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Sunday, October 1, 2017

my early afternoon adventure from today

Yep. :'D 

My family wanted to go apple picking, so I had to drive to the apple orchards we go to.

They said it was cold outside. It wasn't cold. 

People keep on saying temperatures in the 60s is cold, and I'm confused because I think temperatures in the 60s are perfect. 65.. what a good temperature. 

Well anyway, then we picked apples. Yellow and red ones. Haha, I had to drive on a dirt road and grass. 

So then we were in a rush, and I had to drop my mom off at work. But before that, we wanted to go to the orchard's store which was basically across the street.

And omg there was a ton of traffic. That parking lot was packed. So after several minutes of traffic, we decided to drive past the store.

Blah, blah, blah. Dropped mom off at work. Blah, blah, blah. We (my dad, sister, and I) were at the farm closest to our house but we never really went there before either so. Then again, I had to drive on grass. That wasn't bad though lol.

Got apple cider donuts and slushies. Mm good. :p 

But then.. then we saw the animals. 

There were so many chickens lol. 

There was this four week old calf. Cute baby cow. 

Ahh, look at them!! :0 <3 

I love and support her.

Chicken coop. Many chickens. One kept on clucking. Was still cute though. 

And then I drove home. That was the highlight of my day lol hope you enjoyed. 

Oh and my dad got this book from the library called "Gimpel the Fool".. and uh.. fool.. how interestingly similar to me. Wtf dad, I'm a fool. It's so obvious to everyone, wow.

It's short stories. I'm gonna start reading it lol. 

Oh.. lol.. books.......

For my lal class (that means english class), I had to get a book. Yep, any book. For independent reading. Nice, uhh, sure.

So I went to the library and found the back of this book that said something about elementals (fire, water, earth, air, and something about chaos). 

And uh.. this happened in my heckin head. 

Me: Ooh, it says something about the elements. Fire, water, earth, air? Oh hmm, reminds me of ATLA and LOK. Man, I love those shows. Wait, what's this? It says elementals? Oh geez, that sounds like my own story with my characters with their Elemental Powers. Perhaps this book will give me motivation to write and think of my characters' Elemental Powers better. I'm gonna get this book now. :) 

Ok yeah that happened lmao. 

Ugh, school is tomorrow. Monday.. eww. 

Dreading school as usual. 

Ugh well, that's it for today. 

Bye. Take care of yourselves. 

~ Cutepups 


  1. I'm also reading a book for Independent reading :) it's about bullfights so far this guy is just walking around in cafés and crying lmao

    1. Walking around in cafes and crying.. bullfights.. quite an aesthetic you have. Umm ok.

    2. i didn’t say i liked it but yeah my aesthetic tho...

    3. oh ok lol. me saying aesthetic as a joke- idk.
