Best Blogger Tips

Saturday, April 21, 2018

5. Bathroom Light

There's a new light in the bathroom downstairs
You go into the bathroom and then
Your eyes burn yet again
You have been in the dark for so long 
That you don't know what to do 
When the brightness swallows you up whole
So you close your eyes 
But that only makes your eyes sting more
And then you look up to where the lightbulb is
It is like staring at a microscopic white sun 
With its rays being white flames 
Which leaves the bathroom blazing white 
Oh dear 
You aren't used to the bright white lights 
Your eyes can't adjust 
So your eyes get set on fire 
It burns
Your eyes haven't been lit up in so long 
Light is supposed to make you feel alive 
But you feel like it's killing your eyes 
Light hurts more than the darkness 
You're used to the dark like it's your friend 
But the light is just another stranger 
And you're full of fear, my dear 
Then you leave the bathroom 
With white flames in your dark eyes 

It's been a few months now 
And my eyes haven't stopped burning 
From the white fire in the bathroom
The light in my eyes hasn't left since then 
Thanks to the new light in the bathroom downstairs 


  1. You've just basically described what happens every time I take a shower. This both impresses, and depresses me.

    Darkness my dear old friend WHERE DID YOU GO COME BACK-!!
