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Thursday, September 3, 2015

About My School Day

Hi guys. Now I'm gonna tell you guys a bit more about my awkward and boring school day. :3

I was in my bed, sleeping. Suddenly, I heard my phone alarm go off at the time I set it up for 5:30 am. Then I put the alarm on snooze or whatever so it would shut up for the day. Then I unplugged my phone from the charger and tossed it on my bed.

I then went to the bathroom. Thelma was sitting by the bathroom door.

When I go back inside my room, I see Thelma just sitting there a few feet into the room from the door. (Typical Thelma.)

Then, since I'm addicted to blogging stuff and things, I checked my Blogger Dash (I'm always signed into Blogger on my phone.. if I wasn't I wouldn't publish your comments as soon as I do now). So then I published the comment and typed a reply to the comment.

Then I did all the casual getting-ready-for-the-first-day-of-school.

So then it's 6:50-ish, so then I have to leave the house to walk to the bus stop. I felt a wee tiny twinge of sadness because I had to actually walk to the bus stop. (Last year, my brother drove us to school.. 10 minutes after the bus comes. XD)

So then I'm on the bus. Like "ugh whatever :/" because I have band (elective) first block again like I did last year and I know where that is.

Then I think, "Woo, no longer freshman! Cool! Swag! ;D". (Okay, maybe not that.. but I did get happy about the fact that I'm older now. XD)

Lalalalala band class.

I became sad knowing so many of my band friends from last year aren't in band or the band class I'm in (so they're in Honors Band basically). So then repeated news of last year...

Then we get our lockers.

Then next block I had Spanish. My band friend that I sit next to in band (lol) had a class close to the classroom of my Spanish class. So then we walked up to the 2nd floor (not 3rd floor like last year- yay). Then we went our separate ways. :(

In Spanish, we were assigned seats in alphabetical order (eww). So then I am waiting and waiting.. and then the teacher calls my name and I sit down.

So then we do this worksheet about what we like to do, what we don't like to do, our favorites whatevers, our names.. stuff like that (all in Spanish of course).

Then the grading syllabus was handed out. Blahblahblah....

Then I had geometry. Awkward, awkward geometry. X3

So I walk into this hallway. There are rooms listed G232, G233, G234, etc. But no G231 (the geometry classroom). So then I ask teachers who are standing outside their doors nearby, and they all say it's in the hallway I was looking in (I looked in all 3 connecting hallways.. no room G231. I saw F231 but not G.)

Then I overhear these girls asking where G231 is too. So then I join them on the quest to find this "invisible" room number. We ask a teacher to help us find the room, he doesn't find it either. Then we ask another teacher, and he somehow leads us to the "invisible" room G231. (It happened to be a room hidden in a corner that is hidden from view except if you're walking toward the room a certain way.)

We didn't even check the summer math packet there. :/ (Just did some review work of the Pythagorean Theorem, squaring/square roots, and basic geometry knowledge stuff like lines, line segments, rays, etc.)

Then, since I have B lunch for a start (the lunch period in the middle of block 3), we went to lunch. I found some of my friends there. So I ate with them, sat at their table, all that normal stuff.

We did the same thing as before in the geometry class.

Blahblahblah chemistry.

I walk into my chemistry classroom hearing the song, Paradise by Coldplay, blasting into my ears. So then I sit in a chair there. In class. Get where I'm going with this? ;)

Just like geometry class, chemistry class is a class with under 20 total students. (Unlike last year where I had over 30 in my math and science classes. XD)

At least in chem, I have one close friend in the class with me.. she also has the same name as me. XD

No friends in my geometry class.. how great.. not. :/ (*sings* Cutepups stupidityyy)

So then in chem, the teacher talks on and on and on....

A student brought up Disney, so then he talked about Disney.

Then he talked about chemistry stuff and class stuff and school.. stuff.

Then he decided to give us a tour of the classroom. (O_O)

Unlike last year in bio, there was no dead fish or frog in the chemistry classroom. X3

Then he tells us about safety equipment and all that kinds of stuff.

Like some stuff on the Periodic Table, basic atom stuff, blahblahblah.

Then we get textbooks (eww).

Then we take 3 pre-tests.

Like fill in stuff, formulas, all various types of complicated formulas used on chemistry. *sigh*

Then the day finally ends (my school only has 4 classes per day due to how long each block is).

So, in conclusion, my first day of sophomore year was a gazillion times more chill than my first day of freshman year when I was stressing and freaking out like crazy (don't we all? X3).

And that's basically my cruddy day.



  1. I remember on my first day back last year, I tripped over my own feet and got a blister XD. I'm lucky because all my friends' last names are near mine, so we usually get lockers close to each other or spots depending on how the teacher arranges things.
    OMLD, OUR SCHOOLS ARE JUST ABOUT COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. Maybe it's because you're in High school, and I'm in Middle school, but they have such I different feel. feeEEEEEL.
    You have 4 (probably long) classes per day? Kinda like Hogwarts~
    ((Omld, I'm so tired, I should really go to sleep XD))

    1. Wow, Mutters, wow. XD
      Ugh, I don't have any friends near my last name. They're all in the beginning-ish... :( Some in the late-middle too, but still far from my last name. D:
      If our schools are completely different, then I am VERY jealous of you because I hate my school and if our schools are opposites, then I'll love your school! (jk XD)
      First block is 90 minutes and the other 3 are 80-something minutes long. So yeahhh.
      Today no because got no homework and did basically no actual work. (I even did more work on my first day of school last year.). But later on, it's gonna be a buttload of stress. Geometry (strict teacher who gives quizzes every class) followed by chemistry where we have to learn tons of complicated atomic, chemical, nuclear stuff, memorize the Periodic Table somehow, formulas for all those things.. stressful much? I even did a bit of chemistry stuff in 6th grade and it was so confusing... yeah, I prefer bio over learning these chem things. DX
      I've been tired ever since I woke up this morning. :/

    2. All of my blocks are 50 minutes long and we have six of them, yesh.
      Yeah, I feel like I'll have to work harder in French (because I have a more difficult teacher). EAT COOKIES -FEEL BETTER. Or just do enjoyable things after studying, I dunno.

    3. Well, those were around the times my classes in middle school were (50-60 minutes each). But I had 7 classes each day then. *shrugs*


  2. Ugh well this year is sure gonna be long and weird :/ *sobs*

  3. What instrument do you play in band? I play clarirent (omg whyy can't i type that) Also, my first year at middle school yay! Wish me luck ;) My classes are 50 minutes long and i have 7 of them

    1. Haha, I play the clarinet too! (Omg all you blogging friends play the clarinet too! XD). Ah.. middle school- the grade when I started to hate school. .. uhm I mean good luck in school too, it does get quite difficult at times too ^-^' same for me in middle school. meh

    2. YAY CLARINETS!!!!! (i play clarinet lel)

    3. Wow, all you band blogging fans and friends play the clarinet too! It's pretty weird and funny! XD

    4. I don't
      Mostly cuz I'm not in band

  4. Hmm... If it it's bad enough for you, my school starts at 06:30AM, and it runs for 8 hours for my grade. I started school way back in July, so I don't think you should be complaining much about your summer vacation.

    1. Yeah, guess some schools are "better" than others.. *shrugs*
