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Monday, July 6, 2020

Bathroom Discussion (skit part 2)

Hi, I’m here with part 2 of the new skit story I started a few days ago. :) 

This skit story takes place in the beginning part of story 2. Well, my ideas for it. But will I ever write my stories? Now that’s a mystery. ;D 

Uh.. anyway. 
Click here for part 1.

[contains strong language]

Part 2 of the Bathroom Discussion skit story:


Dylan: Friend? *scoffs* Yeah right. 
Jack: *stops smiling* Just give her a chance. You have to stop giving people the cold shoulder. 
Dylan: *crosses arms* Sorry that I don’t trust strangers and would rather not open myself up to them. 
Jack: *sighs* Just try to be friends. 
Dylan: Why? She’s annoying like this guy. *points a finger at Fierdan* 
Jack: *drums his fingers on the bathroom counter, he looks like he’s deep in thought* 
Dylan: Well, almost. Danny is definitely the most annoying one. 
Fierdan: Hey! What did we do to you, kid? Why are you so damn rude? I know I can be a huge pain in the ass, but come on, Stella? What do you have against her? 
Dylan: She’s annoying, that’s what. 
Fierdan: *rolls eyes* Wow, that’s quite an explanation. Care to elaborate? 
Dylan: *glares at Fierdan* I can just tell that she’s a copycat. She wants to copy me. 
Fierdan: What? Because you both have bluish hair? Or is it because she has ice powers while you can only manipulate liquid water? 
Dylan: *rolls his eyes and turns away from Fierdan* 
Fierdan: *sighs* Looks like I’m right. You’re just another angsty teen. There’s nothing special about you, kid. 
Dylan: *turns back around with a new anger all over his face* You don’t know shit about me! 
Fierdan: *tries to remain calm* That’s because you refuse to tell me anything about you. There’s no reason for you to be so hostile. 
Jack: *suddenly turns away so he’s no longer facing the bathroom sinks* Oh yeah, I came in here to tell you guys to hurry up. 
Dylan: *ignores Jack* You’re not the only special one here! Neither is Stella! So get off your high horse and learn that everyone here has their own problems and shit they have to deal with. *lowers voice* Shit you wouldn’t ever understand. So don’t even bother trying to. 
Fierdan: *also completely ignores Jack* Maybe I won’t be able to fully understand what you’re going through or what happened to you or... whatever. And maybe you won’t be able to completely understand what I went through. Wait, I know for a fact you can’t. That doesn’t mean we can’t try to know each other better. Just... I want to be friends with you, too. Got that, kid? 
Dylan: *frowns* Maybe I’ll reconsider what I think of you and the rest of the newcomers. Only if—
Fierdan: *cuts him off* If what? 
Dylan: As I was saying, I’ll reconsider only if you quit calling me a kid. I’m not a goddamn child. I can’t help being short. It’s not like I chose my body. *sighs* I’m 18. 
Fierdan: *immediately feels surprised upon hearing Dylan’s age, tries his best to hide his surprise* Oh! Sorry. It’s just that you look—
Dylan: So much younger. I know. *stares at the ceiling* I’ve heard it a thousand times. 
Fierdan: *apologizes again*
Jack: *speaks louder and with more urgency in his voice* You two can continue this conversation out of here. We have to leave. 
Dylan: *looks at Jack* What time is it? 

[Before Jack or Fierdan can say anything, impatient knocking is heard on the bathroom door. The knocking stops several seconds later with a blunt voice. I’ll just refer to the person as E___.]

E___: *speaks loudly at the other side of the door, doesn’t yell either* It’s time to go! We should’ve left five minutes ago. What’s taking so long? 
Fierdan: *whispers* Who is that? 
Dylan: *whispers back* E. 
Fierdan: *looks confused*
Jack: *speaking to E___* Ah yes, that’s right. I told them to hurry up. 
E___: Jack! What’s taking you so long to get them out of there? *mutters* I swear, men can take way longer than women to leave the bathroom. Screw that gender stereotype. *leans against the door and sighs* Not like I know what it’s like to be either. *laughs then composes themself and opens the door* 
Dylan: *rushes to E___ like they’re old friends* 
Fierdan: *is a bit startled* Wait! Shouldn’t we put our bathroom stuff back in our rooms first? 
E___: *stares at Fierdan for a slightly longer amount of time than Fierdan feels comfortable with* 
Fierdan: *rubs the back of his neck* Uh...
E___: *smiles but says* No. There’s not enough time. 
Fierdan: Oh... oh okay. That’s okay. 
E___: *nods*

[Dylan, Jack, and Fierdan exit the bathroom. Behind E___ in the unlit corridor is Ryen who walks forward to stand next to E___. His movements are disturbingly quiet; he looks like a shadow that’s been pushed into the light given off from the bathroom.] 

Ryen: *looks disapprovingly at Fierdan in particular* We’re already several minutes late thanks to you deciding to have a lengthy conversation in the bathroom. 
E___: *nods again*
Ryen: Is it that hard to remember the schedule? Things work a certain way around here. *frowns at Dylan* I know Jack tends to be forgetful, but I expected better from you, Dylan.
Dylan: *is startled* Y-Yeah. Sorry about that, Ryen. 
Jack: *lowers head* I’m also sorry. I got distracted... again. 
Fierdan: *rolls eyes instead of apologizing* Who put you in charge? You don’t scare me, and you don’t control me. Who are you trying to impress, Ryen? 
Ryen: You’re a defiant one, Danny. I’m the leader of our group, so everyone has to listen to me. That includes you, brother. 
Fierdan: *mutters under his breath* Self-entitled ass. There’s no point in trying to make him proud of you, daddy’s boy. 
Ryen: *walks closer to Fierdan* What did you just say? 
Fierdan: I said you’re daddy’s boy. 
Ryen: *goes up to Fierdan and slaps one side of his face* 
Fierdan: *gently rubs his cheek* Hey, I thought we had to go somewhere. 
Ryen: *verbally snaps* Shut up! *walks away from Fierdan, his hands in fists* Let’s go. 

[E___ follows Ryen down the dark hallway. Dylan and Jack are at the back of the group. Fierdan sighs and follows them, a few paces behind Jack. He starts feeling better when he sees Stella’s familiar hair and Dawn’s familiar gait. Then troubling thoughts rush back at him like a cold, relentless river. He bites his lip and picks up his pace as he catches up with Jack. Jack turns his head slightly to the right, catching Fierdan’s nervous eye. Jack gives him a comforting smile. Fierdan, seeing Jack’s smile out of the corner of his eye, forgets about all the negativity he feels toward his brother for just a short, fleeting moment. He smiles back.] 

The end. 


Well, I hope you enjoyed reading this skit story. I tried to give a glimpse of how my characters are in the beginning of my concept for my story 2. 

Ryen and Fierdan don’t like each other at first. They got family shit and grudges they each have to sort out within themselves. 

Dylan is a trans man, and E___ is nonbinary. 

And like I said a few posts ago, Dylan claims to be annoyed with Stella and is unwilling to be friends with her. That changes as the story goes on. They eventually become close friends, perhaps best friends. 

Where are they all going? Oh, that’s a mystery. I’m not telling. >:)

Thanks for reading. Goodbye. <3 

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