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Sunday, April 30, 2017

Love (first draft)

What does it mean to be in love? How do you know it's love?

It's when you care about someone. It's someone who is a part of you, who changed your life for good.

It's a feeling that many people don't understand. It's a feeling that makes the acts of romantic and sexual love seem meaningless. It's a feeling that runs through your veins and lights up your core.

Love is the bond between you and someone else. It's that person you call your soulmate.

What is a soulmate?

A soulmate is someone who shapes who you are. They impact your life in so many ways.

A soulmate is someone you love no matter what. It's that someone you treat differently than everybody else.

A soulmate is someone who cares about you and wishes you the best. It's that someone who will always be there for you no matter how many times you might've screwed up.

They might not always be there physically, but you know they're still there with you. Whether that be in life or in death.

It's that one person who will continue to support you when everyone else left your side. It's someone who rights your wrongs without you even knowing.

It's someone who knows you more than any other. They're a part of you, and you're a part of them.

Being in love means a lot of things. It's emotional intimacy and maybe physical too. It's deep sympathy, empathy, and compassion.

Your soulmate is your best friend. It's someone who can be your friend, your significant other, your sibling, or maybe a person who originally meant nothing to do. The bond between you two doesn't matter. It's that extremely powerful connection you have with another person. It's a connection that surpasses any other.

It's that feeling you get for a person you want to protect, to remain safe, no matter what. It's that person who makes you happy and safe when nobody else can. It's when you know something is wrong with them without you even being with them.

It's that feeling when you want to harm anyone who is causing your soulmate pain. You would beg and plead to trade their pain and suffering for yours. You would kill for them. You would sacrifice your life for them.

A soulmate can enter your life, but they can't leave without taking a part of you with them.

That is how I would describe love.

- - - - - - - - - -

First draft of a project I'm working on.

It's a writing piece inspired by that "What's a Soulmate?" audio clip. ( )

Twinkle's Story+ main theme: Love

heh okay


I almost typed up Chapter 74 last night. Keyword being almost. I didn't for a few reasons.

I guess that means there won't be a new chapter for another week or two. So probably in two weeks, I'll be able to post the full chapter.

I want to write it so badly, but I can't. I have too many other things to do. Too many important things to worry about. Especially now.

I might make a reminder post later. And then you guys will be confused. Haha. Knowledge.

I might also make a preview post of Chapter 74. Like what will happen. But vaguely.

Yeah sure lol.

Well anyway, I'm almost at 1000 posts. Wow, what a number.

Um.. I feel like I have an irl friend now. Nice.

Gotta go. Bye.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Demon Duke again

Quickly drew these lol.

I like to think of the scenes that lead up to Duke in this spoiler form lol. Pain lol. :')

The words are important story things lol.

The pain look. Oh yes. My poor boy. 

<3 ;; 

Bloody mouth in a lot of these lol. 

Oh and lmao. The three Duke forms. 

Not all the quotes are said by Duke. Some are though.

A lot of things have to happen before Duke actually looks like this in the story. 

I just love thinking about him suffering. :'^) 

Pain is a great factor. 

Ok bye lol. 

Thursday, April 27, 2017

lol cool

That last post though. Another one where I try to write half-poetically. I was going to post it yesterday, but then I didn't.

I was stressing out yesterday. Lol how fun.

Anyway, I'm going to talk about some good things that happened today.

Good.. sure lol.

I'm leaving for my SAT class in a few minutes though. That's not fun. Test taking is never fun.

*sigh* :/

Ok so anyway. There were a lot of field trips going on today, and it was Bring Your Child To Work Day. So I got to see my teachers' kids. Haha yeah.

It's so warm out. Tomorrow is going to be even warmer. ... Can we just skip to summer break? Um lol.

So there's this park near my high school. In gym today, we walked all the way over there.

We passed the dog park. Like yes. Dogs. Amazing.

Then we went to the animal enclosures. And in my head, I'm like. Yes, animals, nice!

That fluffy white chicken though. That squawking goose though. The goats though. That pretty turkey though. That peacock though. Those pigs though.

Animals.. cool lol. Gotta love them.

My school sent out an online letter about that.. *clenched fists* .. Netflix show. And after I read it, I was like, yes!

It was about how the show romanticizes suicide and doesn't talk about any possible mental health issues.

Yeah lol that show.

I feel kinda good today lol. At least so far today.

I'm tired, but I gotta do this SAT thing. Ugh why life.

I also had an hour long conversation with my irl friend. With a call.

Wow, that's something new. Haha yeah.

Oh and there might be hope for my future now. I might be interested in this major and its courses.

I'm still ashamed over my writings though.

So.. heh.

Screenwriting sounds pretty cool. My dad did it lol. That's not his job though lol.

Ugh, I don't want to go.

Oh and some story stuff. Gotta type this really quick.

The way that Duke [dies] for my story plans now is so much better than the plan I had two years ago. Like wow. That old plan is gross. This one is so much better. No actual suicide. Yeah lol.

The same thing goes for the violent action scenes. The plans I have for them are so much better now. I like thinking about them, gahh.



I can't post later, so here I am now.

I'm gonna drift away from story stuff for a little bit.

So anyway, I'm tired. Want to know what's tiring?

Feelings. Feelings are tiring.

I'm tired of them.

I'm tired of the range of emotions I get every day.

They leave me tired.

I'm tired of the thoughts I get because of them.

I hate it all.

I hate not knowing. I hate feelings.

I don't know. I don't know.

Waking up with my stomach hurting every day because of things. Tired of it.

Tired of myself.

Not knowing what I want or where I'll go. Doubting how I'll live past the age of 18 sometimes.

Feeling not good enough.

Feeling like I'm ruining my life.

Feelings saying that it'll be better if I die.

And at the end of the day, I'm not panicking inside. Not falling apart. Not anymore.

It's tiring. Life is tiring.

I'm tired.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

not nice

Hey there.

So, about that thing I said.. well.. it changed. It's working normally for me, so I'm allowed to take my exam at the regular time. Oh darn, no extended time to study.

It's in a week. Ahh.

Back to dying (from stress and despair) during the first week of May. Great.

Oh and now the views aren't as weird anymore..? Now there's a 10 count difference instead of 20. Haha yeah. Wow.

Anyway, want to know what I hate? Conversations. Especially those about fellow juniors in my school scoring 1450+ on their first SAT. And without even studying.

Haha. What? Ha, ha, ahh.

Cutepups.. she dumb. The fool. It's her.

It's been raining all day. The rain is so loud. Ugh.

About the skits from yesterday, most of them are story spoilers but humor-ified.

Humor-ified: skits are funnier than actual story events

I need to stop revealing too many spoilers. I wouldn't have if I could type the darn five chapters. But no. I couldn't. Because of school and the pain of life.

Bob the Blobfish returned to a skit. I bet nobody remembers, but way back in the day, Bob and Duke were in skits together. In the last one of them, Twinkle confronted Duke, saying he was yelling at nothing. This made Bob the Blobfish imaginary in Duke's messed up and problematic brain. Now in 2017 after that incident, Duke has accepted and grieved over the fact that Bob the Blobfish is just a part of his imagination. That Bob the Blobfish isn't real. However, Bob the Blobfish is real when he appears in front of Duke in yesterday's skit. Duke killed him. Damn it, Duke.

And the third skit can be like a continuation of another very old and weird Duke post. I made a post where Duke was talking about drinking "hot red blood" in 2015 I'm pretty sure. And in yesterday's skit, he's like this basically, "Mm blood lol slurp... screw you, Taurel." I think I made that old post because of a chapter I wrote with Duke being lustful and lustful for blood. I think that's how that chapter went. Damn it, Duke, you're so creepy.

The story scenes with Duke, Risak, and Taurel. Mm nice. Interesting indeed.

That skit is also a spoiler lol.

All of them are potential spoilers lol. Even the Finny one. Possibly.

That Danny and Ryen one though. Ah, my cuties. Danny is in his late teens and Ryen is in his early twenties when the skit is taking place. Lol what are these boys? Haha cute. 

For that one as well as the Twinkle and Dawn one, I was thinking of including the Rainbow Fox swooping into the scenes like an eagle. But then I decided not to. Oops lmao.

Anyway, I love thinking about the scenes when Duke is just a badass. Damn son.

My most recent art post (Fire Hair) was me posting two colored sketches (drawn in 30 minutes or less lol) from two different scenes in future chapters. One is a badass blue fire Twinkle, and the other is a badass black fire Duke. Unfortunately, I can't draw, so my drawings of them are ugly.

Sometimes I'm just thinking of Duke in these scenes, and I think. That's so brutal. What these characters do. Like damn.

Can't wait for when Duke becomes a cryptid lol. No humanity in you, boy. What are you, boy?

I'm basing it off of something I read. What will happen in the story is nothing like what happened in the thing I read. For the most part.

Haha yeah. Fun. Intense action scenes. Exciting stuff lol.

I kinda want to draw these comparisons. One being Duke at the beginning of the story standing next to Duke at the end of the story (before he.. uh.. exists no more). They look different. A lot different.

I also want to do the same thing but with pre-Fierdan (Danny) and killer Fierdan. Or with young child Fierdan (like when he's still sweet and gentle) and killer Fierdan. Two very different versions of the same person. Ah, my boy.

Same thing with Twinkle at the beginning of the story and Twinkle at the end of the story.

I might be obsessed with the changes of my characters via their personality and physical appearance.

I also want to create these "five stages of grief" (or is it seven?) drawings with each one revolving around a specific character. Like idk, there could be one for Fierdan, Duke, and Twinkle. I have ideas for it that involve these three characters. Haha, but that would have a lot of spoiler content.

"Five Stages of Grief":
1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining
4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Yes, very emotional.

Like throughout the story. Their five stages of grief.

If only I could draw. If only.

Anyway, this story and possible sequel of mine? Want to know what it is?

It's a personal reason I have to keep going. One reason to not die. Lol yeah.

Lol thought of something.

Cutepups Reasons to Live XD:
- Gotta be alive to continue the story.
- I won't be satisfied with the story ending with the last chapter I have published as a post.
- Gotta write chapters, so you guys will finally understand what I mean by my posts.
- Blogging is my life.
- I like blogging.
- Blogging
- The story that's mine
- Animals exist
- Music
- ???? Too lazy to continue this lmao

Ok bye lmao.

Monday, April 24, 2017


Hi. Today was a pretty nice day. Well, despite it being Monday. Haha.

I had an assembly for two classes, and I think I did pretty good on my math quiz. I actually understood the info this time. Haha yeah, I'm usually a dumb fool.

And on top of that, I got more good news. I'm not gonna die from stress and despair during the first week of May. Yay.

I've been so stressed these past few days. I mean I still am, but not as much.

Got more time to study. Hehe.

Anyway, I don't know how I should feel about this. On my two recent personal ventish posts, my stats say those posts got twice the number of views compared to my other posts (not including chapters though- those usually get the most views). So.. uh.. hey there. Do more people view my personal posts of suffering? Do people check those posts more? Erm.. say something if you want to? I find it a little unsettling how in a day, one of those posts got 40 views, but my other posts from earlier in the week have only 20-something views.

I mean I'm fine. Really. Just exclude the facts that I'm clueless and hopeless about my future, I'd rather sleep than do other tasks, I'm stressed and anxious about a bunch of stuff, and my dreams end up making me feel worse by strengthening those feelings of fear. Haha yeah. :-)

Moving on from that, I have another drawing of human Twinkle. I didn't color it, and I want to color it. So there won't be any art in this post.

My art.. smh. Bad art, Cutepups.

Ugh, I want to write chapters so badly. But I can't because of school and upcoming exams.

After such a long wait, exciting parts are coming. The conflict is rising; the climax is coming. It's almost here.

*suddenly changes topics again*

I haven't made any Monday skit posts in a while. I don't have a picture of the RIM though. Well, that doesn't matter because I want to do a different type of skit post.

These are just gonna be short (a few lines each) and it's more than one. They're not about the RIM. So basically these are going to be short and random. And hopefully funny too.

Enjoy.. I guess.


Duke: *alone in a room, closed eyes, whispering to himself* He's not real, he's not real, he's not real....
Bob the Blobfish: *floating ominously in front of Duke* Hello there.
Duke: *eyes open and flails arms* He's not real, he's not real, he's not real. He isn't real! *hits Bob the Blobfish*
Bob the Blobfish: I've been gone for like a year, and you're still immature. I'm right here, Duke.
Duke: *whispering to himself* It's just a hallucination. My brain is messed up. Bob the Blobfish doesn't exist.
Bob the Blobfish: Noo.... *fades away and in his place is a pile of clear-pink jelly on the floor*
Duke: Damn it, I killed another one.

Dawn, Duke, Ardere: *walking in the forest, being friends, having a good time*
Taurel: *comes out from behind bushes* Hello there.
Dawn, Duke, Ardere: Damn it! Crap! Freakin' hell!

Taurel: You know what?
Duke: What?
Taurel: *licks lips seductively* Your blood is so sweet. I find yours to be so interesting.
Duke: *is confused, wtf is with this one-pawed freak?* You're stupid to think I didn't know that. I love slurping up that red liquid. Slurp.
Taurel: Damn it, Duke! I'm the vampire here!
Duke: *licking blood on arm* Slurp!
Taurel: *whispering to himself* Wow, the Duke Fierdan really is a monster. He is attracted to the taste of his own blood. Perhaps he is also a vampire in disguise.
Duke: And I'm gonna taste your blood next. Hahahahahaha!

Danny: *squirming against his brother holding him back, makes weak punching motions* Let me get him. He said the fire element stinks!
Ryen: Stop being such a hot-head!
Danny: He's being mean to me! I need to get him, bro!
Ryen: Calm down. Breathe in and out.
Danny: No, this isn't meditation time.
???: *winks at Danny when Ryen isn't looking, mouths the phrase* I love you.
Danny: *is weak, falls to floor* Ahh.
Ryen: *looks down at Danny on the floor, is just so done* Are you sure that you're the post-Fierdan I ordered?
Danny: *dazed* He said the fire element stinks since he said his is better. But then he says he loves me. Wow, talk about being problematic!
Ryen: *is so done with everything* Says the most problematic boy ever.
Danny: *looks up* Shut up.

Finny: *panicking* Brock, Brock! Open up, Brock!
Brock: *opens door, Finny runs inside* What is it, cinnamon roll?
Finny: I need to figure out the statistics of the RIM! How is the stock market doing? Inflation? Equal equilibrium?
Brock: I didn't get the RIM.
Finny: *gasps* What do you mean you don't have it? You work at the store!
Brock: Uh, that's not true. My girlfriend does. I just visit her at work a lot.
Finny: And you didn't purchase the RIM? How cruel can you be, Brock?
Brock: Dude, I'm so sorry.
Finny: My heart continues to be broken.

Twinkle: Wanna know something?
Dawn: Of course I do!
Twinkle: I used to hate you. I thought you were a lustful freak.
Dawn: *laughs* Everyone thinks that.
Twinkle: And yet here I am. We've gone through so much together. It's as if I'm in love with you.
Dawn: Pain changes people. We endured the same trauma.
Twinkle: But I wasn't there when it happened.
Dawn: But the events left you devastated. You were probably more hurt than I was.
Twinkle: *sighs, wraps arm around Dawn* I miss them. Everything is so painful. But at least we still have each other.

Skits.. mm.

Ok bye.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Fire Hair

I have colored sketches lol.

So instead of a new chapter, you guys can have art. 

My art.. lol.

I practiced parallel parking today. I think I figured out a way to parallel park better than before. Well, with help from my dad. 

I parallel parked good on my own.. lol. 

I have so much studying to do this week. Oh man. Tragic.

So anyway, these two drawings are Twinkle and Duke as humans. Yeah wow. 

I titled it that because they both have their hair being part fire. So yeah lol.

Ok lol. >:) 

The anatomy looks so much better in person, pfft. It's short-haired human Twinkle. Look at all that blue. Blue ice-flames. I love my blue daughter. 

Damn it, Duke. Why are you swearing? Why do you look so creepy? Why? 

It's human Duke. Not Fierdan. It's Duke. 

This is from a scene I'm excited to write. It's after The Chapter. This scene though.. oh boy.

All black eyes. So many black flames. Even his hair is black flames. 

He looks evil and creepy because he is lol.

Vague context: Someone tried to kill Duke but failed. Duke then went all-out with his black fire. There's a fight scene. Lots of black flames. In the scene, Duke is in the middle of beating the crap out of someone.

Perhaps Soulless has a role here... 

Basically, it's about Duke having revenge on the person who tried to kill him. 

Yeah cool lol. 

It says, "You tried to kill me..." and "I can't die... (lol what is that there)".

This boy, I swear... 

My Twinkle drawing looks so much neater. Intentional or not, that's how it is. 

I'll probably draw the characters as humans again. To be honest, drawing them as humans is so much easier than drawing them as "foxes". I also imagine them as humans when I write more often than not.

So it's my fire Elemental Power children. Showing off their rad fire skills.

Bye lol. :) 

~ Cutepups <3 

Saturday, April 22, 2017

losing it

Never mind, I'm just making one more post today. I got caught up in some things.

So.. uh.. anyway. I'm sorry.

I probably won't be able to write a new chapter for a while. I can't right now.

Uh so I don't know if I can really call these poems, but just pretend these are mini writing things. Okay. They're negative. Uh yeah.

I don't know what these are.


Actually, I'm not going to write poetry. Scratch that idea. I'm just gonna type things out. Words.. how interesting.


It's April. April 22nd. In a month, it's my birthday. That's May 22nd. Maybe by the time you read this, it'll be in less than a month.

Birthdays.. everyone's excited for theirs, right? Gifts, parties.. all that fun stuff.

I like to think I'm frozen in time. At least that's what I would like. Of course that's not true.

I dread the future. I dread every time I realize another day has passed.

Why is that? It's because that means it's one day sooner.

Sooner to what? Sooner to my birthday.

I'm dreading my birthday. I'm terrified.

People are supposed to be happy and excited for their birthday, right? People are supposed to be excited to finally get their driver's license, right?


Then why am I not?

How can I be happy for my birthday if I'm scared about it?

Why is it so scary? The test is supposedly easy.

Don't let it consume you. It already has.

It's stupid to be scared of it. It's stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The driving test isn't the only reason I'm dreading my birthday. I'm dreading it because realization hit me.

Before my birthday, I have to do so many things.

I have to take my AP exam. I'm terrified about that. There's so much to memorize in so little time. Date, artist, style, title. Form, function, content, context. 250. My essays haven't been the best. More like the worst.

That feeling of inadequacy, of never feeling good enough, never leaves.

I have to take the SAT again. I have to get a higher score than last time. Even if I get to something in the 1100s or 1200s, that's not good enough. It won't be good enough. It's hard to get there. But those scores mean nothing. They're still bad.

Inadequacy and fear of rejection hold me back. They are a part of who I am. I can't just let them go.

Anxiety might as well be my personality at this point. That's what I am. An anxious wreck. A mess. A stupid fool.

Drawing- not good enough. Writing- not good enough.

That's all I have. I know I won't ever be good enough. Both of mine are pretty awful.

Why do I even bother? Does anyone even care? Everyone left except for two people.

What's the point? Am I doing it for myself? I guess so.

If my art and writings were actually good, then maybe I could seriously think of majoring in an art or english major. But I know my works suck.

I have a fear of rejection and of criticism. I can't just go out and apply to things so easily.

Applying to colleges. Applying to jobs. Applying is scary.

I hate being embarrassed. Embarrassment brings only bad memories. Of how many times I screwed up.

I hate my past self. I hate my current self. I hate my future self. I hate myself.

People laugh at their past embarrassing moments. I don't. I can't just laugh them off like they can.

I can't just be social and happy like they can. I can't just talk to people like they can.

Talking to people. I'm not even that scared of people in most cases. Like for instance, at school. I'm not scared of fellow students. Usually.

I just can't bring myself to talk to people. What's the point? All my past irl friends left, so what's the point in trying to make new ones? Everyone leaves in the end. They leave, I leave, it's inevitable.

I'm a hypocrite. I have some trust issues, but I cause people to have them. I cause people to leave. I'm boring. I cause people to hate me. I've let people down. I lied to people, and I say I have issues trusting people. I don't want to be hated, but my actions cause people to hate me.

How can people trust me if they have every right not to? How can people trust me if I don't trust myself? How?

How can I enjoy life if I'm terrified of it?

People are looking forward to summer. Fellow juniors are looking forward to becoming seniors.

I'm not. I'm not like other people. I'm not looking forward to the future at all.

Summer means looking at colleges and applying to jobs.

Getting a job sounds scary. Looking for colleges just sounds pointless if I don't know what I want to do and where I want to go.

Senior year means sending out college applications. I'm definitely not looking forward to that. I'm not that great of a person. I've never been.

What good thing in the future is there to look forward to? Not anything fictional. For real. And it has to be realistic.

I'm losing it. I can't think of anything. Life is too scary. I feel like I was never meant to be here this long.

Growing up is scary. I always knew that. Being an adult isn't exactly fun.

Jobs, bills, taking care of yourself.. what fun is in that?

Being with your loved one makes things easier, I bet. But what if I don't love anyone, and I don't have any friends I can live with? What is left then? It's just endless boredom and loneliness. Great.

Since I'm stuck in time not knowing what'll become of me, I've been caring less. I'm careless. I don't care about my future.

I can't picture myself being happy in the future. The chances of something incredible happening are very slim.

I'm not being a pessimist. I'm just being realistic.

If I can't picture myself in the future, then that might as well mean I have none. I have no future.

I'm just here. Stuck in the present. Dreading the future every day.

That's me as of late. For the past few weeks, especially. Writing story chapters distracted me from overthinking and going into bad thoughts. But it can only go so far.

Nothing can distract me from reality. From realizing I'm ruining my own life.

I still have to live. As unfortunate or fortunate that might be.



Story stuff lol cool

Hey. I'm going to make a few posts today. I'll try to.

First thing is today's Earth Day. You should see the Google image today if you haven't already. It's so cute.

Before I go on, here's a little announcement. School is stressing me out a lot nowadays, and exams are coming up. I have to study a ton of info. So I might not post in the next week and two.

So anyway, I realized some pretty cool story things. Yeah sure lol.

Twinkle's Story is just a week short of being three years old. It's been going on for a while, that's for sure. Lots of changes, that's for sure. Wow.

The other day, I listened to "People Like Us" by Kelly Clarkson. This song was one (maybe the very first?) of the first theme songs I had for my Twinkle's Story. Like ok. This song was the first theme song I had for all the characters with Elemental Powers. Back in 2014, I only based it on Twinkle and Duke. But now I'm also basing it on Dawn and Ardere. No.. all of them. But especially those 4.

But not as much as in 2014. I think I thought this song was like their theme song against the enemy. (Others vs. Government)

And now I'm going to randomly list story things stuck in my head. Mm spoilers.

Yeah ok sure why not.

- Finny's redemption
- Twinkle. Dawn. ♡
- "There's a part in all of us that wants to be free..."
- Forest fight scene
- Duke vs. Risak
- Metamorphosis
- Dawn and Danny in the garden
- Dawn telling Danny she misses her parents
- Danny telling Dawn that he never had a mother in his life
- Danny/Fierdan speaking/singing in another language (Latin? Spanish? Made up language? ????)
- Danny singing
- Duke singing
- DawnXTwinkle
- Sparkle's reasoning
- "Your blood is so sweet"
- Parallel worlds
- Character parallels
- Duke and Finny's friendship
- Duke having his fire zapped from him when he learns about Ardere
- Duke and Ardere
- Twinkle learning news in central territory
- Twinkle's regrets
- Twinkle and Dawn comforting each other
- Fauna and Fierdan. Daughter of Mira and son of Zios. They're the younger ones with older siblings.
- Haircut scene
- Duke being like a demon
- Fierdan carrying Duke
- Weapons and machines
- Duke carrying Finny
- Duke hugging Calliah. And more things.

I'm in a rush. Gotta go. Bye for now.

Friday, April 21, 2017

uhhh stuff //

Hey. It's Friday. Nice.

Over 125,000 views now, huh? Wow, that's pretty cool. That's a pretty big number.

I'm under so much pressure, and I'm so scared of a ton of things. I'm such a stupid fool. Haha, life sure is fun.

Why did a 2014 post suddenly get more views? Who are you, and what do you want?

Anyway, I've been thinking about some things. Ok here goes lol.

People will be like, "I don't know what to do in the future", and I get it. That's fine and all. High school, secondary school, whatever you call it is stressful. The outside world is a scary place. But like, here's the thing. When I say and think that, I literally mean it. I literally never in my entire life had a plan for a future when I'm an adult and finished high school. And let me guess. You're thinking, "yeah right smh what a lie" as you read this. But let me just say this. I'm saying this to emphasize how literally I mean this. I never had a dream job that I actually believed that I wanted to do. I don't remember ever having one. Doctor, vet, lawyer, teacher.. nothing. Ok I'm terrified. I think it's wild that I'm this old. Like what is this? I've lived this long? I'm still alive? What the heck! I'm just so sick and tired of telling people that I don't know what I want to do in the future because I feel like no one I know gets it. I. Have. No. Plans. For. My. Future. Why won't anyone understand that? I don't have any idea what to major in at college. "Oh, putting something down isn't the end of the world since you can change it later", right? Yeah, but here I am not knowing what to put down at all. What interests me? What am I good at that could be a college major? I don't freaking know! I don't have any dream colleges. I have no life ambitions. I'm just here. And then there's more into the future. I can't picture myself as an adult. I don't know my true personality anymore except that I'm quiet and asocial. Am I nice? Am I mean? I don't know. I'm boring and don't talk to people. I'm terrible at conversations. I make too many mistakes, and I never learn enough. The idea of getting a job terrifies me, but of course I have to do it, right? If/When I'll make it to full adulthood, I bet I'll live alone. And I don't really mind it if I have a few pets, but at the same time, it makes me feel sick. I can't help that I can't talk to people and be social and all those good things. I can't help that I've never been attracted to anyone regardless of gender other than platonically. I can't help my personality and that I'm like this. Acceptance is hard. I feel like I'll always be alone. In real life, at least. If I have any irl friends left, then there's one. Being realistic, what good future could there possibly be for me? I don't have much time left to get a basic idea, and I need to get at least that like around now. I just. Don't know. Self care and positivity things don't really make a difference anymore. They don't change anything. In the end, I'm that person who only says "no" and "I don't know" since that's the only words I know to say.

:' }

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Art 4/20

Hey. I drew these sketches today. More story art. Yay. 

But this time, I drew humans. 

Has spoilers if you haven't read the two new chapters. 


The brothers. Wow. So iconic. Love thinking about them. Ah yes. 

To the right is Danny (post-Fierdan) and to the left is Ryen. 

I love thinking about post-Fierdan almost as much as I love thinking about pre-Fierdan. 

I didn't post the torture scenes just yet, and here I am constantly thinking about Story 2. Haha rip me.

.... I didn't say anything.

I didn't use any art refs, but they kinda look like characters from shows I like. Hmm wow lol.

Yes, I finally have a name for the brother. But is it a full first name or just a nickname? I don't know yet.

Ryen wears glasses. Got them when he became older. 

Those are bags under Danny's eyes. Because of reasons. Poor boy is tired but has troubles sleeping. Can't explain more into that just yet.

And since it's 4/20, I drew this. 

It's Fierdan as a human again. It's him in his usual Cincernum outfit. Long messy hair, black clothes if he feels like putting them on, and the old tattered black blanket he wears as a cloak. 

This is what Fierdan looks like in Cincernum. The only differences between human and "fox" are that "fox" nose is a dot and there are triangle ears on top of the head. Since I drew his nose like that, let's just say this is him as a human in Cincernum. Ok lol.

Cursed image: human Fierdan in Cincernum outfit about to dab (420 xD) but being too confused about it.

I typed about this last post, and I drew it. 

The head doesn't look too big this time. His pants are too short. This poor boy. 

Me: hey bud ;)
Fierdan: Huh? 
Me: Remember that Fool Post?
Fierdan: ... no.
Me: dab lol 
Fierdan: not happening 
Me: Just do it! It's 420!
Fierdan: sigh 
Fierdan: confused and looks at arm as he pats his shoulder instead 
Me: why 
Fierdan: ha 
Me: wow ok there buddy 

Yeah lol that happened.

..... On school days, anxiety keeps me awake, and I wake up in the morning regretting the post I made the previous day. : )

I'm only posting about characters and other story things because it distracts me from real life. Some big complicated thing to stay alive for. Haha. It's a pretty stupid thing, but I don't care anymore. Life without fictional stories will inevitably suck. Fictional stories make life suck less. 

Exams are coming up. May is soon. I'm not ready for May.

I have no plans for the future at all. : ) 

It's weird. We now own my grandma's old car. Weird feel. 

Yeah. I think posting story info is better than me posting personal stuff. If I do, I'll end up feeling worse again. So not gonna do that. But just saying. I'm still scared and hopeless about the future. Life is gonna always suck. Not exactly happy. 

Yeah unfortunately :/ 

Hope you like today's art. 

Oh and before I forget again, I have news. I have plans that end up with Duke not killing himself. No suicide ending. Murder.. I can't really say because of spoilers. 

No suicide in general. I know better than to end the story like that now.

However, the upcoming chapters are going to be more violent and sad now. The blood and heartbreak though.

Haha. >:) 

~ Cutepups 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

oh heck

Hey. The fool has returned with another post. (That's me!)

School is back, and suffering season is upon us. Yay! (That means it's getting closer to May as each day passes!)

I should probably study and do my homework now, but I feel like posting instead. I've had these thoughts in my head for so long. Now I can finally post them. So, it's time to scream.

Oh. Boi. !!!!!!!!!!!

My family's broken mini van left today. Rip. Shall be missed. Bye, bye.

I started reading manga again after like two years lol.

I searched up "skit" on this blog, and this is so exciting.

The stuff I put in the skits from 2015 to early 2016 (especially February 2016) as humor are going to show up as actual story events soon. It's happening, guys, it's happening.

Oh and I started laughing so hard because I looked at this one skit from February 2016 I think. It included this rainbow fox screaming, "gay!" and someone else saying, "bi". I swear I didn't even remember typing up that skit when I made the Fool Post in the beginning of this month.

In the Fool Post, I quickly typed up a skit. And in that skit, I made Precious be this rainbow fox. Guys, she's that rainbow fox. And rainbow Precious screamed, "gay!" there too. And then someone else said, "bi" there too.

Omg wow.

Involving Fierdan in both of them. *winks at phone screen* heck yeah.

Pretty different contexts now than in the past. Not everything is the same.

Lol what if none of them are Straight (tm)? The possibilities... plot twists... aaaaahhhhh.

Cursed image that has been in my mind for weeks: Fierdan dabbing in that black outfit of his with the cloak like in the Fool Post.

My boy! Why are you like that? I'm crying internally. 

*mind blanks out*

...... the ace with her ace characters that she hasn't properly introduced yet (as ace). Mm, what's this? Not Straight (tm) doesn't mean just one homosexual. Gasp.

*finger guns* hey there. :)

Anyway, the story is approaching the fun parts very soon now.

Fun. ;) ;; :/

By "fun", I mean The Chapter (my goal is to make it Chapter 75 to Chapter 78... it'll be one of those lol)

I've been planning out The Chapter for weeks now. By that, I mean the version of it that I'll actually be using in the story.

However, I started planning out the basics for The Chapter since 2015. Now two years and some changes later, The Chapter is almost here as a post.

Man, this is so exciting. You have no idea. >:)

Some real action is coming at long last. I think at least one fight scene counts as action.

There's going to be more than one fight scene, but it won't be in The Chapter in the 70s arc.

The Chapter:

- fighting
- elements/weapons
- "no..."
- emotional
- those angst moments
- death/s

Yeah lol. :) "fun" :)

After The Chapter though. *rubs hands together* Aaaaahhhhhh!!!

Might be disturbing (violence, blood, body horror... all that fun stuff).

The other POVs are also going to be painful. Just so you know. Yes.

>;) oh yes

Anyway. Fauna's POV in the last two chapters. Fierdan. Fauna. Oh heck yeah.

Uh, what else?

Dawn and Danny: best friendship in The Past. Omg I love them.

Ugh, I have to go. Bye. <3

EDIT: Omg guys, look at what I found.

I typed about it all then, and I'm typing it all in the story now.

It's official. :')


Monday, April 17, 2017

Twinkle's Story: Chapter 73


We have been in this forest for hours. Even before the sun had set, darkness fell and surrounded us. Tall trees tower over us to our left and right. Most of the leaves are a dark green color, but there are some starting to change colors. Focusing on the few oranges leaves is easing my mind on the mission.

The beginning of September means the beginning of autumn. Everything going on is chaotic. Phantoms are all over central fox territory; the numbers of injured and the dead are higher than they've been in a long time. Though I hate having to admit it, the wolf is right. The world is slowly falling apart. However, I consider this time of year to be when nature is most beautiful.

The One-Pawed Savior is going to save us all. That teenager is the root cause for the recent destruction of fox territory. He is young, but he supposedly holds more power than any regular person. He is this generation's Fierdan. The One-Pawed Savior will put an end to the one called the Duke Fierdan.

We won't let fear and despair come back. Darkness won't consume us ever again. We won't let Fierdan end any more lives.

Capturing the Duke Fierdan is going to reduce the number of phantoms located in central territory. That's what the One-Pawed Savior told me.

Since we aren't exactly sure how much power the Duke Fierdan holds compared to other people due to his identity and unnatural body chemistry, we are going to isolate him from everyone and everything.

The One-Pawed Savior told me that he has a special area set up in the basement of the Tall Tower. We are going to bring the Duke Fierdan down there as soon as possible.

The One-Pawed Savior is counting on me to be alone with the Duke Fierdan in the basement. He wants me to torture the Duke Fierdan, to break him in every way possible.

That is where I drift away from the One-Pawed Savior. The trust between us is unbalanced. He can keep his secrets from me, and I can keep my secrets from him.

From the very start, I've had my suspicions on Taurel. He scares me. Ever since he called himself the One-Pawed Savior, the amount of fear I have toward him has escalated. How can someone willingly break and chop off their own paw, and have their sanity or lack of unquestioned?

I lied to him in order for him to like me. I told him things that were sure to please him. Time and time again, I said I couldn't wait to get my paws on the Duke Fierdan and start breaking him apart. However, that was all bluff. Torturing someone, even if that someone is supposedly Fierdan, is insane. I won't torture him for as long as I can.

Instead of going through all that, I'm going to skip right to the part where the Duke Fierdan is done for.

I'm going to skip all the unnecessary torture and go right to the execution.


"What the hell were you thinking?" I growl while forming my paw in and out of a fist.

It's as if females are only around to frustrate me. I've had it with those two. I had loved and hurt them physically and emotionally beyond repair. I had it coming. I should have known that one day they would work together to go against me. I can't forgive my mother, and my actions can not be forgiven. I'm unforgivable. It's too late to right my past wrongs. People are getting hurt because of me, and I can't put an end to it.

"You said it wasn't safe to go outside on our own. Then why did you let her go?"

I'm alone in the kitchen. Even though I'm directing my words to Dawn, I'm only really saying them to myself.

"You're just like me. We're just filthy hypocrites. Filthy, filthy hypocrites."

Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Hypocrite. Freaking hypocrites.

Every time I repeat that word in my head, I shoot out orange fire from my right paw. I continue forming my left paw in and out of a fist.

The plates I have lined up on the counter get shot down one by one. A fist-sized ball of orange fire pierces through the center of each plate. The orange turns black as it comes in contact with the plates. In a matter of seconds, all the plates have gone from white to black.

I'll break everything in here if I want to. I'll burn it all. 

"Darn it. Why?!" I say, raising my voice. "Why, why, why, why, why, why?!"

I wonder if I throw fire down my throat, it'll feel dry and raw again. 

"I wanted to protect you, Twinkle. You're way more important than I'll ever be. I was prepared to die in order to keep you from harm, gosh darn it!"

After a few more shots to the remains of the last plate I had lined up, I collapse on the floor.

The cold tiled floor chills my stomach. Then I sit up and pull my shirt down as I bring my knees to my heaving chest.

I'm way too emotional. 

That's when the tears come.


I quietly slip my way into the kitchen. Once inside, I immediately notice Duke sitting on the floor next to a table leg.

"Hey, I have some news. Dawn said we can start going back through the forest tomorrow morning," I say trying to keep my voice calm.

I bend my knees and look right at the top of his head when I'm in front of him. The smell of fire fills the air.

I watch him in silence. After a minute, he says, "Huh?" in a muffled voice.

Even when Duke lifts his head up to face me, hair still covers his eyes.

When he runs a paw through his hair, I see his eyes. Only then do I take notice of the wet trail on the left side of his face.

While the iris of his right eye is amber, the iris of his left eye becomes dark purple starting from near the pupil outward.

"Being killed isn't the only way to die, huh?" he says quietly.

What does that mean?

Duke bares his teeth. Now the iris is entirely purple.

"What a freaking lie."

Suddenly, my eyes widen. Duke doesn't seem to notice.

Every person dies by getting killed. The only difference is how. Will it be because of weapons, or will it be because of time?

People can die emotionally over and over again, and yet they can still be considered alive. However, people get killed when they physically die in one way or another.

You and me, Duke. We will die for each other. Which one do you choose? What's our fate?

Which one of us will die physically, and which one will die emotionally? 

I wonder which one is more painful. 

I shake my head and stand up after Duke.

The iris of his left eye turns amber again as he smiles at me.

"I love you like the brother I never had," we say at the same time.


My right eye twitches as I clench my fists. I'm finding it really difficult to calm myself down.

"Why did you do that?" I yell at Duke while pointing to the broken plates lined up on the counter.

He dares to laugh at a time like this? What a jerk.

"I've been known to be rather irrational and emotional," he says while scratching the back of his neck.

I get up on a chair, so I become taller than him. I point an accusing finger down at him.

"Is that so? I thought Fierdan had Soulless under control. I guess that since Soulless is permanently a part of you, you will always get irrational and destructive at times," I say.

"I'm very destructive. I ruin everything, so I guess you're right. It's all thanks to me being Fierdan's magical experiment," he says, smiling. "I sure do love being not a real living person. It sure is great being a result of some complex dark magic. I love being that freaking demonic creation that Fierdan made with his abuser. It's so freaking great, Dawn."

A few orange flames shoot from his knuckles. A few swear words spill out of his mouth.

I sigh and jump down from the chair.

"You love being dramatic," I say, rolling my eyes.


Mom, Dad, I'm sorry I've been away for so long. I have been on quite the adventure with Duke. I guess you could say he was my boyfriend. However, that was a thing of the past. Our relationship is over, and so is our adventure. 

I missed you guys. I'm finally coming home. I can't wait to see you again.

Love your first daughter, Twinkle.

I shake my head. "How am I going to word everything? I don't want to mess anything up."

I don't know why I bothered to speak out loud. It's not as if the trees in the forest can answer me.

After a few minutes, I hear a familiar voice. I groan and look at a tree branch near me.

A black bird is perched on the branch. Then the bird transforms itself into a black fox. It's Black Raven, my strange bird affiliate.

"Ah, we meet again! Twinkle, my dear, I have missed you," she announces.

"What do you want with me now?" I growl at her as she leaps down from the branch. She gracefully lands on the ground.

She smiles mischievously. I sigh, emphasizing my annoyance at seeing her again. Unfortunately, she doesn't get the hint.

"My dear Twinkle wishes to see her parents again. Well, I can make that happen much faster than she thinks."

"What do you mean?" I ask her, my suspicions rising.

"The forest isn't the best place for you to be right now. Enemies of the Duke Fierdan and the other ones with Elemental Powers are approaching this way from the opposite side of the forest."

Taurel and his gang.

I make my wings appear. "I should teach them a lesson then," I say before lifting off.

Black Raven climbs to the top of the tree she had come from. "No, you must not do that! You should go back and warn them about the enemy's approach."

"No, I'm not going back there before seeing my parents."

Black Raven gives me one of those looks. "You could regret your decision, Twinkle."

"I don't regret a thing," I tell her.

I'm about to fly higher, but her words stop me.

"Remember how I brought you into the ice castle? Well, I can transport you to your home in a matter of seconds. I can make you avoid your collision with the enemy."

I stay still in mid-air. I breathe in and close my eyes.

When I breathe out and open my eyes, I'm standing in front of my house.

At least what's left of it.

It's nothing but rubble now. The surrounding houses have also fallen to the same fate.

No one is in sight. Panic rises inside me.

"Mom, Dad, where are you?!" I scream, tears welling up in my eyes.

This place is deserted.

"I'm home," I whisper as my voice starts to tremble.


My gut feeling tells me that Fierdan has been telling me the truth so far. Even though I find certain parts disturbing- like how he explained what his father made Dawn and Ryen go through- I believe him.

What I find the most damaging is how Fierdan said his father didn't make him do anything to please him. In the human world, Fierdan was the one who didn't get abused. Neglected, however, was a different story.

I guess Fierdan got his fair share of abuse from Soulless. I find it ironic how Soulless was supposed to be a friendly guide in Jamaa for Fierdan. But of course, Ryen altered the coding for the program that resulted in Soulless existing. Their father forced Ryen to do things he didn't want to do. He was manipulated in so many different ways. He was overworking himself, and he wasn't even ten years old yet when it started.

Fierdan was considered too weak and pathetic to be useful to Zios. He told me that his father only told him that he was proud of him the day he was killed.

Fierdan said that day, Zios told him that he never hated him. That he was proud of his younger son. Hearing that had damaged Fierdan, but he never let his feelings about that out. That is until he told me.

Zios was only proud of Fierdan because he abandoned his way of life as a human child. Fierdan became just like him. A person who others feared, a person who held a lot of power, a person who could kill others that didn't agree to their plans for the world. Zios and Soulless corrupted the mind and heart of a boy. They ruined Fierdan in every way imaginable.

Before Jamaa, Fierdan was known as Daniel. However, he was usually referred to as Danny. He was a boy who wasn't traditionally masculine. His best friend was a girl, and that girl was Dawn. They would do lots of activities together. They would draw and paint pictures, and they spent a lot of time in the indoor garden. They both loved the flowers in the garden, and they even attached some to their clothing and hair. About his clothing, he wore colorful clothes and never black ones. He also put on Dawn's clothes a few times. He was so sweet and gentle that he wouldn't hurt a fly. Because of all those things, Zios thought Danny was weak and a pathetic excuse of a son.

Of course once he and Dawn have been in Jamaa for years, everything took a flip. Fierdan was definitely not seen in the same way as he was as a human child.

Ryen and Daniel were child geniuses. Their father was extremely smart, after all. I also believe their mother must have also been very smart.

Twinkle used to constantly say that in school, people were smart in one of two ways. This divided people to two groups- the people who were smart in math and the people who were smart in language.

The two brothers showed that clearly. Ryen was excellent at math. That was why Zios took him to be an assistant when creating the Jamaa project. It took a whole lot of coding and a whole lot of numbers. Daniel was the genius of language and art for his age. He knew vocabulary that people twice his age were struggling with. He was also a pretty good writer who wrote poetry and song lyrics. He would occasionally show Dawn his works while they were alone in the garden, and Dawn would turn her favorite lines of his into quotes.

I almost stumble when I hear Fierdan's voice.

"I'm glad that I'm able to use my outfit changing ability for good. Every other time I would use it, it was for evil. I would use it to remove the clothes of my victims. I burned people, and I kept their clothes."

All is silent again, but that doesn't last long.

"Ugh, why do I keep on doing that? I'm trying to be a good person, but the words I say are making that impossible. Soulless staying inside of me and manipulating my mind caused me to be so evil. I was so sick and gross. It's hard to deal with the fact that I turned into such a monster."

I take out the white bows from my hair. I look at them as I hold them in my paws. They have a silver flower design on them.

"For being evil for so many years, it's going to take a while for you to become a good person. You've been pretty nice to me so far," I say and smile at him.

Fierdan smiles back, but it looks more like a nervous one than a happy one.

"Okay, you said we can help each other. What do you mean by that?" I ask, a few minutes later.

He responds by turning his back to me and picking something up from the ground. He slaps it, and black goop falls off it. Then he puts it over his head.

Oh, it's a shirt. I guess that makes sense.

The look on his face is totally different than what it was a few minutes ago.

"I can help you live with your sister again," he starts. "However, you can help me with something else that can also make that possible."

"Oh, that's okay. What do you need me to do?" I ask, tilting my head.

His dark brown eyes stare into mine. "I need you to make me appear as a physical person in the living world."

"I don't know how to do that," I say, taking a step back.

Fierdan places a paw on my shoulder. "That's okay. I have faith in you."

I remove his paw from my shoulder. It feels cold and thin.

"There isn't much time left. September has recently begun, and we have to get this done before the middle of December. Before December 19th, to be more exact. That's my birthday as well as Duke's. He won't live to his next birthday. It will wear off once he turns eighteen."

I interrupt Fierdan before he can continue. "Eighteen? Duke is only fourteen."

Fierdan hesitates for a moment. "Oh, oh that's right. I have to explain that stuff as well."

"Explain what?"

He doesn't reply; he just goes right to the explanation.

"There is a three year age shift from the human world and Jamaa. The age of people in Jamaa is the equivalent of an additional three years in the human world. You said you're eleven, right?"

I nod my head slowly.

"Okay. So that means you would really be fourteen. Since Duke and Twinkle are fourteen here, they would really be seventeen."

"Do you by any chance know how old Dawn is? In this life?"

"In this life, huh? Well, Dawn was born almost a year after I was born. My best guess is that she is thirteen, which would mean she's really sixteen. But of course the multiple lives thing is only for me and her. If you ever heard that you were involved in our lives in the past, then that was a lie."

Dawn is younger than Fierdan, than Duke? And only they had past lives? 

Fierdan flicks off more black goop from his body as he says, "Of course I had my new life start before Dawn's. Right now, I'm sixteen, or nineteen as the human equivalent. I created the fusion known as Duke after being in Cincernum for two years."

"Wait, does that mean you created the fusion of you and Soulless when you were two?"

He laughs. "Oh no. That's not how it works. The age shifts and lives for Dawn and myself are very complicated. Neither of us truly understand them. Our lives didn't restart for many years. I have the feeling that they'll stop for good once we're in the human world."

Wow, all that sounds way too confusing. 

Fierdan stretches his arms. Watching him makes me want to do the same. I copy him, but I keep my paws in fists to keep the white bows from falling into the black goop.

"I've been noticing that all of the Others- that's the name for those of us with Elemental Powers- in Jamaa have been becoming more and more like their human age equivalents. All of you, myself included, are being affected by this three year gap more now than ever before. Every part of this indicates that Duke won't be alive much longer in his current form."

He takes a deep breath.

"I have to go to the living world in order to perform the counter-spell to the one that created Duke. In doing so, I will make Duke's soul- his soul is completely a part of me since his outer body holds parts of Soulless- fuse back into my own. And once that happens, the Jamaa Mist barrier will break, allowing us to leave a devastated Jamaa behind and enter the human world."

Fierdan's eyes stare into my own again.

"You can bring me to Duke. That is why I chose you. You're the only one who can do it. And, I know it's pretty ironic for me to say it, but it could even save the world from the destruction I originally began."

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Twinkle's Story: Chapter 72

*warning for some content*


"Are you sure?" I ask her.

She doesn't face me as she zips up her jacket. My eyes keep on focusing on the back of her head. She looks so different with her short hair.

"I'm sure," are the only words she says.

I sigh and go in front of her. "We're all going there in less than five days. We'll defeat the phantoms together using all our different Elemental Powers. All of us are going to bring peace to the chaos all over fox territory. Why can't you wait a few more days?"

She adjusts the collar of her jacket. "No, I have to check on something important. It would be best if I did it alone. I'm sorry, Ardere."

"You really shouldn't do this, Twinkle. It's too dangerous for you to go there all on your own. You don't know how many phantoms are roaming around over there."

She bends down and pats the top of my head with her paw. "I love you, kid. You're a great friend. I hope you know that. We'll see each other again, okay?"

"Okay," I mumble while lowering my head. "Stay safe, Twinkle."

Suddenly, I'm lifted up. I lean into her chest as she holds me in her arms. The material of the black jacket feels both rough and soft. Contradicting textures, but they work well together to create such a durable material.

"Now it's you not listening to Dawn's orders? Do I have to remind you that we aren't allowed to leave without her knowledge and permission?"

I get out of Twinkle's arms and land on all fours. I quickly get up, keeping my feet on the floor. I cross my arms.

Twinkle turns around; I do the same. Standing at the opposite side of the room is Duke. I still have to get used to the fact that his hair is longer than hers now.

He walks to the center of the room. "You're only acting impulsively, Twinkle. If you would use common sense, you would know that you're being illogical."

She glares at him. "And what do you know, Duke? Have you seen them?"

He glares back at her. "Yes, in fact I did. They're fine. You can wait a few more days."

"You're lying. You couldn't have seen my parents," she says.

Oh, this is about Twinkle's parents. She wants to see them again. That's why she wants to leave earlier than the rest of us. I guess it's time for me to speak up.

"Duke isn't lying. I saw him briefly talking to your parents while he was with Calliah. They didn't talk for that long though. Since, well, Duke ran away from them and flew to the edge of the forest where I was hiding."

Twinkle shifts her gaze from Duke to me. "And you decided to keep this a secret from me? Thanks a lot, you two. I really appreciate it."

Duke steps closer to Twinkle, and their toes nearly touch. He points a finger an inch away from her nose. "Ardere did nothing wrong. He never did anything wrong."

I question myself on whether or not I should intervene. I did do something wrong. I left without Dawn's permission, and I'm allowing Twinkle to do the same. I left wolf territory, and I can't go back. I left my sister, Autumn, behind. She's probably worried sick about me.

I begin to feel the knot in my stomach again.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this. I'm stronger than I was back then. As long as you don't use black flames, I'll always be more powerful than you."

I look up to see Duke's face twist in disgust. "Do you want to get yourself killed? Last time when you were there, a phantom attacked you. You nearly died twice from phantoms. I was worried sick both times, but I guess if you want to slip into another fatal accident then go ahead. You're really pulling my strings now, Twinkle. Maybe it was stupid for me to care about you for this long."

She scoffs. "You haven't exactly been the caring type for a long time, Duke. I can defend myself now. I'm a different person now. I'll be fine. And besides, you told me that you were part-phantom. I dealt with you long enough already. Exterminating some phantoms should be simple enough."

And just like that, he snaps. Clenching his fists, he says, "I know I've hurt you so much already. I'm trying to right my past wrongs. I... I promised myself that I wouldn't allow any of my friends to be hurt because of me ever again!"

I uncross my arms and sigh deeply.

"In the end, all I am is a demonic puppet created by Fierdan's magic. I'm a demon, I get that. Just let me right my wrongs. I have to make sure all of you don't get hurt because of me. I won't let anyone or anything hurt any of you guys. They have to pass through me first before they can even touch you."

"You can't stop me. I'm still going," Twinkle says.

Duke un-clenches his fists and puts his paws on her shoulders. "I really do care about you, Twinkle. I hope you know that. Love might not be the best word to use, but I want you to know that I'll die for you."

Suddenly, I can't focus on their conversation. That phrase keeps on repeating in my mind. First, it's Duke's voice. Then I hear my own voice say it.

"I'll die for you."


What doesn't he understand? Who does he think he is? 

"I don't know why you want to see your parents so badly. Do I really have to remind you about that time in the hospital?" Duke says.

"No," I mutter. That doesn't stop him. Of course it doesn't.

"When you flat-lined, I was devastated. Your parents didn't care that you, their own daughter, died right in front of them. I was so sad and angry that I blamed the doctor and everyone else since I couldn't deal with my feelings of blaming myself for your death again. I was desperate then, and I'm desperate now. You're not leaving without us, without me."

"I won't die," I tell him. "I'll be okay."

"Your parents blamed you for Fauna's death every day. They caused you so much pain. Why do you want to check and see if those emotionally abusive people are safe? They really aren't worth it."

I grin for just a short moment.

This is the perfect time to strike.

"And what about your mother, Duke? She hurt you for so long, but now you know that she has changed. Don't you want to see her again?"

He looks away from me. I grin again.

"Don't talk about her. You know nothing about my feelings toward her. You have absolutely no idea what I'm going through. She abused me physically and verbally when I was just a little kid. She hurt me beyond repair. She killed Eternal in order to keep me alive. Don't even try to pretend that you understand."

"It's in the past. Forgiveness is what you need," I say.

"Oh, I get it. You want me to kiss and make up with her. Just forgive and forget. That shouldn't be hard, right? Except it is, Twinkle. It's hard, and I won't do it."

My parents must have changed by now, right? I've been gone for so long. They have to miss me. They have to!


Calliah, my mother. Twinkle knows nothing about us. I can't just forget the painful past; I can't just forgive her for what she did to me. 

I can't unravel these twisted feelings I have toward Calliah. Everything is just so complicated. My life is too complicated. 

I want to hug her so tightly. I want to cry into her shoulders. She can finally treat me like a good mother would. She's also part-phantom. We can connect in that way. She saved my life. I love her.

I want to make her suffer. I want her to feel the pain she gave me. She left emotional scars all over me. All I did was make them physical. I can't forgive her. I just can't. She killed someone who made me happy. She did it in order to protect me. Why do I hold so much value? I hate her.

I hate how I don't know how I really feel towards her. To love or to hate. 

Maybe Twinkle can easily forgive her parents, but I certainly can't with mine. I don't get her. They hurt her so much. Why does she want to see them again? What's the real reason?

I stop overthinking when I hear Twinkle's voice again.

"Okay, you got me. That isn't the only reason why I'm leaving early."

"Then what is it?" I ask her.

She sighs and then says, "I hate how everything revolves around you. I hate it so much. There's no reason for me to be involved in the mess of your life's problems."

I put my paws back on her shoulders. I need to make sure she stays focused on my words.

"You might not be in as much critical danger as me, but you sure aren't safe either. Anyone with an Elemental Power isn't safe in Jamaa. This isn't only about phantoms, Twinkle. I have two battles to fight. The phantoms, of course, and Taurel. He's coming after me. He wants to break me; he wants to break you. If he's my enemy, he's yours. We are parallels; we are one of the same."

"He's only after you because you are the physically living Fierdan."

"No, you have to understand. If he's my enemy, he's yours too. He wants to break me as well as anyone else with an Elemental Power. It's too risky for you to go back on your own."

None of us are safe. Taurel and whoever is with him are my enemies. They are enemies to those with Elemental Powers. Phantoms aren't the only ones I have to destroy.

If Twinkle wants to learn that the hard way, then so be it.


I approach Twinkle who has been standing at the cave entrance for a while now. She looks behind her shoulder to look at me.

"Hey," she says.

I repeat her, and then I go to her side.

"What's going on? Duke told me you want to leave early. Why is that?"

She looks at the floor and sighs. "I just want to go before the rest of you. I packed the blue sword and bow and arrows inside my jacket. I'm prepared for anything, Dawn, I swear."

"It isn't safe, Twinkle. Just wait a few more days."

She looks up. "It isn't safe here either. They will find us one day. You can't live in denial. I'm sorry, Dawn, but I'm leaving tonight."

I take a deep breath. Perhaps I should change the topic of this conversation.

"So you really did it, huh?" I start.

She faces me, and I read the confusion in her blue eyes. "Did what?"

I smile as I point to her head. "You borrowed my scissors and cut all your hair. Are you trying to be more like Duke?"

She blushes. "No, not at all! I just wanted to make a drastic change to my appearance, that's all. I'm not that weak and pathetic girl anymore. I'm a different person now."

I chuckle. "You were never weak or pathetic, Twinkle. You just grew more as a person."

Still blushing, she says, "Stop it, Dawn! I'm still going."

"You look beautiful. I love your hair more than I did before," I say.

Twinkle covers her face in her paws. "Shut up, Dawn," she says and then laughs.

She doesn't stop laughing for a long time. She elbows me in the ribs by accident, but I don't care. I laugh as well.

I made her happy. That's all that matters.

Suddenly, she lifts up my head with her thumb at my chin. Our eyes lock.

"Are you sure you want to go on your own?"

"I'm positive."

"Okay, we'll meet up with you over there. Getting a head start is a good idea. Good luck and stay safe, Twinkle."

She doesn't reply for a minute or two.

Instead, my mind goes blank as she kisses me on the cheek.

"See you soon," she whispers, her breath warming my cheek.

See you soon.

I've trained you well. I have faith in you. You will be okay.

Goodbye Twinkle, my lovely friend. 


"W-What? How is this possible? What did you do?" I say, feeling the panic rising in my voice.

Why do I feel so scared? It's Fierdan. He visited me several times before. Why do I feel threatened upon seeing him as a complete body instead of a spirit? Is it because I'm in Cincernum now? Is his appearance intimidating me? 

I gulp when I hear his voice. Now since he isn't just a spirit, he sounds clearer. His voice is deeper and smoother than Duke's. In fact, Duke sounds like an experimental child compared to Fierdan.

"Duke wants to hurt anyone who hurts you. Since he can't really meet you right now, I decided to take action myself. Eternal was hurting you, so I hurt him."

His voice has both strength and softness. What game is Fierdan playing at?

"And you took me here because..."

"Because I was able to. I've been rather lonely. Perhaps we can help each other."

He steps closer to me, and the ends of the black blanket he's wearing around himself like a cloak trail on the ground after him.

"But first," he says while studying my outfit, "let me get you out of those clothes."

I look down at my outfit. It consists of a white dress and angel wings. Now that I think of it, I'm surprised that they haven't gotten covered in black goop yet.

"I prefer to wear clothes, you creep," I snap.

Fierdan's eyes widen. "Oh, oh shoot. Why do I word things so badly? What's wrong with me?"

I cross my arms in front of my chest. "There are a lot of things wrong with you."

He shakes his head. "No, no. That's not what I meant. I don't want to see you naked. Why would I?"

I sigh. "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because you're the most evil person in Jamaa."

"I could never do it to myself, but perhaps I could do it to you. I was never able to get it done perfectly like Dawn could. I want to see if I can magically change your outfit. Uh, it's okay if you don't want me to."

"Magically change my clothes? How interesting. Eh, why not. Go ahead, Fierdan. But if you make me naked, you're dead to me."

While looking down at his right paw, he laughs awkwardly. "Haha, I'll try my best not to."

Fierdan closes his eyes and points his right index and middle finger at me. He flicks his wrist down and then up. I close my eyes as well when I hear him exhale.

After a few seconds have passed by, he says, "Okay, you can open your eyes. I hope you like it. Uh..."

I open my eyes. I gasp when I look down.

"Are you kidding me, Fierdan? I thought you said you weren't a master at this."

"What's wrong?" he says with a slight tremor in his voice. Hearing him sound vulnerable makes me smile.

"Nothing. There's nothing wrong with it. This outfit is perfect. Thank you."

He breathes a sigh of relief. "Oh, oh you like it? You're welcome."

Witnessing Fierdan act so awkwardly is so cute. How is he that heartless serial killer from long ago?

To replace the white dress, I now have on a pale pink blouse and beige pants that end at my knees. The top of the blouse has a flower design made of white lace. The white lace flower design wraps around the collar and goes down to the top of my chest.

"I also put white bows in your hair," he says.

I feel the ends of the white ribbons at the sides of my neck.

I look up at him and smile. "You're a pretty good fashion designer. That's, well, that's a surprise. Oh and what's with the flowers? You like flowers, don't you?"

"Yeah," he says softly, "I like flowers. I don't know how the phenomenon happened that made Dawn and me gain most of our memories in the human world back, but they made me realize how much I loved flowers. It's just a silly observation."

"It's fine," I say. "Flowers are pretty. I like them, too."

He smiles. He looks so cute.

Wait, what am I doing? This is just a sick game. He kidnapped me from heaven. He made Eternal choke. He's Fierdan. He isn't cute or nice. Sure, he gave me a cute new outfit. But, come on, he's Fierdan. 

Before thinking things through, I blurt out, "What game are you playing at, Fierdan? You're a psychopath."

He takes a few steps away from me.

"A psychopath? Do you really think I'm a psychopath, Fauna?"

I'm trapped here. He can hurt me, and there's nothing I can do to stop him. Way to go, Fauna. Make the monster angry.

I avert his gaze as I say, "Well, I... I think it--"

"No, you don't. You don't think I am one, Fauna."

I look at him again. "You have no remorse for all the people you killed. You believe lives have no meaning."

He frowns. "Psychopaths can't feel empathy. Unlike them, I am able to feel empathy. I felt Eternal hurting you; I felt your pain. That's why I took you out of there. I care about people, Fauna, I really do."

"That doesn't mean anything. So what? You can sometimes feel empathy. You find nothing wrong with what you did."

"What did I do? Kill people? The only person I actually killed was Zios, and I had lots of reasons to."

"Soulless might have abused and manipulated you, but it was you who killed all those people. It's your fault, so face it already. You killed many people, Fierdan."

"I never wanted to kill anyone else. Soulless forced me to kill all those other lives. Their happiness for Jamaa and Zios enraged me, but I never meant to kill those people. I feel guilty for what I did. Soulless took advantage of me for so many years. I... I..."

My paws are in fists now. "Soulless this, Soulless that. Your brother didn't kill anyone. It was all you."

He moves his bangs to the side. "Of course my brother didn't kill anyone. Soulless isn't my brother. Soulless is just a creation my brother did secret coding for behind our father's back. He put all his rage for our father into the program, which in turn made me learn to hate Zios to extreme degrees by brutal force."

I clench my fists. "You killed people, Fierdan! Stop blaming Soulless for actions you committed!" I yell.

He starts pacing back and forth. "I think you're mistaken, Fauna. I'm not the psychopath. My father, Zios, is the psychopath."

"Stop pushing the blame you deserve onto other people. You sicken me."

Fierdan throws the black blanket off. It lands in a pile on the ground that's covered in black goop. From the waist down, he's covered in black. I really hope that it's black pants.

But in the opposite direction, I can tell he isn't wearing a shirt. Black goop covers most areas, but I can tell that he doesn't have a purple and black flame covering the left side of his chest.

Ugh, why is my face heating up again? Pull it together, Fauna.

"My father did quite a few more terrible things than murder. I never did those other things. Dawn was the only person I cared about for so many years. I never hurt her like Zios did. I would have never sunk down to his level."

He flicks some of the black goop off of his shoulders. I don't say anything.

"Even though I lost my human memories a long time ago, I think I killed Zios the way that I did in order to not just have my revenge on him, but on behalf of my brother and Dawn as well. Zios was nothing more than scum. I'm not sure if I should tell you what he did to her. You're still young."

It takes me a few seconds to find my voice. "W-What happened?"

Fierdan looks up and sighs. "I never viewed and felt about Dawn in a certain way. I only saw her as someone I would live with. There was this strange feeling in the back of my mind that told me to treat her differently than other people. Now that we have our human memories back, I know why. We made each other happy in the human world. We were best friends. But unlike back then, we now know there was something more than that. It still disturbs me, to be honest. We recently discovered that we are half-siblings."

My paws aren't in fists anymore. Fierdan pauses for a few seconds, and then he continues.

"I wasn't interested in her body in that way. I'm not even that interested in female bodies in that way, in general. Let's just say that my disgusting father was. I mean yeah, I'll be completely honest with you. The older we got, the more we felt like we should be more than just friends. Since we lived together; since we went through everything together. I'm not sure about Dawn, but I never viewed her as a girlfriend or possible wife. No matter how many times we kissed, fully clothed or not."

I cough. "You what now? Are you sure?"

"Okay, now that I think about it, I bet it sounds very strange. I mean it is. Gosh, I don't know!"

I laugh awkwardly. I find socially awkward Fierdan a little cute.

"Father made Dawn do some performances for him. He never treated her like a human being. He only wanted to violate her. Our mother has magical powers, and Dawn and I inherited magic. Ryen, however, did not. Father killed our mother not just because she opposed his crazy plans to construct the Jamaa project. He killed her because magic was rare and different. He must have known that Dawn and I had inherited her magic powers, and that was why we were sent to Jamaa and survived. That's why Ryen didn't join us."

Ryen? Could that be his name?

I decide to ask Fierdan about it. "Ryen? Who's that?"

He smiles awkwardly at me. "Oh, oh right. I think that Ryen is my brother's name. Of course I'm not a hundred percent sure, but that's what I called him in those old human world memories."

Ryen, huh? Sounds nice.

"Oh okay," I reply.

It takes a while for him to finish. When he does, he says, "And that's why Dawn acts the way she does. It's as if it's her coping method. She believes that kissing and touching shouldn't always be exaggerated to indicate romantic or sexual love. I learned Dawn's philosophy throughout our childhood to adulthood. I know it's a difficult concept to grasp."

Fierdan couldn't possible lie about all this, right? He wouldn't have gone into so much detail about everything if it was just a lie, right? But what if he has just been manipulating me this entire time? He had so much time to practice what he wanted to say. 

Ugh, I don't know! 

I end up picking the side of my mind that believes him.

I hope I didn't make the wrong choice.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Today's Doodles

I drew these for the past half hour. Here are more Twinkle's Story characters I sketched. :) 

I labeled each character with their name. 

Now onto explanations: 

The left: Finny and Duke. From the flashback in Finny's POV in Chapter 71. I didn't draw any caps though. Duke looks cute here, aww. 

The right: Ardere. Just random doodles of the wolf kid. Top is a headshot. Bottom is on all paws. Biggest one is him shooting out some lightning. 

The bottom: split Duke. I'll vaguely explain, okay. 

Right now in the story, it's in Pre- R+T. After The Chapter, the R+T will begin. The left (his right) side is Pre- R+T. The right (his left) side is Post- R+T.

The quote I included (nothing special about it) says, "Pain changes people." Duke and R+T basically mean a lot of pain. Physically, mentally, emotionally.. you name it. 

If you want to know why I've been drawing Duke Post- R+T, it's because I'm interested in drawing him like that. I want to have it drawn out. 

Right side Duke with his kinda long dark hair. Haha, look at him. 

Now onto explaining left side Duke. 

The ear on his left side is bigger than the right side. Okay. 

That thing above his head is a black or purple flame. 

His left eye is entirely black. There is a black flame right in front of it. 

Stitches or scars are on that side of his neck. 

And now onto the hair explanation. Haha sure.

Post- R+T Duke has a shaved head. That's why he looks like that. He also looks most human but not human in this state. But also phantom demon. 

Duke gets complicated lol sorry. Duke is basically the Fierdan and Soulless fusion. Wow, what a problematic boy. Complex magic experiment. The puppet.

Oh and those weird designs that go around the sides of his head are either tattoos he gets or are mysterious markings he was born with. They're a gray-purple color.

Guess that's it. Bye.