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Thursday, August 24, 2017

hey hair

Lol yes.

I'm gonna publish another post right after this one.

Geez, it's past 10:30 and I said I was gonna post a lot today. Smh me.

(Blogger app keeps logging me out. Stop this.)

I was gonna post about something else, but things happened that made me want to type about hair. 

Yeah pfft lmao.

Ok so here's what happened.

I was playing with my hair. I took a shower. I stared at that stranger in the mirror (that be me). And then my friend texted me and we were talking about our gross hair.

So now my mind is like, "... hair ...".

Ok so lol umm........

I recently got a haircut. And like, I always get my hair straightened afterwards over there.

And when I had my straight hair, my hair looked the same length it was before. Which was to the bottom of my shoulders.

Well anyway, I have very thick and curly natural hair. Yeah heck rip tf is this.

So now that it isn't straight anymore, I noticed that my hair does look different in length now.

(Yes Cutepups, cutting off almost 3 inches would make your hair look shorter than before. Wow..)

Yeah so my hair looks more short than medium length. Now it just reaches the bottom of my neck. Yeah wow. Shorter than my shoulders (only when curly tho).

I think this is the second shortest haircut I got. (Well it would be nearly impossible to go shorter than the first shortest except if I got my head shaved lmao).

Uh.. story time! 

For around a year (more or a little less, idk forgot) I had this little goal to gradually cut my hair short. And can I just say that ever since I cut mine to shoulderlength, I hated my natural hair far less. For example, I don't feel as uncomfortable having my hair loose instead of tied up. It's so much easier to take care of too, which I appreciate a lot.

I used to hate my hair a whole lot, but now I don't hate it that much. Like, I don't hate my curls that much anymore. Which is a different concept, wow huh.

Me, happy with my hair? Whoa, that's different alright.

(I kinda still want to cut my hair shorter. Just shave the bottom of my head for the heck of it.)

And other people like my hair at this length too. Nowadays, I doubt I'll grow my hair out long again. Heh, heh yeah.

So what's the point, Cutepups, you ask?

Hair can be a burden and insecurity to people. It definitely has been for me lol, maybe for you too. And like.. don't be afraid of experimenting with your hair. Like for real though, it's fine to cut your hair shorter.

If you have longer hair and never cut it short before, you probably have no idea how heavy hair is. It's heavy ok lol. 

Cutting it is like getting a heavy burden off my head. And like, it feels good? Pfft yeah lol.

And honestly, screw anyone who says people of a certain gender can't or shouldn't have short hair. People can do whatever the heck they want.

When I think back to it, I was so upset at getting my hair chopped off those few years ago. But not too long after that, I would get a ton more compliments on my short hair which made me like my hair more than when it was long.

Maybe I'm lucky, maybe the same will happen to you. Yeah idk where I'm going with this. Screw haters, you'll probably look more than okay with cutting your hair a little shorter than usual. 

Maybe you'll end up like me and like yourself more with shorter hair. :) yeah.

This might be because of my hair and me questioning my exact gender label, but now more than ever when I look at my reflection, I don't immediately think of my face being feminine only. I swear I look more like a guy than a girl at certain angles. Well, more of a gender neutral or androgynous face. Haha sure.

(I've been sitting weirdly and now my tailbone hurts a little. Good job, Cutepups you fool.)

Idk what gender is anymore lmao. It frustrates me and I'm giving up. One part of me is all for nonbinary identities, and the other half is not.

And like.. it's so frustrating living like this and overthinking and analyzing everything all the time. I'm living like this hell of a mess, and at the same time I'm questioning (for several months now but more intensely nowadays) whether I'm actually cis or nonbinary (leaning towards female somewhat/times).

Like I don't really mind being referred to as a she, a he, or a they. Like I don't care. Call me a fool for all I care. More often now, I get a very little bit annoyed being called "her" all the time. Saying "their" sounds a little nicer to me. But I like "her" no less or maybe more than "them", and I'm fine with "they" and "he" just as much as "she".

(What the heck is this...)

I doubt it, but I guess I could make a post delving into gender and my feelings. It's confusing as heck.

Yeah idk my identity at all. It's just a guess and check game.

: ) well ok then

Bye for now.

~ Cutepups (more like C. Pup)

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