Best Blogger Tips

Monday, August 7, 2017

I went on AJ...

Hi. I don't feel that good today. But hey, have a new post. ^-^"


The adventures of blogging and searching for cryptids has ended. Now since today is Monday, the squad is back for a regular RIM skit.

Sparkle: Alright so. *yawns* The RIM is...
Brock: Yuck! That burger looks a gazillion years old!
Finny: Earth isn't even a gazillion years old, so how can that burger be? 
Brock: Uh.. it was created on another planet.
Sparkle: Ugh, you fools! It's called using food coloring.

[Everyone else enters room.]

Ryen: Billions of years ago, the only living organisms were microorganisms, and they lived in the ocean--
Fierdan: *rolls eyes* And land didn't exist back then either.
Finny: Oh.. sure.. okay.
Fierdan: ... meteor showers every day.
Finny: Umm.. sure.
Duke: You're all nerds! Shut up already!
Twinkle: *sighs* You're a nerd, Duke.
Duke: *face heats up, faces Twinkle* No I'm not!
Twinkle: Oh, that's true. You're more stupid than Fierdan who is supposedly you.
Duke: That's true!
Dawn: *snickers*
Duke: Hey!

[One minute later.]

Ardere: Hey, who's that over there?
Finny: Who? *turns head, looks where Ardere is looking*
Twinkle: Oh no, better run.
Dawn: Why don't I know what's going on?
Duke: Haha, and you called me the stupid one.
Dawn: Twinkle called you stupid, not me.
Duke: Yeah and I don't really care right now. We have to run away from her--

[Suddenly, a girl wearing strange clothing appears.]

???: Ah hello, hello! I have returned!
Fierdan: Who the hell is that?
???: *immediately starts sobbing* You don't remember me!
Fierdan: Ah shoot sorry.
Ryen: Stop making little girls upset!
Fierdan: *looks at Ryen angrily* Geez, sorry I don't know who she is.
Sparkle: Ugh, is anyone gonna explain who this weird girl is?
Duke: I will! That, well, her name is Precious.
Twinkle: And she's crazy.
Duke: A long time back, I was at this mall with Twinkle. There were these clones of Precious everywhere. Like, one had a temper tantrum about paying too much for marshmallows and getting ripped off...
Twinkle: What the hell are you talking about, Duke?
Duke: I.. I really don't know.
Dawn: Well ok then. Nice to meet you, Pre--
Precious: *smiling, no tears in her eyes, jumps up and down* That's right! I'm Precious and have returned!
Duke: What do you want? None of us have marshmallows on us.
Precious: No, I'm not here for marshmallows. I have to talk to this handsome boy.
Duke: Oh.. thank you?
Precious: Not you, silly! *walks past Duke*
Duke: Oh.. okay. *looks disappointed*

[Another minute later.]

Fierdan: *looks confused* You wanted me? But why?
Sparkle: Weren't you just crying because he upset you?
Precious: He didn't upset me. I just thought he would remember me. Right, Fierdan?
Sparkle: Pfft. *steps away from them*
Precious: I have some pictures of me to show you.
Fierdan: Uh.. sure?
Precious: Duke, you can come here!
Duke: Okay. *joins Precious and Fierdan with unease*
Fierdan: What did you want to show us?
Precious: *beaming* These.
Fierdan: Oh.. I remember.
Duke: This is the third time, Precious. 
Precious: No, it's actually the first. The other times, my non-biological twin dressed up as Fierdan.
Duke: Oh.. huh.. weren't you dressed up as me for the other two times?
Precious: Yes.
Duke: Oh ok.
Fierdan: *snorts* Non-biological twin?
Precious: Yep, and I have a picture of them too.
Fierdan: That's a.. look.
Duke: Nice observation.
Precious: *holds up first picture*
Here I'm dressed up as Fierdan. I couldn't get black fire, so I used orange fire instead. Look at all those flames because you two are fire boys. I added in a gravestone because you're both obsessed with death and killing. Duke also was involved with coffee a few weeks ago, so I added in a cup of coffee.
Duke: Let the coffee thing go already!
Fierdan: *chuckles* That's not happening.
Duke: I hate both of you!
Fierdan: Haha ok.
Precious: *holds up second picture*
And here I am dressed as Fierdan lying down and being sad in Cincernum. That's what the black goop is supposed to be.
Duke: Those eyes though.
Fierdan: My suffering isn't a joke.
Duke: Neither is mine. But did you care? No!
Precious: I just wanted to dress up as you during a typical day down in Cincernum.
Fierdan: Ugh fine.
Precious: I made this my Fierdan look because of the black fire markings and the black worn blanket. They remind me of you.
Fierdan: Gee thanks.
Precious: Oh wait. I have something for Duke as well.
Duke: Dang.
Precious: I wanted to mimic that scene where you were on a cactus.
Duke: Omg why.
Fierdan: *laughs*
Precious: *shows the picture*
Fierdan: That looks just like you, Duke.
Duke: Omg stop it, you guys!
Precious: Oh shoot, I forgot to pee on the cactus.
Duke: That's it. I'm out of here. *walks away from them*

[After Fierdan and Precious stop laughing and crying over the picture of Precious acting as Duke during that iconic cactus scene from a long time ago.]

Precious: I also drew you something on the AJ paint program. *hands Fierdan a painting*
Fierdan: That doesn't look half bad. Wow?
Precious: Haha, I've been trying to improve my art since last time I spoke with you and the others.
Fierdan: When was the last time we spoke? 2015?
Precious: Yeah, I think so. It's been a while, huh?
Fierdan: Yeah. I guess it has.
Precious: I added a spiked collar on you. I think it would suit you.
Fierdan: Heh, it looks pretty cool. I wouldn't really wear one though; I don't like choking.
Precious: Wait what?
Fierdan: That's a story for another day.
Precious: Oh. Sorry?
Fierdan: Don't be. That red-orange fire on one side, and the gray-black fire on the other looks nice.
Precious: Aww thanks!
Fierdan: The face and hair could use work. I know we haven't seen each other in years, but you know I don't look like that.
Precious: Pfft. I know that. Besides, this is the first time I drew you as fully human, you know. 
Fierdan: Ah, that's true. It still looks pretty good overall though.

[Their pure interaction is cut off by Brock.]

Brock: Why would anyone want to wear a weirdly colored burger on their heads?
Sparkle: I don't know why, Brock!
Brock: Geez.

:3 ~

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