Sunday, January 31, 2016
Grumpy Ramblings
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
hey sorry
Monday, January 25, 2016
lol hi
Haha, I'm making this way too awkward. Hi. Hello. Welcome to my trashy blog. :)
Any of you got snow? I got snow. 2 feet of it. If any of you want snow, come here and clean up my driveway. Thanks. c:
Okay whatever. On with it. The title of this post is ironic. Because it isn't even funny and.. um.. oops, my bad.
So, um, yeah. I don't even view this blog anymore. I avoid it. I only checked the blog once or twice today, and my Blogger Dash a few more times than that. I even have 400 more pageviews from another country than the US now. The US always had the highest statistics before, and now it doesn't. Like okay, I used to view my blogging things a thousand times a day. Now it's like five.
Honestly, it's embarrassing me. Every time I view my blog or see a comment waiting for me to moderate it (publish or delete), I get this feeling of dread. I get anxious over it, and just reading the words is painful.
Comments.. I'm sorry, but I don't know what to say anymore. I always feel like you think I deliberately ignore your comments if I don't reply. But I don't want to.
And just the blog in general. That feeling of dread and anxiety comes back. Everything about it.. just.. ugh. I'm sorry.
Oh and that too. I'm really feeling it again. I really am. But, of course, I won't. Because I'm a coward who can't let anything go.
It sucks. It really does. At least I started disabling comments. That won't help entirely, but I don't care. At least I don't have to stress over the possibility of getting comments on those.
I mean my fricking story of hell obviously. I'm really in the mood to quit it again. For good. And set it on fire. And delete it. And kill every last bit of my writing.
Wanna know why? Because I screwed up. I screwed the whole damn thing up, and I was wrong. I can't fix it. I made it worse. I vented through those POVs. I wasn't thinking when writing them. I just want to end it, kill them off, and finally relax from this mayhem for once.
But I can't do that. I'm chained to this story. I'll hate myself more if I quit and delete. But I sure hate myself a lot as things are now.
I have no explanation for Soulless. I have no explanation for Fierdan's plan to kill Soulless without Soulless knowing. I have no explanation for how Fierdan and Fauna even know about the Jamaa Mist. I have no explanation on how they're gonna attack and capture Duke and who.
I have no idea why Duke is suicidal now. I have no idea why Fierdan is. I thought all of that would be great in the end because it symbolizes something like brokenness or some stupid crap like that. But, oh god, I was stupid. It's my fault, and I'm sorry. Doing that kind of stuff is dangerous, and it hurts. A lot. And likely will be a causer of death. Especially like that. I know that, okay?
I shouldn't have put my angsty thoughts out. I'm such an idiot. You all know I am. I've proven that over and over again. What else do you need? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
And for Twinkle, Ardere, Dawn, and the rest of them? I have no flipping clue. Maybe I can get into the civilization side of things with a Finny or Sparkle POV. Who knows? Not me, not you, nobody does.
I have opposing views with myself from when I started the story. But I have to just go along with the mess I created.
I'm upset, disappointed, and tired over other things too, but I won't share those things with you.
It's never gonna end, so why even bother?
Twenty One Pilots is like my life right now. Their music.. yes. Really good stuff I must say. Great at describing feelings and all that stuff.
All in all, I don't post much anymore because I basically quit.
Goodbye. <3
~ ☆Cutepups☆ ~
Friday, January 22, 2016
Eliminate The Darkness Within
Monday, January 18, 2016
Twinkle's Story: Chapter 51
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Icebergs (poem)
I heard a woman tell us a quote
This past Monday night
She told us what we all have in common
We're all icebergs
Staggered in this huge sea
She told us what we are
Selfish, conceited beings
Who only want to see
What we want to see
That we only see the 10%
And ignore the other 90%
We only see other people's icebergs
At the top 10% of their being
While we just let the 90% drown underneath
Sure, people intentionally only show us the top
But do we really mean it?
Just about everyone shows their 10%
As being their shield, their strengths
So nobody can see the vulnerable 90% below
Take that girl over there
From that 10% you see the obvious
She's so happy with her smiles brightening the room
But we refuse to look at that 90% underneath
She wants to show it
But we refuse to except that the 10%
Is only just a fraction in who she is
Because she isn't that happy girl
She's battling her own mind
But we don't notice
We only want to see that simple 10%
Depressed people smile the brightest anyways
And that bully from school?
We only see his 10%
But unlike the girl
He doesn't want us to see the 90%
We only see the obvious
He's bullying people, he's sadistic
But we don't even try to see the 90%
Because he's not the bully, he's the victim
He's weak from that abuse at home
So he wants to be viewed as strong
By bullying all those other people
With their own individual iceberg
And then there's me
Who's unknown about that entirety
That whole 100%
What I show, I don't know
It seems I never showed even 10%
Maybe why I seem so alone
Even when I'm surrounded by so many
Is the fact that I am unknown
I'm a stranger to everyone, even myself
And I'm just like an iceberg too
Lost at sea, neither floating nor drowning
Cold on the surface and on the inside too
Because being unknown to me
Is both a burden and protection
Jagged are my edges
I'm too messed up to have
My edges neat and straight and curved
No friend gets too attached with me
They can't hold onto the jagged edges
I don't blame them
I really don't think I can
I'm unknown
I'm an iceberg
And so are you
We all have those stories
We never dare to tell anyone
Nevertheless say out loud at all
We all hide from each other
It's a fact no matter if you like it or not
That what we all have in common is that
We're all icebergs
Lost in the world
Lost in ourselves
Lost in existence
Lost forever
Even though we're all visible
But who cares about that
If only the top 10% is?
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Another Short Post
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
read this shiz
Hey guys. I have an announcement to make.
(Thank god.)
So, I have decided that I will be more actively posting (well, in journals anyways) on DA instead of on here. Like, you know, those random personal posts? I'm gonna type the majority of them on DA from now on.
However, I will still post on here. Not as often of course, but I still will. So what will I post on here then? Well, art stuff (writing stuff and drawing stuff) and my advice segment (by the way, feel free to ask me questions for advice in those posts). I want to give this blog a cleaner slate, so that's why I'm doing all this.
Bye guys.
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Chapter 50 Info
Friday, January 8, 2016
Twinkle's Story: Chapter 50
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Cutepups Support: For Those Who Need It (Semi-Repost)
Hello! :)
I'm in the mood to make another self-care/advice kind of post. This post won't have any links in it, but I'll make future posts in this segment that do. And are just simply better than how I say things.
Anyway, here's a list of 5 self-care tips I posted at the end of a post in November. Reposting them because.. because...
The message I say in them is so, so important no matter who you are. Everyone has those struggling, bad days sometimes. Maybe not as often as other people. But we all still do.
1. SOCIALIZE. This is coming from someone who is extremely socially awkward and such an introvert. Believe me, guys. If you've been feeling upset (whether that be physically, mentally, and/or emotionally), talk to someone. Online chatting might not be enough. Talking to someone you know and can trust in real life (IRL) can make all the difference. It makes you feel far less alone. Oh and if you're doubting me, then you're the one who's wrong, not me. It might not be your immediate family, it might not be friends, but please believe me that someone, somewhere cares a whole lot about you. And they're supporting you. And if no one else does, then I do. Even if you have no feelings for other people, I care. Honestly, that's how I am IRL. I've learned it the hard way. There's no point in bottling your feelings up inside yourself just to rot. It's far better to just tell someone. And if you really can't IRL, then please talk to someone online. Support blogs, support websites (like the dawn room- thequietplaceproject), even me if you really want to. Hiding your feelings away really doesn't solve anything. You are loved. Okay? Okay.
2. Listen to your favorite music, or listen to some soothing sounds (like rain for example). Like, for me, I've been listening to Twenty One Pilots (and a few other bands). And while listening, I felt kinda better. And besides, listening to some specific sounds has been scientifically proved to make you feel more calm and less anxious (like listening to cats purring lol). Anyway, who doesn't love listening to their favorite songs? I don't know about you guys, but listening to some of my favorite songs motivates and inspires me. Haha, yeah.
3. If it's cold, snuggle up in some cozy blankets and wear comfortable clothes. Maybe even drink a hot beverage as well (lol gotta love some hot chocolate, right? or like tea or something.. idk). And stroke your pets or stuffed animals.
4. VENT. Yeah, just go out and vent. Write down all the reasons why you're upset and then rip it up. Draw a picture and do the same thing. Vent through writing or drawing and post it online. If you feel like you're not ready to go out and tell anyone (IRL) what you're feeling yet, then at least get your feelings out by venting. No one even has to know what you put. No one ever has to see your vents.
5. Just do any activity that distracts you from thinking your negative thoughts. Read a book, take a shower/bath, go on a run, do anything you enjoy. Even if you think you're not interested in doing your favorite activities anymore, just do them. Obviously I mean not anything that's harmful of course. It most likely is just negative feelings (ex. depression) that makes you feel not interested in doing activities you like. But please remember, that's not you. You are not your negativity. Your feelings will pass. You'll love your favorite activities again one day. It might not be tomorrow, next week, or next month, but that day will come. You'll feel better. Believe in yourself. You can and you will.
You are not your symptoms.
You are not your disease.
You are not your bullies.
You are not your backstabbing friends.
You are not your abusive (physically, emotionally, and/or mentally) family.
You are you.
And that's all you need.
Life can be real crap.
Life can be confusing.
I know life can suck.
But I also know that things will change one day.
No, I'm not saying it will 100% get better. I know that's BS. Not everything has the ability to get better. I know how that feels. No one will ever truly understand what it's like to be you. You will never truly understand what I think about everything. Our feet may be the same size, but they can only walk in our own shoes. "Take a day in another person's shoes." Well, that's not 100% possible.
You are not alone.
Someone cares about you.
Someone out there loves you. (Just validating romantic love is BS.)
Your feelings are valid.
You, as a human being, are valid.
Take care.
~ Cutepups <3
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
My Poisonous Remedy
Concept, thought, thing
General idea
Can look so, so
And become so, so
The deeper inside you go?
Isn't it funny how this one concept
Can cause two polar opposites
Two extremities
At war with each other
Changing like the seasons
Depending on how severe it is?
Isnt it funny how it plays
With your emotions
So many times that you become
So lost in yourself
Lost in who you are
That you don't know
What is real and what is fake?
Isn't it funny
How every beautiful, elegant thing
Has its thorns
That make you drown
In a pool of your own blood
When you come in contact with it?
Isn't it funny how it can be both
Friend and foe
Ally and enemy
Relief and stress
Savior and traitor
Poison and remedy
Pacifist and sadist
Angel and devil
Good and evil
Purpose and waste
Help and struggle
Positive and negative
Light and dark
White and black
Life and death
Everything and nothing
And anything similar to this list?
By all of this
I mean something
That this is an example of
And it is called
One word:
Writing is my poison
Writer's block
Fear I have no real talent
Fear I'll never be "good enough"
Cringing at past writings from yesterday's past
Dark thoughts in my unstable mind
Thinking of ripping up all those writing plans
Tearing the pages apart into little, jagged pieces
Due to the sole purpose of seeing it all as a pathetic joke
But not just quitting
Deleting the future from being born
Deleting the past that brought me here
Deleting the present from ever getting better
Deleting it from ever being revived
And most of all
Deleting it like ending my own life
Just like drinking the cup of poison set for me
By that one thing called:
Writing is my remedy
So many ideas spontaneously bursting out of my head
Being scribbled onto pages of paper in a notebook
Spark of hope that writing is the thing I searched for so, so long
My true talent, hope, happiness, and sense of purpose
Thoughts as bright as the sun in my stable mind
Making me feel like I can accomplish anything
Making me feel like I'm on top of the world
With just a pen and paper by my side
Feeling so alive
Forgetting how dead I feel inside underneath it all
Making me enjoy life and want to carry on living
This is what my crazy relationship with writing is
Just my poisonous remedy
My poison but also my remedy
Dying and reviving
Time and time again
Nothing more, nothing less
But a work of art.
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
What. Oh, oh hello! I'm here now. You guys can stop worrying now. It's okay now; I'm okay now.
What the--
Point is, I'm losing interest in blogging at this time. Thus, the lack of daily posts. So here I am, 2 or 3 days (I forgot which) later, with a new post. So that's that.
(I'm typing this on my phone and my fingers are cold.. onto that in a second.)
Okay so. Weather.. what the heck. Where I live, the average temperature in December was in the sixties (degrees Fahrenheit). Now in January, it's in the twenties. It was 9 degrees this morning. Cold.
Weather.. why you be so unpredictable. Stop it. The weatherpeople (haha yes) said it would be 17 degrees this morning. They lied, it was 9 degrees. We're talking about the same time in the morning, by the way.
Haha, it's pretty rude. It's all warm and sunny in the mornings during winter break. And now when school starts again, the weather suddenly drops down 40 degrees. Now school starts just when it becomes really cold outside. See, kids? School is tortuous in more ways than you think.. *single tear rolls down cheek*.
Okay, moving on...
Well, kind of.
Hehe. XD
Since I was extremely bored in class and my hands were cold, I had a TEO thought. So.. storytime, kids.
So that mini-daydream took place in the sequel that I have barely anything planned out. So, the scene (haha, oh goody)...
Oh crud, I forgot major spoilers. Time for me to type about this as vaguely as possible with horrible writing style techniques. ;)
Stella (aka Twinkle) was searching for her best friend (haha) Danny (aka Duke/Fierdan). Because he has been gone from the rest of the the Extraordinary Others gang (how swag) for a few weeks now. (I just realized this thought contradicts a story part I posted on DA.. oh well). And Stella couldn't take it anymore, so she decided to go look for Danny. So she exited the secret hideout where the TEO base is, and went into the main part of this hospital-like/government-like (that's where the majority of the sequel takes place lol). So, as she runs through all the hallways, she looks and calls everywhere for Danny.
Then suddenly this large guy with a creepy vibe (not swag creepy like Fierdan, ugly creepy) wraps his big ugly arm around Stella's back and forcibly makes them enter a smaller sized room.
Then he holds her hands and says, "Oh my, aren't your hands cold!"
And Stella just smirks and rolls her eyes.
Then he says, "You want to know why Mira named you Stella and Twinkle in Jamaa?" in this smooth and sly voice.
Stella just glares back at him.
Then the guy is saying, "Because you're a star. Ever wondered why you have the names that you do?"
Stella, for the first time here, finally speaks. "No," she says in this curt and serious tone.
He then smiles in a way that unsettles her. "Well," he simply says, his hands together. "You're a very special girl."
Stella frowns even more when he says "girl".
Then he says, "About your hands, I know the perfect thing that'll heat them right up."
Then he pushes this button out of nowhere it seems, and this hidden door deep inside the room opens.
And with this look that's foreign and robotic in his eyes is Danny.
When he robotically walks closer to them, the man says, "I also believe you were looking for Daniel. He'll gladly heat your hands up for you, and you'll never remember having cold hands ever again."
Stella immediately notices the mad but solemn look in Danny's eyes as he, which looks like under some control from TEO's enemies, walks even closer to her. And she knows he isn't pretending any of it.
Still shocked at seeing Danny after so many weeks, especially like this, she faces the man. And she yells at him, "What the hell did you monsters do to him?!"
And she repeats, "What the hell did you do?!" time and time again.
So. That's the thought I had. I like it. Well, with more detail and better writing and all. Haha, yeah.
I have to leave now.
Bye guys. <3
~ ☆Cutepups☆ ~
Saturday, January 2, 2016
New Year's Skit
And like I said, I'll be making another skit. So here we are! ;D
Oh yeah. It doesn't make that much sense because it takes place in the New Year for 2016 while TEO takes place hundreds of years later than today's time.
Setting: Living Room like in all them RIM commercial skits
Finny: Hmm...
Sparkle: What now?
Finny: Hmm...
Sparkle: I don't know how much money was spent in 2015.
Finny: What are you talking about? Are you interested in the economics and statistics now? That warms my heart, but I wasn't thinking about that.
Sparkle: *stares at Finny* Then what are you "hmm"ing about?
Finny: Well.. uh.. I...
Dawn: *magically appears in scene via glowing green aura* Oh, I know!
Finny: *blushes* Shut up, Dawn!
Sparkle: Uh...
Dawn: *walks away* Spinny...
Sparkle: *faces Finny* Why is she saying our ship name like that?
Finny: It's.. uh.. an hour to midnight. *blushes furiously*
Setting: Hallway right outside living room
Dawn: Why hello there! You two look.. um.. snazzy tonight!
Brock: pushes in front of the two of them* Why thank you, Dawn! Have you seen Cashier-Girl-No-Lady by the way?
Dawn: Um.. no. Neither has Sparkle. Actually, she's not coming here.
Brock: What?! Oh no, that's a shame. Well, I'll be off. *walks gloomily away*
Dawn: You look very snazzy!
Twinkle: *stares at Dawn*
Duke: Where is it?!
Dawn: *stares at them*
Duke: Where am I?!
Dawn: Uh.. Sparkle's house.
Duke: Who am I?!
Dawn: Um.. my Fierdan sweet?
Duke: Nah... *staggers away from Twinkle and Dawn and bumps into wall* Hello.. *swears*!
Twinkle: *whispers to Dawn* I think he's drunk...
Night: *magically enters scene* Brother.. oh dear... *lifts up Duke who is swearing at wall* WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO YOU?! GET OUT OF IT, DUDE!
Twinkle: Um...
Dawn: Uh...
(5 awkward minutes later)
Duke: *glares down at Night* Put me down.
Night: *puts Duke on floor* Good.. now stay sober, kids! *stares at everyone and magically disappears*
Twinkle: You guys are too weird for me! *enters living room followed by Dawn and Duke*
Sparkle: *talking to Finny* Yes, but what about-- Oh.. hey guys.
Duke: What are you talking about?
Finny: Uh.. uh.. nothing! *blushes again and hides behind couch*
Dawn: *goes up to couch* Hey, midnight is only in forty minutes. I think she'll like--
Finny: *still blushing furiously* Shut up! They're all here now!
Dawn: Okay sure, but get out of there.
Finny: Ugh fine. *stops hiding behind couch*
Twinkle: Well then.
Duke: Hey, Dawn!
Dawn: Yes, what is it my Fierdan sweet?
Duke: Uh.. we're over that now.
Dawn: Okay.. then what is it, Duke Fierdan?
Duke: That's better.
Sparkle: *sighs* What do you want, Duke?
Duke: Oh yeah, Dawn. Can you make me a cup of mint tea?
Dawn: *smiles* Yes, of course!
Twinkle: Make me one, too.
Dawn: Okay! *skips into kitchen*
(10 minutes later)
(Everyone is sitting on the couch, and Duke and Twinkle have just finished their cups of mint tea)
Twinkle: Whoa.. that tastes pretty good!
Dawn: Yeah, it's my special recipe!
Duke: Yeah, yeah, okay. Bring the cups back.
Dawn: Oh okay... *returns to kitchen, places cups in sink, returns back to living room*
Sparkle: *sighs* I'm the one who has to clean up afterwards.
(5 minutes to midnight)
Sparkle: It's almost midnight. *turns on TV*
Dawn: Goodbye, 2015.
Duke: Yes, this awful year is almost over!
Finny: *blushes*
Sparkle: You okay there, Finny? *holds Finny's paw*
Finny: *blushes furiously*
Dawn: *gets off couch* Aww, you guys are so cute!
(3 minutes to midnight)
Twinkle: *whispers* Everyone be quiet. That TV person is finally saying something important!
TV Person 1: Ah yes, it is currently 11:57 pm.
TV Person 2: It's almost time for us to welcome 2016. What's your resolution, Helen?
TV person 1: Just.. you know...
Finny: Wow, 2016, wow... *stares at TV screen where the two boring TV announcers are discussing their New Year's resolutions*
(1 minute to midnight)
(Finny, Sparkle, Duke, and Twinkle are sitting on couch while Dawn sits in the reclining chair, and they're all counting down the seconds to midnight)
(On TV, the ball is gradually descending)
Everyone: 33.. 32.. 31.. 30...
(20 seconds later)
(Finny holds tightly onto Sparkle's paw, Sparkle holds Finny's paw, Duke holds Twinkle's paw, Twinkle holds Duke's paw, Dawn just sits in the chair, and they're all counting down the seconds to midnight as they stare intently at the TV)
Everyone: 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6... *leans forward in their seats*
Everyone: 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1...
(On TV, the ball hits the platform on the ground and fireworks light up the night sky)
Everyone: *jumps off their seats* HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Dawn: *fires confetti gun that magically appeared out of thin air*
(Duke and Twinkle kiss, Finny and Sparkle kiss, and Dawn fires more confetti into the room)
...... That's how my skits go, right? I haven't made one in so long. Oh look, the Spinny. How cute... >w<
So yeah. That's how my New Year skit ended up. 2016.. it's been okay so far. School's on Monday, and I still have to finish my homework I got for over break.
(I know I forgot a few commercial skit characters.. oh well.. deal with it.)