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Monday, August 3, 2015

Cutepups Lame Tales: Way Better Today

Hi guys. As you can tell by the title of this post, today (so far, anyways) is better than yesterday. c;

Actually, haha, I tried some blueberry soda. It's... different alright. Like grape soda. But with blueberries as well as grapes. owo

And we went to one of the wineries. I tried some of that blueberry soda there. Yummmmm :P

Now I wanna show you a bottle of it. >:3

Here it is (no way)!

I also got a Hole-In-One while mini golfing. (Be proud of me.) 

So did my sister and my grandma (she joined us on our trip)- in fact, she got a Hole-In-One for the first hole! :0 

Ugh. Me and my sister tied for first place. I was so close to beating them all. *cri* 

Oh and the blueberry pie here has ACTUAL WHOLE blueberries in it! :0 

Oh yeahhh 

We went exploring on this mountain called Cadillac Mountain. 

It's named after this guy, Cadillac, that discovered it, not the car brand. XD 

So there I was with my family. (mhmm ya) 

I like how we were above the other, smaller mountains and islands. 

We could even see clouds over each individual island! ^o^ 

Yeah, today's pretty cool so far. 

Yesterday was cool but also boring.

And creepy. Let's just say I tried lobster for the first time, and my parents decided to order whole lobsters. 

Oh god, the eyes. 0.0 


*shudders as thinks about it*

. . .

Oh right. Here are some photos I took up there! :) 

Cool cool cool

Ok bye. :D 


  1. Omg it's so pretty O.O And I guess the landspace looks cool too.

  2. Wow the view is neat! Glad today is betterrrr

  3. Aww I thought you were gonna post a selfie like last time :( Please post another selfie!

    1. Ehhhhhh I moight. If I feel like it. I don't look fancy, just frizzy hair eww frizz blegh. idk.

    2. You don't look fancy, you look fabulous.

    3. If you call being sweaty and having hair in a messy ponytail "fabulous", then you're correct Mutters, thank you. X3

  4. Last winterrrr I wazz playing golf (in the snow because of stupid Rocky Mountains that I just happen to live in) and got hole in one on the longest hole and hole in eleven on shortest


    1. Oh wow. XD My mom did something like that the previous time we went minigolfing.
