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Friday, November 13, 2015

World Kindness Day

Hi guys!

Thanks for your kind emails, people who emailed me. They made me smile! :)

About kindness...

Today (November 13, 2015) is World Kindness Day! :D

Oh, what a great day to be kind.. and every other day too. c:

Here's a link that explains what WKD actually is, and how you can get involved. Basically, it's a website advocating WKD. <3

Seriously though. There needs more kindness in our world. We really do. 

About kindness, my teachers assigned barely any (by that I mean 1 or 2 classes) homework this weekend!

Or maybe because the Marking Period just ended.

But still, that's kind. Not assigning tortuous homework is very kind. ;w;

That might cause why I've not been feeling in the dumps that much lately. I think today's the 3rd consecutive day I had no negative/depressive thought.

About depression, my LAL teacher introduced to us (my class I mean) that we'll be starting research papers on mental illnesses soon. So today, she briefly went over each of the mental illnesses in the list.

Since I researched some mental illnesses (either during a time when I felt really negative and see if I have any symptoms of a mental illness, or for characters in stories I'm writing), I already had a basic understanding on most of them. Except a few. 

Before I forget, gotta inform you guys so you all know. Okay so, you know how I've recently been saying how I have anxiety and depression. Well actually, I don't technically have them. Like, my negative thoughts don't go to such an extreme that they affect my daily life (like I can still function as a human being) that I need therapy. Heck, it's probably just some really crappy mood-swings (cuz like I'm a teenager and all lol). And no, I'm definitely not saying I'm lying about anything I said. Sure, at times I feel like dying (no, not suicide.. like just not existing) and hate just about everything about me. But anyway, I think it was very wrong of me to declare I have *insert mental illnesses here (ex.: depression, bi-polar, (social)anxiety)* because no, I don't. Sure, I share some symptoms of those minorly (possibly a little greater than those around me), but doesn't just about everybody?

So yeah, hope that clarified for you guys. ^-^'

On a completely different note of things, I was on my Blogger Dash and saw that there was a new item. So, um, it was this thing. (Ummina 0.0)

Git yer very own PIXELATED WOLF HEAD pacifically mayd 4 yer wolfs head 2day!!!!!1 >8U

*shudders* O_O

It kinda looks like the land of an old Mario game.. except the land is blue and white, not green and brown. Like, the ears and cheek fur look like stairs. And its muzzle is the large flat platform thing, and those monsters Mario steps on or dodges shoot out randomly from the wolf's eyes. Oh my... o.o

Goodbye! <3

(via Google)