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Friday, October 27, 2017

My Late October Life

Another attempt at personal poetry. This might end up being long. Contains sensitive content. 
<3 <3 <3 

It's been hard to breathe
Out of my nose
But it's okay
I've gotten used to
Living this way
I've learned that 
My nose can feel stuffed
Even though my nostrils end up being empty 
Just like how my nose can feel inflamed 
When I don't breathe in or breathe out fire 

I read something a girl posted
I relate to it so much
That I thought maybe I wrote it
In my sleep or when I wasn't consciously aware of
My own actions 
At least it made me remember
I'm not the only one
I'm not totally alone in this world
And I got to keep reminding myself that 

For the past few days
I've been looking at posts through a forum 
A site for the mentally broken
Capable of or beyond repair 
It's up to them to decide 
After reading several posts I realized
That maybe when it comes down to it
I am scared of life and what the future brings
But then again who isn't?
That even though I can't see myself
Going on for that much longer
I realized that maybe
Just a big and vague maybe 
I don't actually want to die
I actually love being alive 
Sometimes only at some times 
Even though I've found myself thinking of how
Many ways people can kill themselves
And how easy some of those ways are 
I'm not gonna kill myself 
I'm keeping that promise 
For now or forever 
I realized how toxic everything in life can be
It made me learn that dying is far more easier
Than continuing to live
But I won't give up or give in
I'm going down the harder path
I'm going to continue living
Despite those thoughts idealizing suicide
Running around in my brain
So maybe I'm not the exact definition of
Maybe I just don't want to exist
For a lot of those sometimes 

I also think I have a sleep problem
That I bet I could easily fix
But I know I won't 
Because that's just the way I am 
I lie on my bed nearly all day long
And I place my phone on top of my nightstand
Right after I tuck myself in bed 
In my darkened room 
I don't think I can sleep
For more than five hours at a time
Before suddenly waking up in bed
Only to find it's not 6:00 am
Not even 5:00 am
Because it's a school night 
And I suddenly wake up
After sleeping for five hours 
Then I turn to look at my clock
It doesn't read 4, 5, or 6 am
It reads 2:45 am 
Guess that means I'm made up of
Broken pieces
I'm not entirely whole
I've got some missing pieces in me 
My sleep is broken up too
I wake up in the middle of the night 
My sleep is disturbed
My dreams disturb me
I am disturbed 
I sleep a lot
On the weekends at least 
But I'm always tired
I get easily fatigued 
And nobody in my real life really gets that 
She doesn't really understand that staying out in public
Staying in school longer than I'm used to 
For twice the normal amount of time 
In a single day
Worn me down and left me exhausted 
And left me feeling a little sick afterwards
But she did more work than I did
So how could I be so much more tired than her?
Oh I'm a chronic introvert 
Oh I've got some issues that seem chronic
They really started two years ago after all
And got worse and better and worse again
Is living the way I do considered normal?
Or am I actually depressed?
With depression being stamped on my forehead and on the top of the paper 
Because I really don't know anymore 
I don't know anything about myself at all to tell you the truth 
Because sometimes I'm okay and mean it
And a minute or less later I'm thinking 
Horrible things about myself and how I really should stop existing already
That hey why not 
Kill yourself already
Message sent from brain to me 
Poor sleep causes constant tiredness
I don't feel fully alive 
Parts of me are missing
They disappeared
Because they died
Parts of me have died
And I really want to bring them
Back to life 

I feel like I'm on the verge of
Panic attacks every day
Since senior year started
I'm sane
I'm going crazy
Black and white
It's black and white
There's no gray
I have black and white thinking
There technically is a thin strip of gray
But blocks of black and white squish it
Smaller and smaller
Until the gray is nearly gone for good 
I can't handle anything nowadays
I show my anger and irritability easier than ever before
And I've been irritable for a few years now 
I've been swearing way more often
My mind is dirty
My mouth is dirty
Dirty doesn't only mean sexual
I yell at people now
Sometimes I yell without realizing it until it's too late
I care too much
Don't leave me alone
Do you love me?
Do you mean it?
I fear my death 

Everything is static
I'm disconnected from everything
From others and myself
I look like a child
I'm 17 but I look like I'm 14 
I want to give my boobs away
I want to keep my hair short and not go past a certain length 
There's not much fat on these arms of mine
I don't weigh that much over 100 
Hiding my boobs and not covering my face with makeup
I guess that makes me look more like a child
Than the fact that I would legally be an adult
In less than a year 
I always eat while I'm at lunch in school
But they don't know that I skip meals at home on some days 
I don't look like all the other girls I see 
Maybe I'm not a girl
Maybe I no longer am 
Or maybe I never was
Because I grew up liking feminine things
I was more feminine than my sister 
So I must be a girl
Because boys aren't like that 
I've been too girly to be a boy
But I hated puberty 
I didn't want this
It's not going to be a blessing 
It's only a burden 
Oh I'm sorry
This is more dysphoria than depression
I guess I mixed up my two D's 
There's a chance I'm lacking more D's 
I might be lacking Vitamin D
And of course I don't have a dick 
But I'll admit that I act like one sometimes
And I'm sorry for that 
But I don't think I'm exactly a boy
So what am I?
Who am I?
Oh I really don't know myself at all
I don't care at all
Leave me alone
I know you're lying when you say you love me
Because I remember all those times you yelled at me
And told me that you hate me
So you must hate me
That's the truth 
Love is the lie 
I no longer fear death
I'm not afraid to die
I could die so easily
I could die right now if I really wanted to 
But I can't die right now
I have important things to do tomorrow 
I'm so scared
I find myself not caring at all
And on top of that
I still miss them
They're dead now
I feel empty without them here
I miss them so much
Dying isn't my top fear
Living turns out to be much more frightening than dying early
Life scares me far more now
So I don't fear death that much anymore 

My sister added a note to
Our grandma's birthday card
It was about how she helped my sister 
Out of the dark tunnel
A bad thing happened to my sister earlier this year
The note said our grandma was her light
Who guided her out of the dark tunnel
And then I suddenly remembered that day last summer 
When my sister told me
She had anxiety a lot while she was in grad school
Believe me when I say she had lots of reasons to 
She said she went to counseling at least one time
I'm not that sure about the details 
Being in a dark tunnel reminds me of a metaphor 
For being depressed 
So maybe I'm not that different from her
Maybe if I could ever remove that cold rough exterior
That covers my heart and skull 
She and the rest of them would know that
I actually don't hate them 
But that I'm mentally screwed up
And that maybe 
I'm more similar to my sister than what we thought for so long 

On the other hand there's my brother
I feel like we're growing apart
I feel like we're nothing alike
We are like opposites
It kinda hurts knowing that to tell you the truth
I guess I'm just not like him 
Let me try and explain
He's an extrovert
He has to be around his friends every day
He hates staying at home
And then there's me
I'm an introvert
I don't really have any friends
I like staying at home
I get tired easily and I don't like staying out too long
Not anymore 
He doesn't get anxious
At least not in the ways I do 
For the most part I think I have 
An anxiety and depressive disorder
But whether it's a legitimate disorder for me
That's another unknown right now 
He doesn't really get how social anxiety works
He doesn't really get chronic fatigue
At least from how he acts and what he says when I hear him
In person or on the phone 
He hates how I never start conversations and that I'm awkward
That only makes my possible social anxiety worse
He used to say "autistic" as an insult
I used to have a best friend who has a brother with autism
Being autistic doesn't mean that person is stupid
Autism isn't synonymous with stupidity 
They are still people 
We're all just people
He also loves driving
I'm here still scared and uncomfortable of driving by myself 
And for the last thing I can think of on the top of my head is that 
Several months ago he said some things
Some transphobic and nonbinary-phobic things 
It's funny because I was questioning my gender back then too
And now I'm pretty sure that I fall somewhere under nonbinary
Maybe I'm on the more female side
Or maybe I'm nearly a trans boy but not exactly that
Because I don't feel fully like a girl
I've been thinking that for a while
So if I ever admit some stuff
Would he start hating me even more?
I'm not even sure if he thinks asexuality and aromanticism are real things
I'm not sure if he even knows what those two things are
I fear rejection 
I fear being invalidated 
Maybe that's why I never formally came out mentally or about my orientations yet 
Because I fear that then 
They will have a more valid and supported reason to hate me
I don't want to be hated
Please don't hate me 

So to sum this all up
This is how my life is going 
My late October life 
In 2017 
I was going to include something about my characters 
In this mess of personal writing 
But then I decided to not include that part in
I don't want to distance myself from reality this time
I want to keep this real
This isn't fiction 
This is real 
The real me 
Writing this was hard at some parts
Reading this might have been hard at some parts
I didn't swear in this
But we can both say
This poem is uncensored 
An uncensored version of myself 
Censorships make some things more comfortable for others
Sorry but I'm keeping this real
I'm not censoring myself
If you think I should just censor myself 
I'll be holding two letters up at you
"F" and "U" 
Because I'm not here to make sure you're comfortable 
I'm not here to be fake
Poetry is the only way I can express my true self 
I'm here to be real 
This isn't my fictional story
This is my real life
And to tell you the truth 
I'm sorry all of what I said is real 
Because this isn't a work of fiction
This is a work from reality 
And I tried my very best to not exaggerate while writing these words down 
This is no exaggeration 
This is no fantasy 
This is no joke
I think I'm losing it
I've been struggling
Haha I probably need
Maybe I really need to get help this time
All these maybes 
Should become certainties instead 
So yeah I guess that's it 
This is the real and uncensored version of me 
For the most part at least 
Some things are best kept in the dark 
Instead of being pushed into the light 
But that shouldn't take away the fact that 
I'm here and I'm real 
And if I'm real 
Then so are you 

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