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Thursday, January 29, 2015

Friendship Owl Delivery + Other Pointless Junk


Erm. I mean



Anywho. There was a new Jamaa Journal today even though there was one last week. But whatever.

Nothing is actually "new" on it. More on that one "new" thing later.


So anyway. Today's new item is sold in Epic Wonders.
(Yay for decent-looking screenshot for once! 8D)

OM Fluffluhes. This item here looks amazing for Superhamster (my super girly boy hamster pet on AJ)!

(Dem squares tho.)

New holiday/seasonal Adventure is that one "new" thing that came with these "updates"!

Owls! ^o^

*gasp* What if Rose is that owl chick (puns sorry XD) from that owl video? 


(It's not as pixely on here. Oh well.)

The goal of this Adventure thing is to stalk strangers' homes. Like so.

Haha, I'm only kidding. :3

The main goal is to find opened and empty mailboxes and click on the pawprint button that appears on it when you (your avatar) come close to it. Like so.

This home den entrance thing looks pretty cool. I like it! :P

*after delivering at least 10 of these stuff to complete strangers' mailboxes*
(There are all-Jammers and members-only treasures given as prizes. Just like that Jamaaliday Rescue one. The 2 are very similar!)

Merp. o3o

Now here are some random things I made the other day because I was bored and stuff.
I tried to make this a graphic with the green glowing surrounding thingy in it too.

Eh. I really should be doing my homework now. Eww.

K, more random and pointless junk to le viewers of this mayhem blog! >:D

Oh k.

My internet is so fridignehv laggy. So laggy. It's annoying. That lag. Such sloooooowness.

You know what I'm saying?


I feel like changing my playlist a bit. Ever since I put it up, my computer's internet has gotten so laggy.

Lag sucks. :T

And pop-ups.

Forcing me to reload the darn webpage when on websites (mostly when watching videos though).

So ya. Perhaps that's why...


Ah yeah.

I still haven't gone on my blog updating rampage- yet.

And I said I'll start that at least 3 months ago.

Eh. Sorry. :L

School. Bleh.

Oh yeah. When I was bored out of my mind in school today, I randomly came up with more flashbacks to use in the story.

And in Duke's POV. (Like always...)

Like. He so KAIUTE!! *o*

And miniiiiiiiiiii.


And grumpy.

Why did they be so like mean?



So. That means I now have all my ideas planned out for the next chapter. Woohoo! :)

Now, now. He all like this.

Like this.

Now here is a random picture. (huehuehuehurhurHURHUEHUR):

Angry demon-child Rin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Like yeah. That flashback. They made cute little mini Duke so angry.

Kinda like cute little child Rin.



*hugs adorable and huggable fail-graphic of Dukey*
The bottom tip of his tail is missing. But I don't care!



(How I visualize him as back then, anyways.)

Haha, I can't draw like that. X3


I can always imagine Duke as a human, but never Twinkle.

Just kidding. The reasons are pretty obvious.

Herp derp.

Well okay then. My mind just blanked out.

That means I should totally end this post now.


<3 those 2



  1. BABY RIN MADE ME TEAR UP. I DUNNO WHY, BUT IT DID. I was choking and everything.

    1. Yeah. In the flashback episode(s) where it was about Rin's past and stuff, it was so emotional. Why?!?!?! ;O; BABY RINNY

  2. XD And agreed- school does stink. XP And awesome new signature! :D
