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Friday, June 30, 2017

plus more stuff

Hello again. I know I just published a post, but I want to tell you guys some things before I forget again.


For the past few times I've been creating skits, I imagine them taking place in a separate dimension from the universe where the actual story takes place. How the characters express themselves in the skits is not entirely accurate to how they did/will express themselves in the story. In the skits, all of the characters are friends (or at least I think they are- despite some things lol) but in the story, not all characters meet each other. For example, Duke will never meet Ryen in person.

I got kinda stuck on writing the skit from the last post. Oops, I tried.

Fierdan. Bad boy. :'D XD Smh Duke.

Everything tumblr in it is fake. It's not real. They don't have tumblr accounts. There isn't a Fierdan tag on tumblr (at least my fire boy character), and there is no blog that Ryen secretly created that only posts cryptic photos of Fierdan being naked in Cincernum.

What usernames would they have? I really don't know. I'm not that creative, guys. I never got that into the idea of them blogging. Oh and I know I was vague when I included what they blogged about on each of their blogs.

Please don't sue me. :( Spread love and kindness instead. <3


I might post a poem or two later tonight or very early the next morning.

It won't be about the story or any of the characters though.

Personal poems. Might not make that much sense to other people.

My head's a mess.

I'm a mess.

Look forward to that, I guess.


  1. post poems!!!
    the characters seem so much happier in the skits. :(

    omg wait... if the fox/animal world isn't real.. fauna died. as a fox.
    ok then. immortal world.
