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Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Inktober Blogging Plan + More Skitting

Ah yes hi. Unlike last week, I don't feel that much like dying today. :-)

I found the Inktober list for this year. So here's what I'm gonna do. 

I'm gonna doodle some thing that follows the prompts each, or around, each day. All of mine will be small and quickly done doodles that are related to my story characters. And instead of using pencil and my regular school pens, I'm gonna use the pen that I use to outline my drawings. In other words, my special Sharpie lol. Since I already know I won't be able to draw and take a picture of what I drew for every day this month, I'm planning on posting my little rushed doodles every few days. I already drew days 1, 2, and 3 all on the same page in my sketchpad, but I want to fill up the page more by adding more days to it before I take a picture of it to post on here. And since I won't be able to draw something new every day, I'll be drawing for more than one day on some days when I have more time.

Yep ok lol that's that. 

Now onto part 2 of yesterday's skit. ;) ;-; :/ XD

[Fierdan is running down a hallway, hands covering his face. Then he accidentally bumps into Twinkle, who is also walking down the same hallway.]

Fierdan: Oh.. sorry! *looks up with wide eyes and lowers his trembling hands*
Twinkle: Uh.. you okay?
Fierdan: I'm fine. Get out of my way.
Twinkle: *sighs* You were the one who bumped into me. I was on the other side of the hall too, by the way.
Fierdan: Stop.
Twinkle: Okay. *is about to walk away from Fierdan but then says* It looks like you were just crying.  Is there anything wrong?
Fierdan: Nothing's wrong! *crosses arms and frowns*
Twinkle: Are you sure? Can I help?

[Sparkle enters hallway, dragging Duke behind her by one of his limp hands.]

Sparkle: I don't have any words. *lets go of Duke's hand and he drops to the floor with no hesitation*
Twinkle: What happened?
Sparkle: I have no idea. I entered his room and found him like this. *realizes that Fierdan is also with them* Oh geez, why is he crying?
Fierdan: I'm not crying! *hastily wipes eyes with back of hand*
Sparkle: I'm gonna go now. You guys can deal with drunkie. See ya. *leaves hallway*
Twinkle: Ugh. *squats in front of Duke's head and slaps his head with her hand that's suddenly glowing bright blue*
Fierdan: *looking down at them* Nothing happened.
Twinkle: I see that. *then shouts at Duke* Wake up, you fool!
Fierdan: Why is he such a fool? I was never that much of a fool.

[Dawn approaches them in the hallway.]

Dawn: You clearly don't know how much of a fool you also are, Fierdan. *crouches next to Duke and presses the palm of her right hand against the back of Duke's head where Twinkle just slapped him*
Fierdan: *breathes in and out slowly*
Dawn: *looks up at Fierdan and Twinkle* There, that should do it.

[Duke slowly gets up from the floor. His hair is a mess, and his breathing is fast as he turns around to stare at the other three.]

Fierdan: What the heck happened to you this time?
Duke: *staring wildly at Fierdan* Chapter 76!
Twinkle: What is that supposed to mean?
Duke: *gets to his feet* Ghhfrrgbh.
Dawn: Uh.. Duke?
Duke: *coughs and spits onto floor*
Twinkle: You're so gross.
Duke: *rolls eyes at Twinkle while hyperventilating*
Dawn: *slaps Duke this time and then touches the back of his neck with the tips of her fingers*
Fierdan: *whispering to Twinkle* Does that freak you out?
Twinkle: *also whispering but not looking at Fierdan* It used to. Now that I've gotten used to it and know her reason for doing that, I don't really mind it. Why do you ask?
Fierdan: Oh, just wondering what you thought.
Twinkle: Did Dawn do the same thing to you all the time?
Fierdan: *laughs* Pressing her fingers to my neck?
Twinkle: *gives Fierdan a wary glance* Yeah?
Fierdan: *laughing softly* She's only really doing all that because she is so interested and entertained by Duke's existence. She sees Duke as my biggest magical creation. *stops laughing* But I guess she would do that sometimes to try and calm me down.
Duke: Where is he? *turns head back and forth, rapidly* Is he alright?
Dawn: Who?
Duke: You were there! You know who I mean, damn it!
Fierdan: What? Are you also preparing your POV for Chapter 76? I just interrupted Ryen's a few minutes ago.
Duke: *laughs darkly* Preparing? What is this? Practice? A play? Why the hell would I look forward to Chapter 76? Having a fight isn't nice and pretty.
Fierdan: Geez, what happens in your POV? Should Dawn know since she was at the same place as you?
Dawn: I didn't look over my POV yet.
Duke: *looks at the floor* It ends in a series of gunshots.
Twinkle: Oh well, this is awkward.
Duke: You left us! You couldn't have waited, huh? *glares at Twinkle*
Fierdan: You know that the actual story is entirely separate from the skits, right?
Duke: What's your point?
Fierdan: Look.
Duke: Where?

[Ardere walks up to them.]

Ardere: Here.
Duke: You're okay!
Ardere: *suddenly confused* Of course I am. I was just talking to Finny in the next room over.
Duke: Did you look over your notes for Chapter 76?
Ardere: Uh.. that stuff is private.
Duke: Keep those Chapter 76 notes far away from you.
Ardere: I read mine already.
Duke: Oh. Oh no.
Ardere: Things aren't going okay, Duke.
Duke: They definitely aren't.
Dawn: What are you two talking about?
Ardere: Read your POV!
Dawn: Ugh fine. *walks away*
Fierdan: I have no idea what you kids are talking about.
Twinkle: You're also a kid.
Fierdan: *looks offended* I'm a few years older than the rest of you. Well, except Ryen. But come on now, I'm supposedly an adult.

[Ryen puts his hand on Fierdan's shoulder and Fierdan immediately starts crying. Then the two brothers leave the hallway.]

Twinkle: What happened with them?
Ardere: *shrugs* Family issues?
Duke: What the hell happened to Fierdan while I was looking over my POV? Geez, that guy's a mess.
Twinkle: Says the one who always makes some kind of mess in almost every skit.
Duke: Stop attacking me, Twinkle!
Twinkle: *giggles* Nah. It's funny, drunkie.
Duke: Please stop.
Ardere: *giggles*
Duke: So many people betray me. *walks away*
Twinkle: *shrugs and also leaves*
Ardere: *also leaves*

Ran out of time. Oops lol bye.

~ Cutepups

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