.:
Yup, he was once Santa. In May. XD

Another Count!

He wuvs moostachios

So ya. That's the Count penguin! Now count his eyes! >:3

Anywho. Back to today!

Here are some pictures I took in the Spanish/Mexican server at the party. (Mexican penguins! X3)

Magical blames ca for this. XD

Yes, I know you didn't cause this, ca. XD

Or did you!? O.o


"Nuevo Jammer" = New Jammer

The Settings:

The Parties Menu:

The Bubble Chat Menu (automatic):

The Motions:

I had a Spanish test today. O-o

Ha! :P

When I left the Party, the chat turned back to English. XP

When I tried to leave to go to Jamaa Township, I got this message.:
Basically, it means that the room is "full". :L

Now Magical tried to communicate. XD

Spanish class has paid off! owo

"Que pasa" = What's up!
"HA" = HA (laughter)

"Yo no comprendo." = I don't understand.
(I really don't know what Snowflake is saying. XD)


(PS: Saying "pie" in a Spanish server means "foot"- not that delicious dessert! XP)
(PPS: The "h" in the Spanish language is silent. As in it's not pronounced. So "hoy" is basically like "oy".)

The title of this post says, "AJ is Very Crazy Today".

I like to have my AJ penguins wear tophats. c:

Adios! (Bye!)

Just a Quick Heads-up


So.... Cutepups is here. Yes.

So anyway.

Just as a heads-up, I probably won't be able to reply to EVERY, SINGLE one of your comments for a few days.

Please don't feel offended. I still read all your comments. (Mainly cuz I have to, to like, publish them. XD)

Don't worry. This probably won't change anything. I bet I'm still gonna reply to some of your comments. Depends...

Or maybe just reply to the same comment once instead of >1 (greater than 1) times.

Oh. Today's new AJ item is the Heart Trident sold in Bahari Bargains. (Sorry, no picture! DX)

I might squeeze in some time to post Chapter 27. That's good. (Also because I don't have as much time as I usually do to type up more posts.)

Well, I really have to go now. See ya!


Thursday, January 29, 2015

Friendship Owl Delivery + Other Pointless Junk


Erm. I mean



Anywho. There was a new Jamaa Journal today even though there was one last week. But whatever.

Nothing is actually "new" on it. More on that one "new" thing later.


So anyway. Today's new item is sold in Epic Wonders.
(Yay for decent-looking screenshot for once! 8D)

OM Fluffluhes. This item here looks amazing for Superhamster (my super girly boy hamster pet on AJ)!

(Dem squares tho.)

New holiday/seasonal Adventure is that one "new" thing that came with these "updates"!

Owls! ^o^

*gasp* What if Rose is that owl chick (puns sorry XD) from that owl video? 


(It's not as pixely on here. Oh well.)

The goal of this Adventure thing is to stalk strangers' homes. Like so.

Haha, I'm only kidding. :3

The main goal is to find opened and empty mailboxes and click on the pawprint button that appears on it when you (your avatar) come close to it. Like so.

This home den entrance thing looks pretty cool. I like it! :P

*after delivering at least 10 of these stuff to complete strangers' mailboxes*
(There are all-Jammers and members-only treasures given as prizes. Just like that Jamaaliday Rescue one. The 2 are very similar!)

Merp. o3o

Now here are some random things I made the other day because I was bored and stuff.
I tried to make this a graphic with the green glowing surrounding thingy in it too.

Eh. I really should be doing my homework now. Eww.

K, more random and pointless junk to le viewers of this mayhem blog! >:D

Oh k.

My internet is so fridignehv laggy. So laggy. It's annoying. That lag. Such sloooooowness.

You know what I'm saying?


I feel like changing my playlist a bit. Ever since I put it up, my computer's internet has gotten so laggy.

Lag sucks. :T

And pop-ups.

Forcing me to reload the darn webpage when on websites (mostly when watching videos though).

So ya. Perhaps that's why...


Ah yeah.

I still haven't gone on my blog updating rampage- yet.

And I said I'll start that at least 3 months ago.

Eh. Sorry. :L

School. Bleh.

Oh yeah. When I was bored out of my mind in school today, I randomly came up with more flashbacks to use in the story.

And in Duke's POV. (Like always...)

Like. He so KAIUTE!! *o*

And miniiiiiiiiiii.


And grumpy.

Why did they be so like mean?



So. That means I now have all my ideas planned out for the next chapter. Woohoo! :)

Now, now. He all like this.

Like this.

Now here is a random picture. (huehuehuehurhurHURHUEHUR):

Angry demon-child Rin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Like yeah. That flashback. They made cute little mini Duke so angry.

Kinda like cute little child Rin.



*hugs adorable and huggable fail-graphic of Dukey*
The bottom tip of his tail is missing. But I don't care!



(How I visualize him as back then, anyways.)

Haha, I can't draw like that. X3


I can always imagine Duke as a human, but never Twinkle.

Just kidding. The reasons are pretty obvious.

Herp derp.

Well okay then. My mind just blanked out.

That means I should totally end this post now.


<3 those 2
